S0ra$$ Fingerprints All Over Leaked 'Whistleblower' Document


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This just gets deeper and deeper into the Marxist Rabbit Hole....now we have former Nazis involved too.

Dossier 2.0: 'Whistleblower' Complaint Relies on Soros-Funded ‘Investigative Reporting’ Group that Partnered with BuzzFeed | Breitbart

Sections of a so-called whistleblower’s complaint alleging President Donald Trump was “using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country” in the 2020 presidential race relies upon a self-described investigative journalism organization bankrolled massively by billionaire activist George Soros.
The complainer admits, “I was not a direct witness to most of the events described.” Still, the so-called whistleblower goes on to allege that Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

The transcript of the phone call authorized for release by President Trump evidences no such pressure or quid pro quo and shows the request to investigate alleged corruption involving Biden and his family was a small part of the call....

The so-called whistleblower’s account goes on to rely upon that same OCCRP report on three more occasions. It does so to:

  • Write that Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko “also stated that he wished to communicate directly with Attorney General Barr on these matters.”
  • Document that Trump adviser Rudi Giuliani “had spoken in late 2018 to former Prosecutor General Shokin, in a Skype call arranged by two associates of Mr. Giuliani.”
  • Bolster the charge that, “I also learned from a U.S. official that ‘associates’ of Mr. Giuliani were trying to make contact with the incoming Zelenskyy team.” The so-called whistleblower then relates in another footnote, “I do not know whether these associates of Mr. Giuliani were the same individuals named in the 22 July report by OCCRP, referenced above.”
The OCCRP report repeatedly referenced is actually a “joint investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and BuzzFeed News, based on interviews and court and business records in the United States and Ukraine.”...

Every page of the OCCRP features the same bottom section listing the icons of four of the organization’s top funders, including Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Indeed, OCCRP provides a hyperlink to the webpage for Soros’s Open Society at the bottom left corner of every page on OCCRP’s own website.

Soros’s Open Society was listed as the number two donor in most of the annual financial records posted on OCCRP’s website starting in 2012. Some years list Soros as the organization’s top donor.

OCCRP advertises its other funders, including Google, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

Another listed OCCRP funder is the Omidyar Network, which is the nonprofit for liberal billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.

Together with Soros’s Open Society, Omidyar also funds the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, which hosts the International Fact-Checking Network that partnered with Facebook to help determine whether news story are “disputed.”​
The Democrats are done. They have dug the hole to big and now can’t get out of it.

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The deep state is reeling. They can’t make billions off corruption and fleecing taxpayers anymore.
Quote - The transcript of the phone call authorized for release by President Trump evidences no such pressure or quid pro quo and shows the request to investigate alleged corruption involving Biden and his family was a small part of the call....

All we have is the transcript and that was the only think he would release but we will get to that aspect later

Trump in the transcript released clearly talks about the mueller investigation and claims that it was a poor job done by mueller. This was an investigation of Trump and is one of the key components to an impeachment drive against Trump. It is not against the US , it not against the government, it is against Trump and the possibility of him being removed from office. He goes on to ask Ukraine to investigate a server that the Ukraine suppose to have and to determine if Ukraine was involved instead of the Russians.
He goes on to say quote " Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible"

a clear reference to help but the only person it would help is trump who is running for reelection and going thru an impeachment process. This will only help him in his bid to get reelected. Mueller investigation was concluded and done by Americans. If you do not like the results then seek help from a foreign country. Now pressure well that is subjective as pressure can only be measured by the other person who is being pressured.

So basically we have a new leader who is setting up a government. The US sends them money. He has the President of the US who is one of the world leaders asking for his help

That is a lot of pressure for a newbie and a country that depends on the US.
UK president even says he wants to buy weapons from the US. Quid pro quo help me and I will help you

The Biden angle

Trump - I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down that is really unfair

The guy was fired. Nobody said he was a good prosecutor except for Trump

Why does trump say this because the guy was making accusation against Biden. Accusation that were never proven or any evidence presented for the basis of an accusation.
He goes on to want a meeting between Giuliani and the President of Ukraine. Giuliani is Trumps private lawyer and is not a government official. RG is employed by Trump not the US. He goes on to belittle the ambassador for the US. He then even brings up Biden Son. He says quote the other things is that Biden's son and Biden stopped a prosecution

Is this for the US benefit or his benefit since Biden is his political opponent and in an election year he is asking a foreign government for help

Go back to the interview when Trump when he says “It’s not an interference, they have information — I think I’d take it,” Trump said. “If I thought there was something wrong, I’d go maybe to the FBI — if I thought there was something wrong.”. June 2016
Next month he makes the call.

The complaint address what happen after the call as what was told to him

A lock down attempt of all records of the phone call especially the work for word transcript of the call.
White house officials told him that they were directed by white house lawyers to remove the electronic transcript from the computer system in which such transcripts are typically stored. Instead it was immediately classified.

What was classified or so sensitive from a national security prospective other than it may embarrass Trump in an election year.
Soros is old and senile. He won't be around too much longer. Too bad he has kids he brought up to be Communists. Chances are they will pick up right where he leaves off. We better keep an eye on them for national security reasons.

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