Ruth Bader Ginsburg Statue is Creepy

It is as confusing as Cubism.

Yeah, it sucks....
I don't think it's a BAD's just BAD for what it's supposed to represent, because it doesn't do that.

What it DOES do, is "scream".............I'M A MONSTER FROM A BAD HORROR MOVIE.

Well, extrapolating from the comments of the leftist vermin on this board, that must be what their lives are -- A BAD HORROR MOVIE.

It has many of the classic icons of art from several cultures that are ancient.
They might as well have announced, "Hi, we're Satanists"....or "Some of us worship Satan", or something? CREEPY


Social media didn’t take too kindly to a new 8-foot statue outside a New York City courthouse.

The golden statue, done by Pakistani American artist Shahzia Sikander, has, per Fox News, “curling braids and tentacle-like arms rises from a lotus flower.”

It was created to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion. The statue even displays the late Supreme Court Justice’s signature lace collar.


On the front of a Pirate ship!!!!
They might as well have announced, "Hi, we're Satanists"....or "Some of us worship Satan", or something? CREEPY


Social media didn’t take too kindly to a new 8-foot statue outside a New York City courthouse.

The golden statue, done by Pakistani American artist Shahzia Sikander, has, per Fox News, “curling braids and tentacle-like arms rises from a lotus flower.”

It was created to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion. The statue even displays the late Supreme Court Justice’s signature lace collar.

I am offended! Tear it down now!

Looks like Medussa.

Well, at least it doesn't look like severed arms holding a giant turd.


Look what they did with the MLK "tribute". That nasty shit would be considered illegal pornography in 35 countries.

They're just dumb animals desperately trying to masquerade as humans.... and mostly failing.

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I think it's quite instructive seems these folks cannot help but out themselves.

:safetocomeoutff:one wonders what Ruth would say? ~S~

What the fuck is that??? :auiqs.jpg:

If I had a million years to try and decipher who it was and what it meant, never would I have thought RBG! lol!
This is all part of their plan. The 45 Communist goals for America. How many on the list are already realized?

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

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This is all part of their plan. The 45 Communist goals for America. How many on the list are already realized?

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”


What a perfect reflection of their very lives and (lack of) values -- shapeless, awkward, meaningless, ugly and repulsive.

The one thing they glory in is killing, mostly the helpless and innocent.


Art has become less and less about realism and more about symbolism etc. It's great that she received a statue it's not really easily identifiable though is it? If one didn't know it was supposed to represent anyone.
The notorious RBG would not approve of being depicted as Medusa....

here is the real tribute statue to Ruth Bader Ginsberg March 2021.... That she wanted....

When City Point originally announced the statue, Gillie and Marc said that the tribute to Ginsburg "reflects her wish to be depicted in a dignified manner."
A bronze statue of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be unveiled on March 12 at City Point in Downtown Brooklyn. The statue, made by artists Gillie and Marc, celebrates Women’s History Month by recognizing the lasting legacy of RBG in her work towards gender equality.

They might as well have announced, "Hi, we're Satanists"....or "Some of us worship Satan", or something? CREEPY


Social media didn’t take too kindly to a new 8-foot statue outside a New York City courthouse.

The golden statue, done by Pakistani American artist Shahzia Sikander, has, per Fox News, “curling braids and tentacle-like arms rises from a lotus flower.”

It was created to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion. The statue even displays the late Supreme Court Justice’s signature lace collar.

What do you want?

A hunched over old lady?
What do you want?

A hunched over old lady?

Not surprising that honesty is not something that seems important to you, no matter how many awards you win.

Also, is there a touch of sexism and ageism in there? She was best know for her work as a hunched over old lady. :rolleyes-41:

But thanks for another award winning post.

Less than 1% of the statues erected in New York City, depict women, they have most all been men as their heros, the famous, the wealthiest, the notorious etc.

To me, this artist's depiction of RBG, with a woman's chance to be depicted in a city statue for being notorious....that 1% of famous females who could achieve this.... Making her in to this Medusa like God, with a sexy curvy figure that does not resemble her or any human being,

is a HUGE insult to all females....

it's a disgrace, a slap in the face....imo.

an artist looking for 15 minutes of fame....that they don't deserve to get.
They might as well have announced, "Hi, we're Satanists"....or "Some of us worship Satan", or something? CREEPY


Social media didn’t take too kindly to a new 8-foot statue outside a New York City courthouse.

The golden statue, done by Pakistani American artist Shahzia Sikander, has, per Fox News, “curling braids and tentacle-like arms rises from a lotus flower.”

It was created to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion. The statue even displays the late Supreme Court Justice’s signature lace collar.
It looks like a repulsive evil monster. And Ginsberg was also a repulsive evil monster.

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