Rs still trying to control vaginas

Lying skank, Barb:

"By now, everyone has learned that Planned Parenthood, its own claims notwithstanding, does not provide mammograms. It provides referrals for mammograms. Considering that 80 percent of PP clients are under the age of 35, and only five percent of breast cancers are found in women under the age of 40, it is unlikely that very many of PP’s manual breast exams and referrals for further screening are medically significant. "

"Throughout the Komen imbroglio, PP circulated another misleading statistic — that only 3 percent of PP’s services involve abortions. As Charlotte Allen revealed in a 2007 Weekly Standard essay, that figure is, well, inventive. They arrive at that number by counting every service individually. When a client comes in for an abortion, she gets a pregnancy test (one service), a pelvic exam (second service), an STD test (third service), a breast exam (fourth service), a package of contraceptives (fifth service), and so forth. But calculated as a percentage of revenue generated, abortion accounts for about a third of PP’s business. And one out of three clients who walks into a PP clinic is there for a pregnancy test. A third of those go on to have abortions."

"Its dedication to providing confidential abortions even to very young girls may be enabling statutory rape. A 14-year-old Cincinnati girl who was impregnated by her 21-year-old soccer coach was brought to a PP clinic by the coach. He paid for the abortion with his credit card. PP asked no questions.

Pro-life activist Lila Rose posed as a pregnant 15-year-old (she was a college student at the time) having a relationship with a 23-year-old. Together they visited two PP clinics in California pretending to seek an abortion. No employee expressed concern at the ages of the young people, though a PP employee in Santa Monica advised Rose to “pick a birthday that works” so that the clinic would not have to report them to the police.

That’s why the initial Komen decision was so potentially damaging and elicited such a furious response. Those mammogram referrals are window dressing for a business with plenty to hide."

Planned Parenthood

Barb's favorite charity.
Planned Parenthood is among my sources, and fully sourced by my articles from the award winning sources I've used.

But don't let that stop you from lying.
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NPR debunks 3 percent abortion lie:

"Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List: Well, it is the biggest abortion franchise in the nation. One in 10 of its clients receive abortions. If you are pregnant, 98% of its services go towards abortion"

Conan:Finally, several of you wrote during yesterday’s show about PP, about the conflict over what percentage of the agency’s clients receive abortions. We’ve asked NPR’s heal policy correspondent Julie Rovner to join us again. Julie, always nice to have with you us.… And we heard two figures from opposing sides yesterday, 3% and 10%, who’s right?
Rovner: Well, the conflict is really that PP keeps its statistics according to the percent of those services that are provided, not according to how many people get what. So it turns out that there are – that indeed, abortions are 3% of the services provided, although – and that was what, I think, Sarah Stoesz from PP kind of misspoke when she said it was 3% of patients who come in get abortions.
It is actually a little bit closer to the 10% that Marjorie Dannenfesler suggested, because there are about 3 million patients who come in. There are about 300,000 abortions provided.
Now, you can’t really divide that because that’s not how they keep their statistics. But indeed, that – those are the actual statistics. Three million patients, 300,000 abortions.."

NPR fact checks, debunks Planned Parenthood's "3% of all services are for abortion" lie | Jill Stanek

You would know all about residuals...

Have you managed to crowbar your ass off your chair yet?
Maybe if you piss yourself (again) then pour some beer down there (again), and let it sit an hour or so, you'll have more luck.
How do you women like being referred to as a vagina?

this is what a progressive - Democrats thinks of you
It's not even just the fact that they call women vaginas/***** etc.

It's that it's the most vile, disgusting word they can think of. That's why they use it. It's the most demeaning word they can come up with...and they are the words that define the feminine.

Nice, huh.
Even more twisted...when they are allegedly "defending women's rights!" they call women who see themselves as defenders of babies and girls...

******* *whores* and they say anyone who dares to stick up for them is trying to *rule their vaginas* as if that's the only part of a woman's body that matters.

When technically, abortion is about the most vile abuse of a vagina that can take place.
How do you women like being referred to as a vagina?

this is what a progressive - Democrats thinks of you

Nope. We've taken back control of what regressives wanted to use to silence and control us.

Oh look, the liar is back.

So tell us how liberating it is to support an industry that in turn supports slavery, prostitution, and domestic violence?

You proud of that? Is that what women's rights are all about? Coercing them into the stirrups and slicing up their uteruses?
Oh look, the liar is back.

So tell us how liberating it is to support an industry that in turn supports slavery, prostitution, and domestic violence?

You proud of that? Is that what women's rights are all about? Coercing them into the stirrups and slicing up their uteruses?

You really have lost your damned mind. Not that it was all that to begin with, but still, it must be scared out there, wandering, lost and alone.

Then again, maybe it feels liberated, free, as feeble as it is, to form an independent, although still a probably woefully unfortunate thought.
So you feel pretty good about helping out pimps and traffickers, child molesters, rapists and woman beaters??

Good for you! You're the perfect PP representative!
So you feel pretty good about helping out pimps and traffickers, child molesters, rapists and woman beaters??

Good for you! You're the perfect PP representative!

You're confusing your incredibly deceitful videos and the target of their deception. I understand, sort of. It mus be hard (and kind of smelly) to keep track of all the varied forms of shit you spew.
GOP Spending Bill Aims To Defund Planned Parenthood, Up Abstinence-Only Funds (UPDATE)

No time to fulfill their campaign promises to deliver JOBS cuz they're just too busy making sure women can't get basic health care.


The right wing WANTS less poor women to have affordable access to birth control. This means they'll have more unplanned pregnancies and been even less able to climb out of poverty. Its crucial to right wing interests that there exist a class of people who are barely getting by - and de-funding birth control is the right step in that direction.

GOP Spending Bill Aims To Defund Planned Parenthood, Up Abstinence-Only Funds (UPDATE)

No time to fulfill their campaign promises to deliver JOBS cuz they're just too busy making sure women can't get basic health care.


The right wing WANTS less poor women to have affordable access to birth control. This means they'll have more unplanned pregnancies and been even less able to climb out of poverty. Its crucial to right wing interests that there exist a class of people who are barely getting by - and de-funding birth control is the right step in that direction.

It's also a standard of the women's movement to insist that women who don't agree are crazy.

You guys learned a lot from the oppressive male regime down through the years.

It's also a favorite method to take women who are traumatized by rape and abuse, talk them into abortions, then use them as poster girls for "the movement".

Enter Ms. Roe.....

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