Russian-speaking jihadists execute Syrians in Aleppo


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Looks like the Russian jihadists are floating into Syria now so that they can take part in the killings.

Russian-speaking jihadists execute Syrians in Aleppo

By Bill RoggioMarch 7, 2014

Warning: the video is extremely graphic.

A video of jihadists executing a group of Syrians in the city of Aleppo has emerged. The execution is carried out by Russian-speaking fighters, and one of those to be killed was said to be mentally ill.

The graphic video was published today on the Facebook page of a group known as the Syrian Center for Documentation. The group claimed that civilians, including children, were among those killed. Although the date and exact location of the execution has not been disclosed, the Syrian Center for Documentation indicated that it took place in Aleppo.

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Read more: Russian-speaking jihadists execute Syrians in Aleppo - The Long War Journal
Nearly 2,000 Killed In Aleppo...
'Almost 2,000' killed by Syria barrel bombs in 2014
30 May 2014 Almost 2,000 people have been killed by Syrian government air attacks in the northern city of Aleppo so far this year, an activist group says.
The dead included 283 women and 567 children, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The Syrian air force has used so-called "barrel bombs" dropped from aircraft to try to put down a rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad. Aleppo has seen fierce fighting since a rebel offensive in the area in 2012. The UK-based SOHR said 1,963 people had been killed in the city - Syria's largest - and the surrounding area since January. The government has used air and ground forces to drive the rebels back, but they remain in control of some areas to the east of Aleppo.

Crude bombs

The SOHR - which has a network of activists around the country reporting on the violence - says more than 162,000 people have been killed in the three-year conflict. The use of shrapnel-packed barrel bombs in Aleppo and elsewhere has been condemned by international human rights groups. The bombs are dropped from helicopters and cannot be guided or controlled. A BBC team witnessed the effects of the weapons on Syrian civilians in rebel-held areas of Aleppo in April. Last week government forces broke a year-long rebel siege of Aleppo's central prison. Correspondents say the government breakthrough has cut off a major supply route for the rebels from Turkey.


Fighting between government forces and rebel groups has left much of the city of Aleppo in ruins

Analysis: Jim Muir, BBC News, Beirut

The barrels, packed with explosives, are a crude weapon, rolled out of helicopters, often from high altitude. They're extremely inaccurate; they cause a huge blast and massive damage, often devastating entire quarters in the densely-built-up areas of Aleppo controlled by rebel forces.

Underlining the complexity of the conflict now going on in Syria, the Syrian observatory has also reported that 15 Kurdish civilians, including seven children and three women, were summarily executed by fighters from the extremist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), after they overran a village in the north-east of the country.

BBC News - 'Almost 2,000' killed by Syria barrel bombs in 2014
Looks like the Russian jihadists are floating into Syria now so that they can take part in the killings.

Russian-speaking jihadists execute Syrians in Aleppo

By Bill RoggioMarch 7, 2014

Warning: the video is extremely graphic.

A video of jihadists executing a group of Syrians in the city of Aleppo has emerged. The execution is carried out by Russian-speaking fighters, and one of those to be killed was said to be mentally ill.

The graphic video was published today on the Facebook page of a group known as the Syrian Center for Documentation. The group claimed that civilians, including children, were among those killed. Although the date and exact location of the execution has not been disclosed, the Syrian Center for Documentation indicated that it took place in Aleppo.

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Read more: Russian-speaking jihadists execute Syrians in Aleppo - The Long War Journal

Fighting in Syria has become the stage for those with a blood lust, adventurers, zealots, initiations and sport hunter after human game. Half the fighters are foreigners with no personal stake in Syria. It is ground for getting blooded or recognition by other groups.
Sadly the syrians suffer on account of all the groups involved. A free syrian voice has been drowned out by all the bombings and gunfire.

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