Russia UPS the ante...whatever shall the Obomanation do with his RED LINE now?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria!

Perhaps he'll go GOLFING and let President pro tem, Valerie Jarrett, make the call????

DebKa File ^ | 09/07/15
The world’s largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), Nato-coded Typhoon, has set sail for the Mediterranean and is destined for the Syrian coast, debkafile reports exclusively from its military and intelligence sources. Aboard the sub are 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads. Each missile, with a reported range of 10,000km, carries 6-10 MIRV nuclear warheads. The Russian sub set sail from its North Sea base on Sept. 4, escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. Their arrival at destination in 10 days time will top up the new Russian military deployment in...

Obama won't do shit. He'll come up with some bogus agreement like he did with Iran, then claim he solved the problem and Russia (like Iran) will continue to flip him off and do what he damn well pleases. This is beginning to be a familiar pattern.
I'm going to start a rumor that when Obama leaves office, he's not going to have bodyguards hanging around..

He's just going to paint a red line around his property, and dare anyone to cross it.
On September 4 Putin answered some questions. One of them was about Syria:
Question: Mr President, I would like to clarify something with regard to the Islamic State, because Russia has been speaking of the need to create a political coalition, and the United States has been urging the same thing. There is no agreement on Syria, for example, and so forth. How do you see the creation of such a coalition?

Vladimir Putin: We are taking specific steps, and doing this publicly. If you want to know the details, I can explain once again. It is true that we want to create an international coalition to combat terrorism and extremism. With this aim in view, we are holding consultations with our American partners, I personally discussed this over the telephone with the President of the United Stated, Mr Obama, and I also discussed this with the President of Turkey, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, with the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt and other partners. Our military agencies are in close contact, only recently the heads of the general staffs of the countries neighbouring on these conflicts met in Moscow.

We continue our political efforts to create a certain coalition. If today it is impossible to organise joint work directly ‘on the battlefield’, so to speak, involving all the countries interested in combatting terrorism, we should at least achieve certain coordination between them. We are trying and making certain efforts in this direction. Our first steps show that overall this seems possible.

We know that there are different positions on the developments in Syria. Incidentally, people are not fleeing from the Bashar Assad regime – they are fleeing from the Islamic State, which has occupied vast territories in Syria and Iraq and is committing atrocities there. That is what people are running away from. However, we understand that political change is also required. We are also working with our partners in Syria.

It is true that we want to create an international coalition to combat terrorism and extremism.

There is an overall understanding that such joint efforts to combat terrorism should go side by side with certain political processes inside Syria. The Syrian President agrees with this too, including, say, holding early parliamentary elections and establishing ties with the so-called ‘healthy opposition’ and involving them in running the country. This is primarily a matter of Syria’s internal development. We are not imposing anything, but we are ready to assist in an internal Syrian dialogue.
* * *
First, we must efficiently combat terrorism and extremism together.

Second, we need to restore the economy of those countries and their social sphere. Only this way, by showing respect for the history, traditions and religion of these peoples and countries, we can restore their statehood and provide large-scale economic and political support.

If we join our efforts in all these areas, we will have positive results. If we act separately and keep arguing among ourselves over some quasi-democratic principles and procedures on certain territories, this will get us into a greater deadlock. However, I pin my hopes on a positive development and on joining efforts with all our partners.

Vladimir Putin answered Russian journalists’ questions
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On a related note about our PANSY.....

Wimp Obama needs gloves to touch salmon in Alaska!!!

Fire Andrea Mitchell ^ | 09-07-2015
Obama is such a pansy that he needs gloves to touch salmon. While in Alaska, Obama posed with two women holding salmon they caught while fishing. Neither of the two women needed gloves to show off their catch. Obama however, couldn’t touch the salmon with his bare hands and wore gloves like a pansy.
Hopefully Obama does nothing. Let Russia be the ones to waste their time, money, and energy for a while over there.
On a related note about our PANSY.....

Wimp Obama needs gloves to touch salmon in Alaska!!!

Fire Andrea Mitchell ^ | 09-07-2015
Obama is such a pansy that he needs gloves to touch salmon. While in Alaska, Obama posed with two women holding salmon they caught while fishing. Neither of the two women needed gloves to show off their catch. Obama however, couldn’t touch the salmon with his bare hands and wore gloves like a pansy.
What about poor salmon? If I were him, I would also demand some rubber protection from Obama's hands :lmao:
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Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria!

Perhaps he'll go GOLFING and let President pro tem, Valerie Jarrett, make the call????

DebKa File ^ | 09/07/15
The world’s largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), Nato-coded Typhoon, has set sail for the Mediterranean and is destined for the Syrian coast, debkafile reports exclusively from its military and intelligence sources. Aboard the sub are 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads. Each missile, with a reported range of 10,000km, carries 6-10 MIRV nuclear warheads. The Russian sub set sail from its North Sea base on Sept. 4, escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. Their arrival at destination in 10 days time will top up the new Russian military deployment in...


And do not forget the Russian Akula Class II nuclear Submarines they have off our eastern seaboard, Vigilante. The Russians continue to become more and more emboldened and this administration does not appear to understand what is going on (or they do not care).
Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria!

Perhaps he'll go GOLFING and let President pro tem, Valerie Jarrett, make the call????

DebKa File ^ | 09/07/15
The world’s largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), Nato-coded Typhoon, has set sail for the Mediterranean and is destined for the Syrian coast, debkafile reports exclusively from its military and intelligence sources. Aboard the sub are 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads. Each missile, with a reported range of 10,000km, carries 6-10 MIRV nuclear warheads. The Russian sub set sail from its North Sea base on Sept. 4, escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. Their arrival at destination in 10 days time will top up the new Russian military deployment in...


And do not forget the Russian Akula Class II nuclear Submarines they have off our eastern seaboard, Vigilante. The Russians continue to become more and more emboldened and this administration does not appear to understand what is going on (or they do not care).
Better pray harder to Jesus Jer. He'll handle it.
On a related note about our PANSY.....

Wimp Obama needs gloves to touch salmon in Alaska!!!

Fire Andrea Mitchell ^ | 09-07-2015
Obama is such a pansy that he needs gloves to touch salmon. While in Alaska, Obama posed with two women holding salmon they caught while fishing. Neither of the two women needed gloves to show off their catch. Obama however, couldn’t touch the salmon with his bare hands and wore gloves like a pansy.

He knows what is in those waters due to the Fuchishima fall out. They don't. Truly despicable, isn't it? The government knows the danger these people are in and yet they continue to raise the safety levels and deny anything is happening rather than to sound the alarm and warn the public.


NPR Affiliate: Fukushima cesium detected in Alaska salmon sample — Radioactive plume has already reached West Coast — Concerned fishermen forced to pay for tests since officials not doing it — “People don’t trust gov’t… they don’t trust corporations” (AUDIO)
I'm going to start a rumor that when Obama leaves office, he's not going to have bodyguards hanging around..

He's just going to paint a red line around his property, and dare anyone to cross it.
Obama sure as fuck isn't moving back to Chicago. Who in their right mind would? :dunno:

I predict that he'll make exactly one visit to his home city - for the dedication of his south side library. :lol:
On a related note about our PANSY.....

Wimp Obama needs gloves to touch salmon in Alaska!!!

Fire Andrea Mitchell ^ | 09-07-2015
Obama is such a pansy that he needs gloves to touch salmon. While in Alaska, Obama posed with two women holding salmon they caught while fishing. Neither of the two women needed gloves to show off their catch. Obama however, couldn’t touch the salmon with his bare hands and wore gloves like a pansy.

He knows what is in those waters due to the Fuchishima fall out. They don't. Truly despicable, isn't it? The government knows the danger these people are in and yet they continue to raise the safety levels and deny anything is happening rather than to sound the alarm and warn the public.


NPR Affiliate: Fukushima cesium detected in Alaska salmon sample — Radioactive plume has already reached West Coast — Concerned fishermen forced to pay for tests since officials not doing it — “People don’t trust gov’t… they don’t trust corporations” (AUDIO)
Woman in middle: "what's that fucking smell? Is it these fish or your mangina"?
Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria!

Perhaps he'll go GOLFING and let President pro tem, Valerie Jarrett, make the call????

DebKa File ^ | 09/07/15
The world’s largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), Nato-coded Typhoon, has set sail for the Mediterranean and is destined for the Syrian coast, debkafile reports exclusively from its military and intelligence sources. Aboard the sub are 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads. Each missile, with a reported range of 10,000km, carries 6-10 MIRV nuclear warheads. The Russian sub set sail from its North Sea base on Sept. 4, escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. Their arrival at destination in 10 days time will top up the new Russian military deployment in...


And do not forget the Russian Akula Class II nuclear Submarines they have off our eastern seaboard, Vigilante. The Russians continue to become more and more emboldened and this administration does not appear to understand what is going on (or they do not care).
Better pray harder to Jesus Jer. He'll handle it.

I am praying. I'm praying that you and others here who need to surrender your lives to Jesus Christ will do so before the Russians strike America.
Hopefully Obama does nothing. Let Russia be the ones to waste their time, money, and energy for a while over there.

Wonder how much Syrian Oil he'll be getting for protecting that regime from Isis?
Not as much as China got after Dubya spilled the blood of our finest for them.

Yes.DemocRATS in the street yelling BLOOD FOR OIL, BLOOD FOR OIL... you see how your pond scum fuck up everything!
Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria!

Perhaps he'll go GOLFING and let President pro tem, Valerie Jarrett, make the call????

DebKa File ^ | 09/07/15
The world’s largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), Nato-coded Typhoon, has set sail for the Mediterranean and is destined for the Syrian coast, debkafile reports exclusively from its military and intelligence sources. Aboard the sub are 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads. Each missile, with a reported range of 10,000km, carries 6-10 MIRV nuclear warheads. The Russian sub set sail from its North Sea base on Sept. 4, escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. Their arrival at destination in 10 days time will top up the new Russian military deployment in...


And do not forget the Russian Akula Class II nuclear Submarines they have off our eastern seaboard, Vigilante. The Russians continue to become more and more emboldened and this administration does not appear to understand what is going on (or they do not care).
Better pray harder to Jesus Jer. He'll handle it.

I am praying. I'm praying that you and others here who need to surrender your lives to Jesus Christ will do so before the Russians strike America.
Oh brother...

Well thank you for praying I guess.
I am praying. I'm praying that you and others here who need to surrender your lives to Jesus Christ will do so before the Russians strike America.
And the rest of the world is praying: the next POTUS won't keep destroying any more countries for US geopolitical interests such as Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, etc.

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