Russia issues threat to Israel

If Syria is attacked do the Syrians have a right to defend their nation using something Russia gave them to defend themselves yes or no?


Now, let me ask you a question. Why are you so in love with a murdering dictator like Basheer Assad?

I never said that and I have never made one post supporting Assad. Ever. Period. Use the Search function.

Why do you want American troops with a base in Israel? Why Israel, why not say Qatar or Bahrain?
Yes I was actually...

That's good to know. A bunch of Obama sheep were mute and now, suddenly, don't want the U.S. involved. Well, it's a little late for that now. After all, Obama turned Syria into a cataclysmic cluster fuck.
Why would you want that? Why is The Middle East any of America's business? Why is The Middle East the business of ANY Western nation? It's not, it's time The Middle East was left to sort it's own problems out, all that Western involvement there has resulted in is that The West is now on a daily basis having to deal with increased Islamic terrorist attacks.

The middle-east is where it's happening. I believe having our forces THERE would give us greater influence to insure that peace reigns and that despotic tyrants like the Iranians and Assad don't run wild. Additionally, we need to kill ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. Why have them in fucking Germany when should could be in Israel or the Egyptian Sinai or even Iraq? And if Iraq, Israel or Egypt are happy to have us, who are you to tell them or us otherwise?

There is NEVER going to be peace in The Middle East. Ever.

You need to kill ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc you could start by carpet bombing the Moderate Rebels you are supporting considering the majority are associated with ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front etc.

Why would Egypt or Iraq want a permanent American base with tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of American troops there? Do you think that would be popular with the Egyptian or Iraqi populations? No it wouldn't.

I thought America didn't want to be The World's Policeman and instead it was now going to be America First, what happened?
Why do you want American troops with a base in Israel? Why Israel, why not say Qatar or Bahrain?

I also mentioned Iraq and Egypt (Sinai).

Yes Qatar and Bahrain are a bit too far from Tel Aviv, the Egyptian Sinai and Iraq are nearer.

Essentially you don't give a shit about ANYWHERE in the Middle East, it's full of Kebabs, you want America to babysit Israel on a PERMANENT basis, why can't Israel defend itself, they have EVERYTHING they need, they have the Iron Dome, they have nuclear submarines, they have nuclear weapons, they have an air force.

Oh and before you throw up the usual crap about that's being Anti-Semitic, I don't care that name calling doesn't affect me and whatever when EVEN Natalie Portman who is Jewish is getting called Anti-Semitic that slur to attempt to shut people up just does not work anymore.
I thought America didn't want to be The World's Policeman and instead it was now going to be America First, what happened?

I don't want America to be the world's police. I DO want American forces to be based where they are most likely to be needed, and that seems to be the middle-east.

There are American forces in Iraq NOW, helping them to kill ISIS, which almost took Baghdad.

I will add that having tens of thousands of Americans living in their community and spending America dollars would be a boon to their local economy.
Why do you want American troops with a base in Israel? Why Israel, why not say Qatar or Bahrain?

I also mentioned Iraq and Egypt (Sinai).

Yes Qatar and Bahrain are a bit too far from Tel Aviv, the Egyptian Sinai and Iraq are nearer.

Essentially you don't give a shit about ANYWHERE in the Middle East, it's full of Kebabs, you want America to babysit Israel on a PERMANENT basis, why can't Israel defend itself, they have EVERYTHING they need, they have the Iron Dome, they have nuclear submarines, they have nuclear weapons, they have an air force.

Oh and before you throw up the usual crap about that's being Anti-Semitic, I don't care that name calling doesn't affect me and whatever when EVEN Natalie Portman who is Jewish is getting called Anti-Semitic that slur to attempt to shut people up just does not work anymore.

It's ok with me if you don't share my view. I'm not a liberal that's going to get butthurt and call you names.

Israel is a great ally of ours. We should help them just like we should help South Korea, Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Norway, etc.
All Russia wishes to do is to exploit the vacuum created under Obama that left them get their foot into Syria, and now there, are hell-bent on establishing a permanent presence there that with Iran would allow them to take Iraq, the for Iran to seize Iraq making it all one state and fundamentally shift the balance of power in the Middle East with THEM (the Kremlin) at the helm. This is VITAL to Putin's plans and needs and it is essential that neither Israel or us allow it to happen.

Yep. They have from 40-50,000 troops there. That's quite a deployment.

I've been saying (for years) that we need to drop NATO and move forces to where they are most likely to be needed - the middle east, perhaps Israel, if Israel will have us. I've thought the straights of Teran would be a great place to put a massive U.S. base.

Why would you want that? Why is The Middle East any of America's business? Why is The Middle East the business of ANY Western nation? It's not, it's time The Middle East was left to sort it's own problems out, all that Western involvement there has resulted in is that The West is now on a daily basis having to deal with increased Islamic terrorist attacks.

Then by logical extension why is ANY other country our business? A: Same reason that it is Russia's business: mutual self interest. I think America would only be too glad to leave the M.E. if we could know it would be truly left to its own designs, but allowing Russia to establish control of it in our absence would be a strategic loss to our own national security as it would greatly boost Russia's economy and political grip in the world. Rewarding Islam for its terror attacks by pulling out and giving them what they want is at this point only an invitation to greater demands and attacks, not less.
Yes I was actually...

That's good to know. A bunch of Obama sheep were mute and now, suddenly, don't want the U.S. involved. Well, it's a little late for that now. After all, Obama turned Syria into a cataclysmic cluster fuck.

Well yes I agree this is Obama's fault, just like Libya is, I am getting tired but after a sleep I will post links to things I commented about Obama and Syria and also about Obama dropping by accident THREE TIMES tons of weapons to ISIS terrorists who were in Iraq.

The situation is I do not support ANY situation that could get out of hand and pull Western nations in to what probably could become WWIII and that includes Israel, Israel has issues with the terrorists of Hezbollah they need to deal with that on their own and not expect in some way to pull in either America or any other Western nation into that fight.

I have been very consistent about my hatred of the Neo-Conservative Warmongers, they are snakes and The Donald should not listen to them.
Why do you want American troops with a base in Israel? Why Israel, why not say Qatar or Bahrain?

I also mentioned Iraq and Egypt (Sinai).

Yes Qatar and Bahrain are a bit too far from Tel Aviv, the Egyptian Sinai and Iraq are nearer.

Essentially you don't give a shit about ANYWHERE in the Middle East, it's full of Kebabs, you want America to babysit Israel on a PERMANENT basis, why can't Israel defend itself, they have EVERYTHING they need, they have the Iron Dome, they have nuclear submarines, they have nuclear weapons, they have an air force.

Oh and before you throw up the usual crap about that's being Anti-Semitic, I don't care that name calling doesn't affect me and whatever when EVEN Natalie Portman who is Jewish is getting called Anti-Semitic that slur to attempt to shut people up just does not work anymore.

It's ok with me if you don't share my view. I'm not a liberal that's going to get butthurt and call you names.

Israel is a great ally of ours. We should help them just like we should help South Korea, Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Norway, etc.

That's okay I accept that not everyone shares the same views, even those on the Right have differences of opinion, which is healthy. You can help though without literally putting a permanent base on the spot, there are many different ways to help.
All Russia wishes to do is to exploit the vacuum created under Obama that left them get their foot into Syria, and now there, are hell-bent on establishing a permanent presence there that with Iran would allow them to take Iraq, the for Iran to seize Iraq making it all one state and fundamentally shift the balance of power in the Middle East with THEM (the Kremlin) at the helm. This is VITAL to Putin's plans and needs and it is essential that neither Israel or us allow it to happen.

Yep. They have from 40-50,000 troops there. That's quite a deployment.

I've been saying (for years) that we need to drop NATO and move forces to where they are most likely to be needed - the middle east, perhaps Israel, if Israel will have us. I've thought the straights of Teran would be a great place to put a massive U.S. base.

Why would you want that? Why is The Middle East any of America's business? Why is The Middle East the business of ANY Western nation? It's not, it's time The Middle East was left to sort it's own problems out, all that Western involvement there has resulted in is that The West is now on a daily basis having to deal with increased Islamic terrorist attacks.

Then by logical extension why is ANY other country our business? A: Same reason that it is Russia's business: mutual self interest. I think America would only be too glad to leave the M.E. if we could know it would be truly left to its own designs, but allowing Russia to establish control of it in our absence would be a strategic loss to our own national security as it would greatly boost Russia's economy and political grip in the world. Rewarding Islam for its terror attacks by pulling out and giving them what they want is at this point only an invitation to greater demands and attacks, not less.

The situation should be that there should be an International Coalition that has one specific aim and that's to wipe out ALL the Islamists in The Middle East and also in Africa, now a few years ago this type of International Coalition was suggested but not with Russia even though Russia said that they would happily join such a coalition.

The fundamental issue, the most important issue should be fighting Islamic Terrorism.

IMHO everyone would not be facing all this mess now if instead of pointlessly invading Iraq GWB and the poodle Tony Blair instead would have carpet bombed Saudi Arabia and also carpet bombed Southern Pakistan.
1) I knew from day one that the amateur was out of his depth when he went on his Syrian safari. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of strategic affairs would have told the amateur and his dingbat UN Ambassador Samantha Power that Russia would NEVER let Assad fail. Obama fucked up BIG TIME on Syria, as well as Libya.

2) I was opposed to any American participation in Syria. The only participation I supported was working WITH Russia and Syria to destroy ISIS.

3) I hate war. There are no winners. How many American veterans commit suicide due to PTSD? Way too many. We must avoid war at virtually all costs.

4) We must be strong and demonstrate our willingness to take on despots to avoid war. I know it sounds like a contradiction but, sometimes, you do have to demonstrate a willingness to use one's might. Guys like Jung-un are watching. We don't want him to perceive us as weak.

5) I believe NATO is obsolete and that we (U.S.) should drop out. It's waaaaaaaay past time for the Europeans to handle their own defense. The Soviet Union dissolved over 25 years ago. It's time to move on.

6) I believe U.S. forces should be positioned in such a way so that we can exert maximum influence and pressure on those that would hurt us or our allies. We don't need armored divisions in Germany. We need them in the middle east to help keep the Russians and Iranians honest.
1) I knew from day one that the amateur was out of his depth when he went on his Syrian safari. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of strategic affairs would have told the amateur and his dingbat UN Ambassador Samantha Power that Russia would NEVER let Assad fail. Obama fucked up BIG TIME on Syria, as well as Libya.

2) I was opposed to any American participation in Syria. The only participation I supported was working WITH Russia and Syria to destroy ISIS.

3) I hate war. There are no winners. How many American veterans commit suicide due to PTSD? Way too many. We must avoid war at virtually all costs.

4) We must be strong and demonstrate our willingness to take on despots to avoid war. I know it sounds like a contradiction but, sometimes, you do have to demonstrate a willingness to use one's might. Guys like Jung-un are watching. We don't want him to perceive us as weak.

5) I believe NATO is obsolete and that we (U.S.) should drop out. It's waaaaaaaay past time for the Europeans to handle their own defense. The Soviet Union dissolved over 25 years ago. It's time to move on.

6) I believe U.S. forces should be positioned in such a way so that we can exert maximum influence and pressure on those that would hurt us or our allies. We don't need armored divisions in Germany. We need them in the middle east to help keep the Russians and Iranians honest.

Within that there is a lot we can agree on.
The fundamental issue, the most important issue should be fighting Islamic Terrorism.

Fighting Islamic Terrorism, like fighting a war on drugs, is ultimately unwinnable. Like illegal drugs, the fundamentalist ideology that creates terrorism will always have a receptive audience. No amount of education or appeasement can dissuade a segment of the population from wanting to use recreational drugs or embracing fundamentalist ideology.

Although it can't be eliminated, it can be contained. To do so would require a significant change in defensive policy and military doctrine from conquering countries that we deem threats to isolating those countries.

I don't mean isolation as in shunning them at the UN or imposing sanctions. I mean complete and total isolation from the world grid. No travel to or from. No international shipping to or from. No access to telecommunications networks or even mail. Full, complete isolation.

Drug cartels cannot exist without free (or easily bypassed) access to the market of new drug users. Fundamentalist ideologies cannot exist without similar access to a steady stream of willing acolytes. Removing that access means the suppliers wither and die within their containment zones.
1) I knew from day one that the amateur was out of his depth when he went on his Syrian safari. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of strategic affairs would have told the amateur and his dingbat UN Ambassador Samantha Power that Russia would NEVER let Assad fail. Obama fucked up BIG TIME on Syria, as well as Libya.

2) I was opposed to any American participation in Syria. The only participation I supported was working WITH Russia and Syria to destroy ISIS.

3) I hate war. There are no winners. How many American veterans commit suicide due to PTSD? Way too many. We must avoid war at virtually all costs.

4) We must be strong and demonstrate our willingness to take on despots to avoid war. I know it sounds like a contradiction but, sometimes, you do have to demonstrate a willingness to use one's might. Guys like Jung-un are watching. We don't want him to perceive us as weak.

5) I believe NATO is obsolete and that we (U.S.) should drop out. It's waaaaaaaay past time for the Europeans to handle their own defense. The Soviet Union dissolved over 25 years ago. It's time to move on.

6) I believe U.S. forces should be positioned in such a way so that we can exert maximum influence and pressure on those that would hurt us or our allies. We don't need armored divisions in Germany. We need them in the middle east to help keep the Russians and Iranians honest.

Here is one post I made re. Obama and him enabling ISIS:


Full post link here:

Mosul almost retaken, too bad Reagan armed these ISIS guys to begin with
I don't mean isolation as in shunning them at the UN or imposing sanctions. I mean complete and total isolation from the world grid. No travel to or from. No international shipping to or from. No access to telecommunications networks or even mail. Full, complete isolation.

Western liberals would say you're a racist and that we have to bring hundreds of thousands, or even MILLIONS of them, HERE to the west. It's worked out great in Europe, right? LOL. American liberals are jealous!
I don't mean isolation as in shunning them at the UN or imposing sanctions. I mean complete and total isolation from the world grid. No travel to or from. No international shipping to or from. No access to telecommunications networks or even mail. Full, complete isolation.

Western liberals would say you're a racist and that we have to bring hundreds of thousands, or even MILLIONS of them, HERE to the west. It's worked out great in Europe, right? LOL. American liberals are jealous!

Actually, not. When I say isolation, I mean total geographical isolation. Since there is no practical or reliable way to vet refugees from the isolated country, they will all be shut in together. Continuous air and naval blockade until that country no longer poses a threat.

This type of warfare will be brutal in the extreme. It will mean those living in the isolated countries will suffer alongside the extremist we are trying to fight until they rise up against the extremist themselves or the whole country dies off.
Russia better be careful. They're asking for a major ass-kicking.

Russia to move air defenses to Syria 'soon,' warns Israel against attack

Anyone who thinks that Israel will acquiesce to Russia or that Israel shouldn't be taken very seriously has another thing coming. The IDF is one of the most serious kick-ass organizations in the world BAR-NONE and they are equipped with the best of the best, including a lot of OUR best. Russia has another thing coming.
All Russia wishes to do is protect the territorial integrity of Syria from foreign incursions while the legally recognized government continues to rid itself of terrorists. A reasonable and rational position to take.

Israel has a right and a duty to protect itself from Hezbollah terrorists. If Syria and the Russians want to avoid war, they should NOT permit Hezbollah or Iran to use Syria as a base or a conduit in their endeavors to damage Israel.
If Israel wants to get protected from Hezbollah actions they better start negotiating to Iran and Russia.
But for me it's quite clear that Israel needs Hezbollah to be their enemy close to borders do that Israel could go on getting billions from USA for "protection".

Besides neither Israel nor USA or any other country has right for war strikes against another country.
So all those Israel air strikes are world terrorism as well as American and British ones.
The fundamental issue, the most important issue should be fighting Islamic Terrorism.

Fighting Islamic Terrorism, like fighting a war on drugs, is ultimately unwinnable. Like illegal drugs, the fundamentalist ideology that creates terrorism will always have a receptive audience. No amount of education or appeasement can dissuade a segment of the population from wanting to use recreational drugs or embracing fundamentalist ideology.

Although it can't be eliminated, it can be contained. To do so would require a significant change in defensive policy and military doctrine from conquering countries that we deem threats to isolating those countries.

I don't mean isolation as in shunning them at the UN or imposing sanctions. I mean complete and total isolation from the world grid. No travel to or from. No international shipping to or from. No access to telecommunications networks or even mail. Full, complete isolation.

Drug cartels cannot exist without free (or easily bypassed) access to the market of new drug users. Fundamentalist ideologies cannot exist without similar access to a steady stream of willing acolytes. Removing that access means the suppliers wither and die within their containment zones.

"Fighting Islamic Terrorism, like fighting a war on drugs, is ultimately unwinnable. Like illegal drugs, the fundamentalist ideology that creates terrorism will always have a receptive audience. No amount of education or appeasement can dissuade a segment of the population from wanting to use recreational drugs or embracing fundamentalist ideology."

Well yes you are of course correct.

"I don't mean isolation as in shunning them at the UN or imposing sanctions."

The UN is a pointless organisation, for one thing IMHO it should be ignored, better yet Western nations should just leave The UN it will then soon wither on the vine.

"I mean complete and total isolation from the world grid. No travel to or from. No international shipping to or from. No access to telecommunications networks or even mail. Full, complete isolation."

That would get 100% support from me, that should happen but it won't unless all Western world leaders ignore not only The UN but also all these annoying Human Rights Groups and the entire MSM, I say this because look at the hysterical reaction to The Donald when he said about the Travel Ban and he had what was it 8 nations on that list, all predominantly Islamic so imagine what the reaction would be if you were going to totally isolate from the rest of humanity entire nations?

I would do it now, I'd totally isolate them now.

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