Satellite footage shows 'notable drop' in air pollution over Italy after coronavirus lockdown

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Very good!

ESA's Claus Zehner, Sentinel-5P mission manager, said, 'The decline in nitrogen dioxide emissions over the Po Valley in northern Italy is particularly evident.

'Although there could be slight variations in the data due to cloud cover and changing weather, we are very confident that the reduction in emissions that we can see, coincides with the lockdown in Italy causing less traffic and industrial activities.'

Similar changes in pollution levels were noted by NASA researcher Santiago Gasso when studying other data from Copernicus.

He said: 'In one month, there is a clear decrease of NO2 levels (a pollution marker) in northern Italy according to the satellite sensor.'

Continued - Satellite footage shows 'notable drop' in air pollution over Italy after coronavirus lockdown
Yes ...

Everything that's bad for humans is good for the environment ... the sooner human go extinct the quicker Mother Earth will heal herself ...

I wonder how temperatures are reacting ... there's a fringe theory bouncing around out there that says human activities dim the sunlight coming through the atmosphere ... thus keeping temperatures lower than they would be otherwise ... this effect (if real) was first noticed Sept 12th through 14th, 2001 ... when US airspace was closed and no jets belching soot ... damn hard experiment to duplicate, but maybe Po Valley is a start ... how many people would we have to move to Libya to make this work? ...

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