Russia buying Facebook ads during the last election was a threat to our country.


If Russia is such a threat why the fuck were we selling them nuclear material to begin with?
This morning, my Facebook account was suddenly deluged with at least a dozen anti-Clinton ads. All of the them were nearly identical. Minor variations in wording, but they all said essentially the same thing, all referenced the same articles.

And all of them supposedly came from ordinary Americans. Yeah, that's right, a dozen ordinary Americans all posted the same thing within a few minutes.

Oh wait, no. It was a glitch by the Russian Troll farm software. They weren't supposed to flood the same people with multiple copies of the same thing. They're supposed to scatter the ads, so everyone gets just a single ad from an "ordinary American."

I reported it to Facebook. Facebook cleaned it up soon after, and all the Russian troll posts were deleted.
Russia "Allegedly" spent about $50,000 on Facebook ads, and $50,000 on Twitter For and Against Hillary Clinton which amounts to NOTHING since the different groups canceled each other out.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton spent $6 Million for a Fake Russian Dossier she knew was Fake.
She spent $1.5 Billion trying to buy her way to The White House.
She accepted $145 Million from Russia for the Uranium One Deal.
She accepted $100 Million from Saudi Arabia apparently to approve a Weapons Contract.

And she also helped a Wealthy Nigerian Prince recover his inheritance. Which is probably the only good deed she ever tried to do. Although it was not entirely unselfish because he offered her over half of his fortune for her to help him get it if she would simply cash a small check at her bank and then wire him the money so that he could pay the processing fee, to get his inheritance out of Probate.

Clinton Cash
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RShe accepted $145 Million from Russia for the Uranium One Deal.
Have you no shame at all, liar?

Clinton accepted nothing. You. Are. Lying.

You know you're going to burn in hell for eternity for lying, right? You probably think you've made a deal with Satan for a deluxe suite in Hell, but I've got news for you, pal. Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep such deals. You'll spend eternity in boiling excrement, along with all the other traitors and liars.

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