Sarah Still Has It

love the leftist racism and sexism in this thread, I'm certain @Wrycatcher will be here to neg you all and call you out on your hypocrassy

And off Two Thumbs goes, wildly flinging out those race cards.

The only people bringing race into this are the righties. That's very typical, the way they tend to always and instantly make every single thing entirely about race. They really need to take a lesson from the way the liberals are so color-blind about people and issues.

Oh, it's not the liberals who are declaring Malkin and Palin are totally hot and making wank-videos. Two Thumbs, of course, will be totally silent about the conservative sexist objectification of those women, and essentially of all women. No matter what woman is being discussed, the first comment that will come from most conservatives will be something about her looks.
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love the leftist racism and sexism in this thread, I'm certain @Wrycatcher will be here to neg you all and call you out on your hypocrassy

And off Two Thumbs goes, wildly flinging out those race cards.

The only people bringing race into this are the righties. That's very typical, the way they tend to always and instantly make every single thing entirely about race. They really need to take a lesson from the way the liberals are so color-blind about people and issues.

Oh, it's not the liberals who declaring Malkin and Palin are totally hot and making wank-videos. Two Thumbs, of course, will be totally silent about the conservative sexist objectification of those women, and essentially of all women. No matter what woman is being discussed, the first comment that will come from most conservatives will be something about her looks.

Yes, exactly. How ridiculous is it to elect someone based on their looks?
love the leftist racism and sexism in this thread, I'm certain @Wrycatcher will be here to neg you all and call you out on your hypocrassy

And off Two Thumbs goes, wildly flinging out those race cards.

The only people bringing race into this are the righties. That's very typical, the way they tend to always and instantly make every single thing entirely about race. They really need to take a lesson from the way the liberals are so color-blind about people and issues.

Oh, it's not the liberals who are declaring Malkin and Palin are totally hot and making wank-videos. Two Thumbs, of course, will be totally silent about the conservative sexist objectification of those women, and essentially of all women. No matter what woman is being discussed, the first comment that will come from most conservatives will be something about her looks.

sucks to be called a racist when it's nothing about race, doughnut?

the rest is just mindless blather

Does anyone still doubt my title?

After Attorney General Eric Holder revealed that he was considering forcing gun owners to wear identifying bracelets, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin harshly warned him that he better not even think about trying to implement the idea.

"Eric, 'You don't want to go there, buddy,'" she declared on Wednesday.


"Eric, you can replace my identifying bracelets with your government marker when you pry them off my cold, dead wrists," . . .


Palin Warns Holder on Gun Bracelets: 'You Don't Want to Go There, Buddy'
by Tony Lee 9 Apr 2014

Palin Warns Holder on Gun Bracelets: 'You Don't Want to Go There, Buddy'

Here’s a bonus:

[ame=]Charlton Heston; From My Cold Dead Hands - YouTube[/ame]​

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