Rosie Tries To Bribe Senators

Don't think I know of another person as disgusting as Rosie. Nope...Whoopi Goldberg beats her hands down. Maybe they should have a lovefest.
Don't think I know of another person as disgusting as Rosie. Nope...Whoopi Goldberg beats her hands down. Maybe they should have a lovefest.
/----/ Isn't attempted bribery a crime?
Hmm, trying to bribe a legal representative...I know if they accept it, the briber has done something illegal. Boy, I hope it is illegal to try and then we can see O'Donnel benind bars! What a treat.
Don't think I know of another person as disgusting as Rosie. Nope...Whoopi Goldberg beats her hands down. Maybe they should have a lovefest.
/----/ Isn't attempted bribery a crime?
Hmm, trying to bribe a legal representative...I know if they accept it, the briber has done something illegal. Boy, I hope it is illegal to try and then we can see O'Donnel benind bars! What a treat.
/——/I just heard on the news that it is a felony to attempt bribery. 18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
Rosie should be in jail for bribery, plus she is very disrespectful of our president.
Since she seems so unhappy will our president and country she should move to Cuba and see if the Castro bros would put up with her
This is just ridiculous! She can say that she didn't know the law, which is a felony, but that'd be like me telling a cop that I didn't know the speed limit was 20 under what I was going... I'm still going to end up with a ticket. The bitch needs to be thrown in jail.
This is just ridiculous! She can say that she didn't know the law, which is a felony, but that'd be like me telling a cop that I didn't know the speed limit was 20 under what I was going... I'm still going to end up with a ticket. The bitch needs to be thrown in jail.
/----/ Ignorantia juris non excusat[1] or ignorantia legis neminem excusat[2] (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not"[1] and "ignorance of law excuses no one"[2] respectively) is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because one was unaware of its content.

She also said "steel don't melt."

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