Sanders to give speech on Socialist Democracy


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Today, Nov 19. This should be interesting:

Sen. Bernie Sanders to explain his democratic socialist views

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders wants America to embrace a “second Bill of Rights,” a program for economic and social justice that President Franklin D. Roosevelt called for in 1944.

Sanders, a Vermont independent and candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, will highlight Roosevelt’s proposal on Thursday as part of a speech at Georgetown University in Washington explaining why he considers himself a democratic socialist.

Roosevelt's pitch, which he made in a State of the Union Address, called for acting on a number of rights that he said were generally accepted in the country, including the right to education, medical care, and a decent home, "regardless of station, race, or creed.”

In previewing Sanders' speech, his campaign said Wednesday that, "At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, Sanders believes, as did Roosevelt, that all Americans should have a right to a job with a living wage; health care; education; social security; housing and freedom from unfair competition and monopolies."
Probably 95% of the top 20 biggest economies on earth are social democracies. Hows that for failure? Or do you find the reality that nearly every european country that has a higher per capita is also a social democracy?

Any country that regulates its economy and has a private/public sector is a social democracy.

There's nothing wrong with setting a minimum wage and making sure the rich don't take it all.
There is no such thing as a social democracy. The term itself is an oxymoron. Socialist policies are oppressive, depriving people of their individual rights.
Probably 95% of the top 20 biggest economies on earth are social democracies. Hows that for failure? Or do you find the reality that nearly every european country that has a higher per capita is also a social democracy?

Any country that regulates its economy and has a private/public sector is a social democracy.

There's nothing wrong with setting a minimum wage and making sure the rich don't take it all.
So you would rather have the govt take it all?
Minimum wage is a fools party. If the shoe fits, I guess.. ;)
damn, couldn't they have found a much younger Socialist/fascist to give the lies they will spew at us?

a lot about Bernie's past people should do some research. He admired Castro and was for a 90% tax on the wealthy.
There is no such thing as a social democracy. The term itself is an oxymoron. Socialist policies are oppressive, depriving people of their individual rights.

And that is why political science classes teach about it and believe it is a real thing. LOL
Unregulated economies without any government is the real hell on earth....

Two examples are somalia and for the most part haiti.
Probably 95% of the top 20 biggest economies on earth are social democracies. Hows that for failure? Or do you find the reality that nearly every european country that has a higher per capita is also a social democracy?

Any country that regulates its economy and has a private/public sector is a social democracy.

There's nothing wrong with setting a minimum wage and making sure the rich don't take it all.

These are the same countries that are currently breeding below the population rate, and are facing an influx of non-assimilating migrants, correct?

Congrats, Europe has managed to perfect the food service on a sinking ship.
Unregulated economies without any government is the real hell on earth....

Two examples are somalia and for the most part haiti.

Folks in Haiti and Somalia will be surprised to hear they have no government.

On 10 September 2012, parliament elected Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as the new President of Somalia.[171] President Mohamud later appointed Abdi Farah Shirdon as the new Prime Minister on 6 October 2012,[172] who was succeeded in office by Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed on 21 December 2013.[173] On 17 December 2014, former Premier Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke was reappointed Prime Minister.

Somalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The government of Haiti is a semi-presidential republic, a multiparty system wherein the President of Haiti is head of state elected directly by popular elections.[119] The Prime Minister acts as head of government and is appointed by the President, chosen from the majority party in the National Assembly. Executive power is exercised by the President and Prime Minister who together constitute the government. In 2013, the annual budget was US$1 billion.[120]

Legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of the National Assembly of Haiti. The government is organized unitarily, thus the central government delegates powers to the departments without a constitutional need for consent. The current structure of Haiti's political system was set forth in the Constitution of Haiti on 29 March 1987. The current president is Michel Martelly.

Haiti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, I thought it was okay, but a little disappointing.

Most of the speech was him starting off a sentence with something like "what I mean by Democatic Socialism is..." and then just doing his boilerplate talk on the individual issue.

However, a few things did seem new. He invoked FDR consistently throughout and did seem to make an effort to summarize democratic socialism with "real freedom must include economic security." He also invoked MLK a few times, no doubt to placate the PC/Identity Politics crowd. He was talking about America, not grievance groups, so he had to give them a nod.

He also went out of his way to clearly say "I don't think government should own the business or means of production", which is at the very core of pure socialism, and probably its biggest difference with democratic socialism. The Republicans don't like making that distinction, but it's significant.

What I wish he would do - and maybe I'm stuck on this because I'm a financial nerd - is get more specific on the numbers. Okay, so X% of the wealth is owned by 0.1% of the country. Fine, I get it. So does he want some kind of wealth tax to even things out a bit? And what is "fair share" when it comes to personal and business income tax rates? What's the number?

And how does he think American businesses are going to react if we increase taxes even more, just sit there and take it? He and his followers seem to think that all businesses are somehow avoiding paying taxes, which is just comic in its naivete. What are the numbers on this, specifically?

The guy is interesting, I wish I could have a beer with him. But on the big speech, meh.
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How could you put him on ignore if you were having a beer with him?

He said "democratic socialism." You said "socialist democracy."

One exists, the other is a neologism that doesn't make sense...deliberately so.
Great. Democratic socialism.

We move on now.

As we continue to discuss the concept on social media. ;)

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