Savagery: Nothing New


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Anarchists, Leftists of every variety......savagery, slaughter, assaults.....simply boilerplate statistics associated with every totalitarian philosophy.

So.....why is anyone surprised when migrants.....North African, Middle Eastern,.....Muslims the very same things.
After all, "Islam" means 'submission,' and what could be more totalitarian.

There was lots of consternation about Cologne, New Year's Eve.....but now it turns out news of an earlier mass assault has been kept secret by Swedish Liberals.....
...Liberals, like the folks who'd like to facilitate the same sorts of things in America...the members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance.

1." The sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve seemed like something completely new -- until this week when it turned out that the same sort of thing had happened in another European city nearly six months ago.

2. Similar assaults were reported in Hamburg and Stuttgart. The organisation and scale of the attacks – up to 1000 men are thought to have been involved -- was new and sinister.

More than a week later the episode has escalated into major crisis for Angela Merkel’s government and its open-door policy for refugees and migrants. It has also raised the question of whether political chatter about women’s rights is much more than a convenient slogan.

3 .An official report released on Sunday confirmed allegations by victims (more than 500 of them have laid criminal complaints, of which 45 percent involved sexual assault) that the assailants were North African or Arabic. The report found that the suspects in the assaults were “almost exclusively” from a migrant background.

4. ....the Cologne attacks reveal “a new facet” of mass immigration, one that couldn’t have been foreseen. In fact, it could have, if Swedish authorities and media had not suppressed a very similar incident in Stockholm last August.

5. Last week Swedish website Nyheter Idag revealed that at a crowded concert during a youth festival (‘We Are Sthlm’) in that city, hordes of young men pressed against young girls and sexually molested them. Some girls alleged serious sexual assaults happening right in front of the stage. During a single night, police had to take action against around 90 younger males, but older men are alleged to have been involved in the abuse as well.

6. ...the police themselves did not inform the public about these events, a psychologist who worked for the Stockholm police department tipped off a reporter at a leading Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter. She was interested, he says, until he told her that all the boys and men detained by the police were from Afghanistan and Syria.

....following the Cologne attacks she finally contacted the police officer again and said that her editor had, at the time, dismissed it as “SD [Sweden Democrats] fabrications”

7. ...a Stockholm city official told AP that the phenomenon of “a larger group doing [sexual assault] almost in an organised way” is “a completely new level of obscenity.” But for Britons, it will have a familiar ring – and so will the cover-up angle.

In August 2013 the country was rocked by revelations about Pakistani gangs sexually grooming and abusing poor teenage and pre-teen white girls in Rotherham – something that had been going on for 16 years, affecting 1400 girls, while local and national authorities argued with each other but ran scared...

And that was not the only British town where the safety of girls was being sacrificed to political expediency.
MercatorNet: Was there anything really new about the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne?
The same Liberals, those members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance, will have no problem shrugging it off, and voting for Bill's wife.

After all.....they voted for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, veteran sexual assaulter.
The same Liberals, those members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance, will have no problem shrugging it off, and voting for Bill's wife.

After all.....they voted for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, veteran sexual assaulter.
this thread: blatant fundamental elementary dishonesty: nothing new

get a job.
this thread: blatant fundamental elementary dishonesty: nothing new

get a job.

It's significant that you couldn't find any such
"blatant fundamental elementary dishonesty" to provide as an example.

One is left with the conclusion that you are simply grinding your teeth, and boiling at the facts revealed......
....and you have no way to counter them.

It is the sort of thing one regularly finds when dealing with Liberals.

And....nothing Liberals like better than shutting down the opposition, since, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat your lunch.
Your "get a job" remark is a more civil version than many Liberals resort to.

BTW.....I will continue. Better get a supply of antacids.
It's threads like these that make the far right loons look bad.

Possibly you could attempt to find any aspect of same that is not correct, accurate and true.

Do try.

When you cannot.....look in the mirror and explain to yourself why you have such a deep and palpable fear of reality.
It's threads like these that make the far right loons look bad.

Possibly you could attempt to find any aspect of same that is not correct, accurate and true.

Do try.

When you cannot.....look in the mirror and explain to yourself why you have such a deep and palpable fear of reality.
What the hell are you talking about? The only people who take threads like this seriously are hacks.

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