Sanctions against the Moscow Exchange will force Moscow empire to focus on the yuan, which will make it an appendage of the Chinese economy


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Quite a trip from Ivan the terrible wannabe to a han- Chinese coolie. :auiqs.jpg: 👍

Moscow empire is already the hungry rectum of the Chinese economy...

“After the American authorities banned the circulation of the cash dollar, and the the euro on the territory of the Moscow empire, it was obvious that sooner or later the Moscow authorities would be forced to reduce the circulation of these currencies in Moscow empire, despite all the assurances of Elvira Nabiullina that there would be no de-dollarization. This is certainly a psychologically important point for the population, because the dollar has so far served and continues to serve as a certain benchmark. The ruble is too unreliable, and over the past 35 years, everyone has become completely convinced of it. Therefore, large real estate purchases traditionally continue to be counted in dollars, and people continue to keep their savings in them. ...

The problem is that not only the population focuses on the dollar, but also the Moscow imperial government. I will remind you that the mineral extraction tax, export duties, and the average annual price of oil, which is included in the budget - are all calculated in dollars. The dollar is still in the Moscow budget. It is not clear how they will climb out and get out of this situation in Moscow empire.


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