Russia wants Trump to win the election.....

Trump's compromise will save $billions that we don't have. I hope his plan to end the war is viable.
Don't worry about the money when the question is still on it being worth it!

First try to figure out if it's worth it.

In truth most of America's wars have been worth it, or at least we can't name on that wasn't.

Unchallenged global hegemony wasn't ever free you know. [\b]
Well, duh. China wants Trump too. That's why China sends so much cash to the Trump team and Republicans in general.
You refer to $10 million to Joey along with that 2.8 carat diamond

All of our enemies know they have a lot of latitude to do as they want. So long as the Biden clown show continues they know nobody is authorized to make any real damaging decisions. Biden and his lackeys can't handle the Houthis. Russia, China, Iran, and everyone else knows there is little to fear from these liberals.
We got a live one here! He actually thinks the Republicans don't run on Chinabucks! And he fell for the BigLie about Biden taking Chinese money.

The funniest part is how he relies on Beijing's propaganda, without understanding that's what he's doing.
Oh, my, you continue on with your delusions. It is to chortle politely. Our condolences.

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