Ron Paul On Iran: Fox News Interview...

Why not just withdraw and let them do whatever they want, which is what Ron Paul would do.
Lying is a really bad way to start off.
Let Iran develop whatever nuclear weapons they want. Trust that they are just lying, blowing smoke, when they threaten to use those weapons. On what basis should we believe them, when Ron Paul clearly says they don't mean it. Ron Paul says that Iran has no committment to the domination of Islam. Iran says they do. Dither dither, who to believe. Hmmm Ron Paul or Iran?

Nikita Khrushchev beat a shoe on a table and shouted "WE WILL BURY YOU!", all the while the Soviets actually possessed hundreds upon hundreds of nukes, which were all aimed at the U.S....How'd that one shake out?

Ron Paul says that the cold war methods of mutually assured destruction will work against muslims who say "we crave death" as it did against the Russians. Who to believe? Hmmm. Ron Paul or suicide bombers? That's a hard one because the Russians never used suicide bombers.
Red herring...If Iran used a nuke, the life expectancy of their entire nation would be about an hour, suicide bomber or not.

Iran doesn't really mean to kill all the Jews. No matter how many times they say it, not even when it is a mandate of the koran. How do we know that they are lying when they say they would? Because RON PAUL says differently. That's how we know. Ron Paul says if we just let them overrun Israel the muslims will be happy and there will be peace in the whole world forever after. I never heard any of that from Iran or any other muslm. What I do remember, quite clearly, is that the last time the world "sacrificed" one country for the good of all, it was Poland handed over to the Nazis and we got "Peace in our time".

Seems Israel is pretty handy at defending themselves and their own dirt.

Wars involving Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Factually those who support Ron Paul's isolationism do so because they hold as a hope or article of faith that he is right and the proponents of islamic domination or worse yet, the ones who are working toward a Mahdeic chaos, are lying. They don't really mean it. The west is just using all these awful threats to manufacture another fun war.
What the fuck would you know about facts?

Fact is that all we need to do is let paranoid Wilsonian warmonger freaks like you keep pushing other people around, like we own the whole goddamn planet, and the mullahs can just sit back and say "See?...We toldjaso!".

This is why Ron Paul is a lunatic. I know Paul is wishful thinking out of his own delusions. There is NO REASON to disbelieve Iran. None. Name one.

Already did...Nikita Khrushchev.
This is how much of a lunatic Ron Paul is and why he will never be elected president.

If Iran attacks us the blood is on your hands and people like you who feel it is your right to fuck with any and all countries.

Thank you for making the US a unsafe place to live by supporting Terrorism.

They just don't know any better. So i can't really blame them. War is all they know. Years & years of Militarization propaganda has warped their minds. They were raised on that. Hopefully one day these people will grow weary of endless War. I still hold out some hope on that. But the Military Industrial Complex is mighty powerful. It definitely wont be easy ending their permanent War agenda. take your bat and ball and go home. You can rant and rave until the cows come home. Your take is fringe........and anybody taking a look at ANY poll is proof. k00ks like you and Paul were the rage in the 1930's and 50 million people died because of it. Lets just say that sentiment died by the end of that decade.

But keep up the rants........people like me love coming into forums like this to publically humiliate assholes like you.


Like Ive said recently in these pages. Until the Paul drones came along, the far left nutters had the k00k moniker all to themselves. But not anymore.............
Too many people think that just because Iran has been spewing hatred and has been for many years that they are just fearmongers, they'll never do anything...they havent yet!

I'm sure everyone has heard the story of the boy that cried WOLF?? That's the game they're playing... we get complacent and think nothing will ever happen, so our guard is way down when it does. They're not stupid people in Iran, their shrewd.

They're also not suicidal.

If they managed to get a nuke and used it...and that's a a BIG IF...what do you think the life expectancy of the mullahs and Hockaloogiejad would be?...About three minutes, that's how long.

Dr. Paul is 100% correct.

Of course they are suicidal! They don't believe it is suicide but they have been specifically chosen to fulfill islamic prophesy! Out of nuclear war, the 12th Imam will come and being peace, prosperity and beauty to the whole world.

Of course we have the weapons to end such pretentions. There is a universe of difference between having the weapons and having the will to use those weapons.
Right....74 million people are all suicidal. :rolleyes:
They're also not suicidal.

If they managed to get a nuke and used it...and that's a a BIG IF...what do you think the life expectancy of the mullahs and Hockaloogiejad would be?...About three minutes, that's how long.

Dr. Paul is 100% correct.

Of course they are suicidal! They don't believe it is suicide but they have been specifically chosen to fulfill islamic prophesy! Out of nuclear war, the 12th Imam will come and being peace, prosperity and beauty to the whole world.

Of course we have the weapons to end such pretentions. There is a universe of difference between having the weapons and having the will to use those weapons.
Right....74 million people are all suicidal. :rolleyes:

They're also not suicidal.

If they managed to get a nuke and used it...and that's a a BIG IF...what do you think the life expectancy of the mullahs and Hockaloogiejad would be?...About three minutes, that's how long.

Dr. Paul is 100% correct.

The radical Islamist are NOT afraid to die! They don't care that we would most likely turn their country into a sheet of glass...if they die for their cause, it's a great thing for them, they get to have their virgins! If you think they're afraid of what we would do, then you really don't know much about Islam.....
Bullshit....The Iranian people aren't the mullahs....If you believe that they are, you really don't know much about the history of a few oppressing the many.

Ohhhhhh so the Iranian people are going to RISE UP and throw the mullahs out! Did Ron Paul tell you that or was it the voices in your head? The Iranian people are not muslim at all, is that what you mean to say? They aren't muslim and it's a few muslims oppressing the many non-muslims who don't belive in islam, don't believe the koran and don't believe in islamic prophecy.

Off hand, it's this kind of thinking that would persuade Iran that Americans would rise up instead and get rid of our government and replace it with a fundamentalisim islamic government.
Read Ahmadinejad's address to the UN about how Iran is working towards the return of the Mahdi. Review his "vision" while he was speaking. His vision showed him the light from heaven that enveloped him and he saw Iran starting nuclear war to begin the process of return. Iran has been chosen by Allah for this great task of making paradise on earth.

His vision and speech were very well received in Iran.
Can someone, anyone tell me why we NEED to attack Iran? It seems we're provoking them into attacking us with all the economic sanctions were putting on them. FFS the justification for invading Iraq was greater and how did that turn out?

Leon Panetta says they don't have a nuke and are a long ways away from one. Why can't we just leave them alone?

The blood thirsty neo-cons can't help them selfs as they must hve MORE nation building and war. Another 10 or 20 fucking years of sending our blood and resources into the crap hole of the middle east. Ron Paul is the only sane one running for president as he doesn't want to start bombing another country without reason!
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Can someone, anyone tell me why we NEED to attack Iran? It seems we're provoking them into attacking us with all the economic sanctions were putting on them. FFS the justification for invading Iraq was greater and how did that turn out?

Leon Panetta says they don't have a nuke and are a long ways away from one. Why can't we just leave them alone?

The blood thirsty neo-cons can't help them selfs as they must hve MORE nation building and war. Another 10 or 20 fucking years of sending our blood and resources into the crap hole of the middle east. Ron Paul is the only sane on running for president as he doesn't want to start bombing another country without reason!

s0n.....I dont think your signature billboard for Paul is big enough!!!:fu:

Hey.......thankfully for all of us, most liberals AND conservatives think Paul is a genuine nutter
Can someone, anyone tell me why we NEED to attack Iran? It seems we're provoking them into attacking us with all the economic sanctions were putting on them. FFS the justification for invading Iraq was greater and how did that turn out?

Leon Panetta says they don't have a nuke and are a long ways away from one. Why can't we just leave them alone?

The blood thirsty neo-cons can't help them selfs as they must hve MORE nation building and war. Another 10 or 20 fucking years of sending our blood and resources into the crap hole of the middle east. Ron Paul is the only sane on running for president as he doesn't want to start bombing another country without reason!

s0n.....I dont think your signature billboard for Paul is big enough!!!:fu:

You think getting us into another AFIGANISTAN is wise? We should totally pull out of the crap hole of the middle east...These wars have all been a mistake...Lets not make another!
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We wouldn't have to deal with only Iran. They have allies too that will protect their interests. Hot war with Iran is a dire mistake. One i don't believe the US, or Israel are dumb enough to succumb to (at least i certainly hope not).
Read Ahmadinejad's address to the UN about how Iran is working towards the return of the Mahdi. Review his "vision" while he was speaking. His vision showed him the light from heaven that enveloped him and he saw Iran starting nuclear war to begin the process of return. Iran has been chosen by Allah for this great task of making paradise on earth.
So what?...The Soviets made lots and lots of speeches about how their great communist empire was one day goinf to rule the world.

His vision and speech were very well received in Iran.
The Soviets also had a huge propaganda machine.
The radical Islamist are NOT afraid to die! They don't care that we would most likely turn their country into a sheet of glass...if they die for their cause, it's a great thing for them, they get to have their virgins! If you think they're afraid of what we would do, then you really don't know much about Islam.....
Bullshit....The Iranian people aren't the mullahs....If you believe that they are, you really don't know much about the history of a few oppressing the many.

Ohhhhhh so the Iranian people are going to RISE UP and throw the mullahs out! Did Ron Paul tell you that or was it the voices in your head? The Iranian people are not muslim at all, is that what you mean to say? They aren't muslim and it's a few muslims oppressing the many non-muslims who don't belive in islam, don't believe the koran and don't believe in islamic prophecy.

Off hand, it's this kind of thinking that would persuade Iran that Americans would rise up instead and get rid of our government and replace it with a fundamentalisim islamic government.
Non sequitur.

The entire population of Iran -74 million- are not suicidal....Were that the case, they may well have risen up to try and overthrow the mullahs already.

And speaking of the mullahs...Have you noticed that none of them ever strap bombs to themselves?...Do you think that just maybe their political power is just a tad more dear to them than those 72 virgins?
ANybody who thinks MAD applies to the mullahs is a head case. Its that simple. Fortunately, most people arent head cases, thus the Paul drones will remain fringe. Broad brush stroke assholes are the most dangerous people of all. Some of us work with assholes like this...........bosses who take a categorical approach to every single problem that arises. They cant help themselves.

As applied to foreign policy, these Paul drones talk about total mideast withdrawal and what comes with it is saying FCUKK YOU to Israel!! Sorry............wont be happening. And this idea of looking at Iran, containment and the Soviet Union as one in the same is simply beyond k00k.

There will always be fringe political elements in our society..........which is a good thing for those who enjoy blogging in the nether-regions of the internet. WHo cant love the daily prospect of publically humiliating fringe assholes??:rock::rock::rock:
Bullshit....The Iranian people aren't the mullahs....If you believe that they are, you really don't know much about the history of a few oppressing the many.

Ohhhhhh so the Iranian people are going to RISE UP and throw the mullahs out! Did Ron Paul tell you that or was it the voices in your head? The Iranian people are not muslim at all, is that what you mean to say? They aren't muslim and it's a few muslims oppressing the many non-muslims who don't belive in islam, don't believe the koran and don't believe in islamic prophecy.

Off hand, it's this kind of thinking that would persuade Iran that Americans would rise up instead and get rid of our government and replace it with a fundamentalisim islamic government.
Non sequitur.

The entire population of Iran -74 million- are not suicidal....Were that the case, they may well have risen up to try and overthrow the mullahs already.

And speaking of the mullahs...Have you noticed that none of them ever strap bombs to themselves?...Do you think that just maybe their political power is just a tad more dear to them than those 72 virgins?

Ron Paul’s isolationist foreign policy views echo Neville Chamberlain « Wintery Knight
Bullshit....The Iranian people aren't the mullahs....If you believe that they are, you really don't know much about the history of a few oppressing the many.

Ohhhhhh so the Iranian people are going to RISE UP and throw the mullahs out! Did Ron Paul tell you that or was it the voices in your head? The Iranian people are not muslim at all, is that what you mean to say? They aren't muslim and it's a few muslims oppressing the many non-muslims who don't belive in islam, don't believe the koran and don't believe in islamic prophecy.

Off hand, it's this kind of thinking that would persuade Iran that Americans would rise up instead and get rid of our government and replace it with a fundamentalisim islamic government.
Non sequitur.

The entire population of Iran -74 million- are not suicidal....Were that the case, they may well have risen up to try and overthrow the mullahs already.

And speaking of the mullahs...Have you noticed that none of them ever strap bombs to themselves?...Do you think that just maybe their political power is just a tad more dear to them than those 72 virgins?

That's probably only because they want to be here when the Mahdi they get others to do the bombing for them.

And no, the entire population are not suicidal...and they know they're in danger, so they should get the hell out of there....
The Global Elites have many many more Wars planned for us. But will the People continue to accept it? I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

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