Scathing Letter Reveals Tension Among New York Democrats Over Migrant Crisis


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This kind of scenario will be played out in every blue sanctuary city. It's going to get more ugly by the day. Joe Biden and Democrats are criminals in my book.

The letter, responding to New York City’s list of demands for state help, said the city had already rebuffed some of the state’s offers and had been slow to aid migrants.

A new front opened on Wednesday in an escalating battle among Democrats over how to handle large numbers of immigrants crossing the southern border and moving into major cities.

The leaders of New York City and New York State, where officials say the arrival of migrants has set off a humanitarian crisis, seemed to turn on each other this week, after the state sent a scathing letter accusing the city of resisting its help and being slow to act.

This kind of scenario will be played out in every blue sanctuary city. It's going to get more ugly by the day. Joe Biden and Democrats are criminals in my book.

The letter, responding to New York City’s list of demands for state help, said the city had already rebuffed some of the state’s offers and had been slow to aid migrants.

New Yorkers need to step up and start acting like the sanctuary state they are. Migrants in every single private home, school, hotel, government building, and business, starting with the ones owned by DemoKKKrats, at a minimum. Anything less is racist and xenophobic.
New Yorkers need to step up and start acting like the sanctuary state they are. Migrants in every single private home, school, hotel, government building, and business, starting with the ones owned by DemoKKKrats, at a minimum. Anything less is racist and xenophobic.
Exactly...It's time to start walkin' that "progressivism" they love to talk about. Let's see some action, Jackson!
New Yorkers need to step up and start acting like the sanctuary state they are. Migrants in every single private home, school, hotel, government building, and business, starting with the ones owned by DemoKKKrats, at a minimum. Anything less is racist and xenophobic.
But they are complaining, dog whistles of racism.
Section 8 is state housing aid. Just require everyone getting state aid to have three or more invaders living with them.
Good plan but they should be living with employers of illegals and members of Congress (both parties), not regular blue collar folk.
This kind of scenario will be played out in every blue sanctuary city. It's going to get more ugly by the day. Joe Biden and Democrats are criminals in my book.

The letter, responding to New York City’s list of demands for state help, said the city had already rebuffed some of the state’s offers and had been slow to aid migrants.

when dembots have to deal with the consequences of their votes, they tend to get upset with the results. The demafascist are trying to blame others....the Gov of Texas, of FL...but even the dembot voters are having a hard time chewing on that propaganda
I disagree. If you voted for a politician who declared a "sanctuary" city or state, YOU need to step up and start housing migrants. If you don't, you're a racist and a xenophobe.
Sanctuary cities are constitutionally protected.

Why would I want to punish a city or state for following the constitution?
Good plan but they should be living with employers of illegals and members of Congress (both parties), not regular blue collar folk.
why should employers be punished for hiring them? The demafascist have told them it's ok to....and why should both parties in Congress have to? Only the demafacsit have blocked border security, moreover NYC didn't have this problem when the GOP had Congress and the White House.

This is purely the consequences of the Demafascist policies, and those that voted for them.
Sanctuary cities are constitutionally protected.

Why would I want to punish a city or state for following the constitution?
what a silly comment....1) yes, the Constitution does not require State and localities to help the Feds enforce federal law, 2) but, it doesn't say they can't....3) so when citizens of a State, or city vote to not help the Feds, they make a choice...they are saying illegals are welcome...well there are the they are dealing with those consequences. It's not punishment, it's simply the results of their vote.
Sanctuary cities are constitutionally protected.

Why would I want to punish a city or state for following the constitution?
They aren't following the constitution, they are exploiting a loophole. Big difference between that & following the constitution. Sanctuary cities are not in the spirit of the constitution.
why should employers be punished for hiring them?

Because they are breaking the law and incentivizing more illegals.

The demafascist have told them it's ok to....and why should both parties in Congress have to?

No they haven't.

Only the demafacsit have blocked border security, moreover NYC didn't have this problem when the GOP had Congress and the White House.

Illegals have been a problem for decades. This most recent NY thing is just more of the same.

This is purely the consequences of the Demafascist policies, and those that voted for them.
They are republican and Democrat policies...or laws rather and they refuse to change them.
They aren't following the constitution, they are exploiting a loophole. Big difference between that & following the constitution. Sanctuary cities are not in the spirit of the constitution.
They are constitutionally protected.

Not sure what all your squirming is about.
Because they are breaking the law and incentivizing more illegals.

No they haven't.

Illegals have been a problem for decades. This most recent NY thing is just more of the same.

They are republican and Democrat policies...or laws rather and they refuse to change them.
hahah the Xiden admin is in charge of enforcing the law, and they have made it clear they won't go after employers for hiring illegals....they literally wrote a memo making it clear.

Sure illegals have been a problem in the past, but NOTHING like this, this is the Xiden America, and crisis we are in is a result of their policies.

There was nothing wrong with the law, it's just xiden and demafasit didn't like them...they literally undid many of them that worked to create this crisis.
hahah the Xiden admin is in charge of enforcing the law, and they have made it clear they won't go after employers for hiring illegals....they literally wrote a memo making it clear.

The laws suck. Congress needs to overhaul the VISA and amnesty laws.

Sure illegals have been a problem in the past, but NOTHING like this, this is the Xiden America, and crisis we are in is a result of their policies.

No but damn near as bad as at the end of Trump's presidency so evidently what he was doing didn't work either.

Congress needs to get off their asses and push legislation.

There was nothing wrong with the law, it's just xiden and demafasit didn't like them...they literally undid many of them that worked to create this crisis.
About half of all illegals in America today arrived legally and overstayed their VISAs and you think their is nothing wrong with the law?
The laws suck. Congress needs to overhaul the VISA and amnesty laws.

No but damn near as bad as at the end of Trump's presidency so evidently what he was doing didn't work either.

Congress needs to get off their asses and push legislation.

About half of all illegals in America today arrived legally and overstayed their VISAs and you think their is nothing wrong with the law?
1) what about it sucks?
2) haha no trump had an agreement with Mexico, a stay on Mexico policy that xiden tossed…the chaos we are seeing now would be avoided if xiden keep the trump policies…there is no comparison

Congress can’t force xiden to enforce the law

3) no…not as you described, that sounds like a law enforcement problem. What sort of law could congress pass to deal with over states visas, that doesn’t already exist?
The laws suck. Congress needs to overhaul the VISA and amnesty laws.

No but damn near as bad as at the end of Trump's presidency so evidently what he was doing didn't work either.

Congress needs to get off their asses and push legislation.

About half of all illegals in America today arrived legally and overstayed their VISAs and you think their is nothing wrong with the law?
It isn't the laws themselves that are the problem, it is the piss-poor enforcement of the laws on the books.

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