Sarah Palin Takes Obama And Matt Lauer To The Woodshed On The Today Show


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
She was great this morning as she didn't take Matt Lauers scripted talking points for Obama. She said that 'a broken website is symbolic of a broken administration'. She's correct. As Bill Clinton stated during the 2010 mid term elections when Palin was drawing massive crowds campaigning for her endorsements. He went on national tv 2 weeks before election day and told democrat voters and candidates...... "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". This morning Palin was as resilient as ever exposing Obamacares problems like she did the 'Death Panels' it contained.

Full video of Palin annihilating Lauer.
Whoa! Sarah Palin Eats Matt Lauer?s Lunch ? SLAMS Obama on O-Care (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Sarah Palin: Broken site, broken White House - Tal Kopan -

Here’s a brief summary of Today’s interview:

“When you stand in the middle of the road, you’re going to get hit on both sides of the road,’’ Palin said. “We need to take a stand, especially on this Obamacare, and support those who are just fulfilling their campaign promises. So many politicians ran for reelection and for election saying they would do anything in their power to de-fund the state of socialized medicine program called Obamacare. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, some of these guys were actually fulfilling their campaign promises and they ask for debate. That’s why they stood up. They took the stand, (and) fought for us to debate the issue of Obamacare.”

The former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate is back in the spotlight with a recent speech in Iowa and a national tour supporting her new book, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the heart of Christmas.”

Lauer asked Palin about President Barack Obama’s apology at the end of last week after it was discovered that five percent of Americans can’t keep their existing policies because they don’t meet the standards of the new healthcare law.

“What apology?’’ Palin said. “He kind of acknowledged a bit that there’s a broken website. The broken website is the least of America’s worries. This broken website I think is symbolic of a broken administration. Take over one-sixth of our economy and the socialized medicine that’s being crammed down our throat, that’s what’s broken.

“Where do you get this five percent?’’ she said. “It’s not five percent. It’s most Americans will not be able to keep the healthcare policy and programs that they had desired. The new programs that are being forced down our throat are unaffordable. Some of them are still being told, ‘Well if you like that insurance policy and that coverage, you still will be able to keep it, it’s just going to cost you a little bit more.’ That’s the point. If it’s going to cost you more, then it’s not the same policy.”
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I like Bill Clinton, he was far more Conservative than either Bush

Palin will run in 2016, and she's formidable
Bad idea, taking Lauer to the woodshed. He could too easily be misplaced in there.
I like Bill Clinton, he was far more Conservative than either Bush

Palin will run in 2016, and she's formidable

Oh give me a break! CLINTON more conservative?????

How many times do I have to show you totally FORGETFUL PEOPLE!!!

PLEASE REFUTE THESE entire points...
Tell me NONE of this happened!
Clinton WAS NEVER conservative... YOU seem to forget that the ONE MAJOR total screw up of health care STARTED WITH HIPAA!!! in 1996!
. It has been estimated that 20 percent of health care costs can be attributed to paperwork (Redhead, 2001).
Overview of HIPAA Administrative Simplification Provisions

So again tell me how f..king dumb to call Clinton more conservative!!
YOU never knew how much SAVINGS of Medicare costs were done by the Modernization Act of 2003 SAVED Medicare nearly $400 billion if it hadn't been
for Bush's streamlining from 500 contractors that Medicare was dealing with to less then 20 today! This saved billions!
YET idiots like YOU have no idea and then the absolute STUPIDITY to say more conservative???

New study concludes that the Community Reinvestment Act ?clearly? did lead to risky lending | AEIdeas
Do you think these events will be covered?
GWB had the WORST world shattering events happen under his watch.
NO other president ever presided over such cataclysmic events!
Did this events happen?

The 2001 recession that STARTED under Clinton official began in March that year, so today's announcement makes it an eight-month downturn. - It's official: 2001 recession only lasted eight months

1) bust cost $5 trillion in lost market value..
this means every year for 30 years now starting in 2000 the federal revenue is over $20 billion written off against taxes owed.
300,000 people LOST jobs due to the bust!
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies.
More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 -
and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion ? Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

2) Did YOU forget that 9/11 occurred and it cost $2 trillion over the next 30 years again $8 billion will NOT BE PAiD.. was that Bush's fault?
Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York!!
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone.

Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992 as a Category 5. It caused 40 deaths and $30 billion in property damage. More than 250,000 people were left homeless and 82,000 businesses were destroyed or damaged.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Hurricane Rita quickly followed Katrina only to make matters worse. Between the two, more than $200 billion in damage was done. 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed. Many of the jobs and homes were never to be recovered. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and over 1,000 were killed and more are missing. The effect on oil and gasoline prices was long-lasting.

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to busts.

Almost 1 million jobs alone from those 3 events

All of this while having almost $60 billion a year in lower tax revenue due to the above losses !

The HIGHEST gross REVENUE to the Federal Government in HISTORY.. 2007 2,567,985,000 Revenues ; Expenses:$2,728,686,00 -160,701 deficit decline
Historical Tables | The White House

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%
Measuring Worth - GDP result.

FACTS DEAL with them!!!
"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans have been proposed over and over again" ......... and the Iraq such as.
She was great this morning as she didn't take Matt Lauers scripted talking points for Obama. She said that 'a broken website is symbolic of a broken administration'. She's correct. As Bill Clinton stated during the 2010 mid term elections when Palin was drawing massive crowds campaigning for her endorsements. He went on national tv 2 weeks before election day and told democrat voters and candidates...... "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". This morning Palin was as resilient as ever exposing Obamacares problems like she did the 'Death Panels' it contained.

Full video of Palin annihilating Lauer.
Whoa! Sarah Palin Eats Matt Lauer?s Lunch ? SLAMS Obama on O-Care (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Sarah Palin: Broken site, broken White House - Tal Kopan -

Here’s a brief summary of Today’s interview:

“When you stand in the middle of the road, you’re going to get hit on both sides of the road,’’ Palin said. “We need to take a stand, especially on this Obamacare, and support those who are just fulfilling their campaign promises. So many politicians ran for reelection and for election saying they would do anything in their power to de-fund the state of socialized medicine program called Obamacare. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, some of these guys were actually fulfilling their campaign promises and they ask for debate. That’s why they stood up. They took the stand, (and) fought for us to debate the issue of Obamacare.”

The former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate is back in the spotlight with a recent speech in Iowa and a national tour supporting her new book, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the heart of Christmas.”

Lauer asked Palin about President Barack Obama’s apology at the end of last week after it was discovered that five percent of Americans can’t keep their existing policies because they don’t meet the standards of the new healthcare law.

“What apology?’’ Palin said. “He kind of acknowledged a bit that there’s a broken website. The broken website is the least of America’s worries. This broken website I think is symbolic of a broken administration. Take over one-sixth of our economy and the socialized medicine that’s being crammed down our throat, that’s what’s broken.

“Where do you get this five percent?’’ she said. “It’s not five percent. It’s most Americans will not be able to keep the healthcare policy and programs that they had desired. The new programs that are being forced down our throat are unaffordable. Some of them are still being told, ‘Well if you like that insurance policy and that coverage, you still will be able to keep it, it’s just going to cost you a little bit more.’ That’s the point. If it’s going to cost you more, then it’s not the same policy.”

Right from the start this imbecile states that obamacare was shoved down America's throats. Sure it was so unpopular that after it's passage, America voted overwhelmingly for Obama and sent romney back to mormonsville. Woodshed, hardly.

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