Russia Blowing Up The Dam Shouldn't Be The End Of Counterattack Around Kherson!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Russia struck a severe blow to Ukraine's counteroffensive effort with the blowing up of the Kakhovka Dam on the Dnieper River but it doesn't have to be a permanent severe blow if Ukraine would use some ingenuity and hard work. Russia in blowing up this dam caused flooding in the 40 mile stretch below the dam causing flooding in the towns and villages around Kherson the major city below the dam where in some instances the flooding is almost as high as the roof of buildings which makes sending tanks, troop carriers and supply trucks and the like across this flooded region impossible, the Russians just shortened the front line in the war by forty miles which plays to their advantage because they don't have to extensively defend along this flooded area.

That is the obvious practical view on what transpired with the blowing of this dam, but, that doesn't have to be the end of the story Ukraine doesn't have to incur this permanent loss. Prudence indicates that Ukraine doesn't need to eliminate the flooding to put this forty mile front in play it only has to reduce this flooding along the majority of the affected area to around the height of three feet. Construction crews across the world build up road heights four, five and six feet all the time just dump dirt and rocks on the roadway Ukraine doesn't need to quarry rocks just use the concrete from the countless buildings Russia has destroyed through its bombings. Just periodically lay wide diameter corrugated steel pipe across the road in the road bed to let the water pass through and lay a steel plate across the corrugated pipe on the top of the road bed so the pipe doesn't get crushed when the trucks pass over it repair crews lay steel plate quickly on roadways all the time.

How to lower the flood level past the Kakhovka dam strategically breach the sides of the Dnieper river upstream to flood select areas where the flooding won't do major damage. Plus, narrow the width of the Dnieper river; Russia controls the east side of the river Ukraine controls the west side. Somewhere or at several locations on the forty mile section upstream from the dam just keep dumping dirt, rocks and concrete from the western side and build out a V-shaped or U-shaped section of land that will constrict the flow of water down the river and so the flood level past the dam will subside!

The strategic advantage of enabling the Ukrainian army to make a counteroffensive around Kherson south of the dam is that the distance from the Dnieper river in that area to the Azov Sea area is shorter than it is upstream of the dam which makes the military task of reaching the Azov sea easier and the critical strategic value of the Ukranian army in a counteroffensive taking a strip of land from the Dnieper river to the Azov sea area is they cut the land bridge from Russia to Crimea which makes the Russian supply of Crimea exponentially more difficult. The Ukrainian military cutting off the land bridge from Russia to Crimea would be considered a turning point in the war because Vladimir Putin's stated goals in the war were to take control of the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk and to secure a land bridge from Russia to Crimea. The Ukraine military cutting off this land bridge to Crimea would mean that Vladimir Putin accomplished nothing in this war none of his major goals were achieved; Putin will have destroyed the Russian army and spent a mountain of Russian treasure and got nothing for it. Putin will be disgraced domestically and internationally if this occurs so Ukraine should not give up on its counterattack around Kherson!
Do you seriously believe Russia blew up their own dam?
You probably still believe they blew up their own pipeline too.

That's too f***ng funny!! :auiqs.jpg:

Ever bother to ask yourself why Russia would sabotage themselves by doing this?
Or why Ukraine had already hit it with a missile once before?

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