Rove and the Neocons at it Again


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Why won't these douchebags just go away or join up with the goddmmed Democrat Party?

American Crossroads announced this week that it will be involved in primaries, actively trying to choose Republican candidates it considers more electable. The (neo)conservative group has already made a small ad buy in a big race -- the potential entry of actress Ashley Judd in the Kentucky senate race against Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.


The group is taking some fire for the new move. Conservative activist Erik Erikson wrote in online publication Red State that in 2012 American Crossroads "spent hundreds of millions of rich donors&#8217; money and had jack to show for it." Influential conservative group Club for Growth also chimed in, telling Slate that American Crossroads would have passed on candidates that turned out to be very successful, namely senators Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Pat Toomey, R-Penn., and Ted Cruz, R-Tex.

Collegio acknowledges that that particular trio of tea party candidates was great.

"But we've had some duds as well," adds Collegio. "Our goal here is to make sure that those duds are not making it to the general election where we're going to end up losing."

Oh, yeah....Juan McQuisling and Vinnie Viatlis (your hand-picked "electable" candidates) really brought it home for for the good ole GOP!

Fuck me running, is it going to be a long four years.
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Why won't these douchebags just go away or join up with the goddmmed Democrat Party?

American Crossroads announced this week that it will be involved in primaries, actively trying to choose Republican candidates it considers more electable. The (neo)conservative group has already made a small ad buy in a big race -- the potential entry of actress Ashley Judd in the Kentucky senate race against Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.


The group is taking some fire for the new move. Conservative activist Erik Erikson wrote in online publication Red State that in 2012 American Crossroads "spent hundreds of millions of rich donors’ money and had jack to show for it." Influential conservative group Club for Growth also chimed in, telling Slate that American Crossroads would have passed on candidates that turned out to be very successful, namely senators Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Pat Toomey, R-Penn., and Ted Cruz, R-Tex.

Collegio acknowledges that that particular trio of tea party candidates was great.

"But we've had some duds as well," adds Collegio. "Our goal here is to make sure that those duds are not making it to the general election where we're going to end up losing."

American Crossroads on Ashley Judd: If you join the NFL, expect some knocks | Power Players - Yahoo! News

Oh, yeah....Juan McQuisling and Vinnie Viatlis (your hand-picked "electable" candidates) really brought it home for for the good ole GOP!

Fuck me running, is it going to be a long four years.

You mean twelve years, don't you? I doubt Hillary will be denied again.
Yes, it's high time we ran the neocons back to the party they came from. They have been absolute poison to the Republican Party.
Why won't these douchebags just go away or join up with the goddmmed Democrat Party?

American Crossroads announced this week that it will be involved in primaries, actively trying to choose Republican candidates it considers more electable. The (neo)conservative group has already made a small ad buy in a big race -- the potential entry of actress Ashley Judd in the Kentucky senate race against Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.


The group is taking some fire for the new move. Conservative activist Erik Erikson wrote in online publication Red State that in 2012 American Crossroads "spent hundreds of millions of rich donors’ money and had jack to show for it." Influential conservative group Club for Growth also chimed in, telling Slate that American Crossroads would have passed on candidates that turned out to be very successful, namely senators Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Pat Toomey, R-Penn., and Ted Cruz, R-Tex.

Collegio acknowledges that that particular trio of tea party candidates was great.

"But we've had some duds as well," adds Collegio. "Our goal here is to make sure that those duds are not making it to the general election where we're going to end up losing."

American Crossroads on Ashley Judd: If you join the NFL, expect some knocks | Power Players - Yahoo! News

Oh, yeah....Juan McQuisling and Vinnie Viatlis (your hand-picked "electable" candidates) really brought it home for for the good ole GOP!

Fuck me running, is it going to be a long four years.

Democrats don't want them.
we sure dont.
But BOY did they love these guys just a couple of months ago.

They were telling us all how Robmomey was going to win just like Rove told them.

Fox allowed these creeps to lie to all the Rs.
Democrats don't want them.

You kiddin'me?

Just look at the lineup of lunatics, race baiters, warmongers and outright crooks that are their standard bearers today.

They'll take anyone and anything that moves.
It'll be interesting to see if they get their way or finally get the boot by mainstream republicans. I think if the fiscal conservatives can take back the reins, 2016 is in the bag for the GOP.
It'll be interesting to see if they get their way or finally get the boot by mainstream republicans. I think if the fiscal conservatives can take back the reins, 2016 is in the bag for the GOP.

If only they'd show these whackos the door, I would love the political races again. I really like Cons and the Conservative Libertarians. Hate Neocons and Teapartiers tho.
I just wish they woudl start suggesting ideas that might work instead of historically failed ideas
the entire right on here was telling us all how Obama was going to get creamed by Robmoney.

The Fox channel was full of that talk.

why do you pretend that is not fact?
It'll be interesting to see if they get their way or finally get the boot by mainstream republicans. I think if the fiscal conservatives can take back the reins, 2016 is in the bag for the GOP.

Take back the reins? When in the last 50 or so years has there been fiscal conservatives in charge? Reagan and Bush 2 both jacked up spending after talking the fiscal conservative small government talk. Well, at least Reagan talked small government but he did otherwise when it came to spending.
It'll be interesting to see if they get their way or finally get the boot by mainstream republicans. I think if the fiscal conservatives can take back the reins, 2016 is in the bag for the GOP.

If only they'd show these whackos the door, I would love the political races again. I really like Cons and the Conservative Libertarians. Hate Neocons and Teapartiers tho.
The TEA Party wing is primarily conservative libertarians....Prigcons like Santorum don't get a lot of support from them.
When the left nit-picks republican pundits so soon after their guy was inaugurated and gave his "State/Union" address you know the democrat party is in desperate trouble. You won the election freakizoids. We don't want to hear about Carl Rove and the GOP. Tell us how great it's going to be when Hussein shuts down the oil and coal industries and the 3000 page law that nobody read clicks in.

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