RUSSIAGATE 2? Hillary ‘Signed Off Plan to Vilify Trump With Putin & Obama Was Briefed

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
HILLARY Clinton planned to "stir up a scandal" against President Donald Trump in 2016, connecting him with Putin and Russia, and then President Obama knew, a new letter reveals.

In a letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, reveals then Democratic presidential candidate Clinton "approved a campaign" to vilify Trump and tying him to Putin "and the Russian's hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

Hillary 'signed off plan to vilify Trump with Putin to distract from emails'

The letter was released on Tuesday and also addresses Senators Diane Feinstein, Marco Rubio, Mark R. Warner, Adam Schiff and Devin Nunes.

It further claims that Obama was briefed of Clinton's plan by the Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan.

The letter states on September 7, 2016, officials forwarded an investigative referral to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok about Clinton's "approval of a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server."

On Sunday, Senator Graham spoke with Fox News hinted at the possibility that Russia attempted to hurt Trump during the 2016 election.

"Everything Russia-Trump was looked at," Graham said. "You had $25 million, 60 agents. You had subpoenas, you had people’s lives turned upside down. The question is, 'Did they look at Russia coming after Trump?'"

Last month, former CIA and National Security Council official Fred Fleitz said he was told that Russia wanted Clinton to win the election.

"When I was briefed on the House Intelligence Committee report on the January 2017 ICA, I was told that John Brennan politicized this assessment by excluding credible intelligence that the Russians wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election and ordered weak intelligence included that Russia wanted Trump to win," he said.

He added that Brennan disregarded objections from CIA analysts and he fears what happened to them.

"These analysts are true whistleblowers, and they should come to the congressional intelligence committees to tell their stories and set the record straight on the ICA.



Bad guy?


Source: Hillary 'signed off plan to vilify Trump with Putin to distract from emails'
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HILLARY Clinton planned to "stir up a scandal" against President Donald Trump in 2016, connecting him with Putin and Russia, and then President Obama knew, a new letter reveals.

In a letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, reveals then Democratic presidential candidate Clinton "approved a campaign" to vilify Trump and tying him to Putin "and the Russian's hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

Hillary 'signed off plan to vilify Trump with Putin to distract from emails'
View attachment 394652

The letter was released on Tuesday and also addresses Senators Diane Feinstein, Marco Rubio, Mark R. Warner, Adam Schiff and Devin Nunes.

It further claims that Obama was briefed of Clinton's plan by the Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan.

The letter states on September 7, 2016, officials forwarded an investigative referral to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok about Clinton's "approval of a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server."

On Sunday, Senator Graham spoke with Fox News hinted at the possibility that Russia attempted to hurt Trump during the 2016 election.

"Everything Russia-Trump was looked at," Graham said. "You had $25 million, 60 agents. You had subpoenas, you had people’s lives turned upside down. The question is, 'Did they look at Russia coming after Trump?'"

Last month, former CIA and National Security Council official Fred Fleitz said he was told that Russia wanted Clinton to win the election.

"When I was briefed on the House Intelligence Committee report on the January 2017 ICA, I was told that John Brennan politicized this assessment by excluding credible intelligence that the Russians wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election and ordered weak intelligence included that Russia wanted Trump to win," he said.

View attachment 394659

Bad guy? NO, BAD GUYS!

He added that Brennan disregarded objections from CIA analysts and he fears what happened to them.

"These analysts are true whistleblowers, and they should come to the congressional intelligence committees to tell their stories and set the record straight on the ICA."

Source: Hillary 'signed off plan to vilify Trump with Putin to distract from emails'

Will I have the Khmer Rouge ribbon hung AGAIN???
We don't care, we believe Russia colluded with tramp and his men, (in prison all except for Stone) and vice versa, Russia was involved in our election and they are at it again.

I hope Flynn goes to prison as well.

We believe in the Russia report by Mueller.
In the latest information to emerge from our fabled intelligence community, DNI Ratcliffe advises that Hillary Clinton appears to have hatched at least one prong of the Russia hoax against then candidate Donald Trump in July 2016 — “the IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation” — and former CIA Director John Brennan briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on it. Intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral to former FBI Director James Comey the following September.

Ratcliffe further advises Judiciary Committee Chairman Graham that he would welcome the opportunity “to provide a classified briefing with further detail” at his convenience. I infer Ratcliffe has additional information bearing on this disclosure that remains classified. The hour is late and the time is short.

We don't care, we believe Russia colluded with tramp and his men, (in prison all except for Stone) and vice versa, Russia was involved in our election and they are at it again.

I hope Flynn goes to prison as well.

We believe in the Russia report by Mueller.

Excuse me, could you please clarify WHO do you mean by the word "We" ??? Do you think what I think ???

And don't you take on TOO MUCH, speaking on behalf of the entire nation.

Yes, YOU are the richest part of a poor nation "sitting" on 14-5 credit cards today, but YOU may not to speak on behalf of the ENTIRE nation.

This is mass schizophrenia - to believe in your "chosenness". OR - it is just CHUTSPAH!

And don't LIE: Müller's report DID NOT CONFIRM Mr. President's connection with Russia!

Do not parasitize on the poor awareness of ordinary people!
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We don't care, we believe Russia colluded with tramp and his men, (in prison all except for Stone) and vice versa, Russia was involved in our election and they are at it again.

I hope Flynn goes to prison as well.

We believe in the Russia report by Mueller.
You can't fix stupid....they believe anything the commies tell them.......freedom is too hard for these people.
We don't care, we believe Russia colluded with tramp and his men, (in prison all except for Stone) and vice versa, Russia was involved in our election and they are at it again.

I hope Flynn goes to prison as well.

We believe in the Russia report by Mueller.
And the tooth fairy. LOL
We don't care, we believe Russia colluded with tramp and his men, (in prison all except for Stone) and vice versa, Russia was involved in our election and they are at it again.

I hope Flynn goes to prison as well.

We believe in the Russia report by Mueller.
You can't fix stupid....they believe anything the commies tell them.......freedom is too hard for these people.

As a political scientist, I strongly object to the use of the words "socialists" and "communists" imposed by special interest groups, in the context in which they are used. I would rather use ANOTHER expressions and notions, say," pro-Chinese politicians", or "conspirators", or "cosmopolitans" rather than "patriots of America", but I won't do it here.

Otherwise, I absolutely agree with you.

In THEIR understanding, "freedom" means THEIR freedom to lie, plot, and mock the Constitution, as they did during the impeachment.

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In the latest information to emerge from our fabled intelligence community, DNI Ratcliffe advises that Hillary Clinton appears to have hatched at least one prong of the Russia hoax against then candidate Donald Trump in July 2016 — “the IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation” — and former CIA Director John Brennan briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on it. Intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral to former FBI Director James Comey the following September.​
Ratcliffe further advises Judiciary Committee Chairman Graham that he would welcome the opportunity “to provide a classified briefing with further detail” at his convenience. I infer Ratcliffe has additional information bearing on this disclosure that remains classified. The hour is late and the time is short.


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