NYC firefighter, 36, dies of heart attack after being fired to pay for migrants — leaving his family with nothing

Politicians who are benefiting from this. There is no incentive to solve the issue as long as you can use it for fundraising
No one said it would be easy

But the voters do have the final say

Along with ballot box stuffers in the democrat party

And I know that street level dems are reaching their limit on the migrant invasion also
No one said it would be easy

But the voters do have the final say

Along with ballot box stuffers in the democrat party

And I know that street level dems are reaching their limit on the migrant invasion also
I’m all for not voting for an incumbent and moving forward but the voters have chosen to elevate the worst we as a country have to offer
He had his first heart attack prior to Covid. Nice try but it would appear genetics dealt him a bad hand
And I’m sure getting the jab helped, huh?

Yes people have pre-existing conditions, which is why many did not want to take the experimental Vax. But did Biden care? Did Democrats care? Nope. They just yelled at them and called them conspiracy theorist.
I’m all for not voting for an incumbent and moving forward but the voters have chosen to elevate the worst we as a country have to offer
The only way to reap the benefits of trump policy is to elect trump

Otherwise its 4 more years of biden
And I’m sure getting the jab helped, huh?

Yes people have pre-existing conditions, which is why many did not want to take the experimental Vax. But did Biden care? Did Democrats care? Nope. They just yelled at them and called them conspiracy theorist.
There is no proof the shot caused his death, but there is proof he was not in as good of health as some are trying to claim
And I’m sure getting the jab helped, huh?

Yes people have pre-existing conditions, which is why many did not want to take the experimental Vax. But did Biden care? Did Democrats care? Nope. They just yelled at them and called them conspiracy theorist.

BINGO! :thup:
A heart attack at 36?

Let me guess, NY required firefighters to get jabbed right?

Yup, I was right. 98% of FDNY were “vaccinated” for Coof.

This is a prime example of how the left operates. Force you to take an experimental jab, then when you get health issues you just get fired.

Exactly. :(
A weak heart could have been pushed over the edge by the jab
He doesn’t want to consider it. He refuses to believe the fact that the jab causes horrible blood clots and heart problems like myocarditis.

He sounds….vaccinated.
He doesn’t want to consider it. He refuses to believe the fact that the jab causes horrible blood clots and heart problems like myocarditis.

He sounds….vaccinated.
I suspect that the vaccination affects some people differently than others

What bothers libs today is embarrassment about their panic towards the virus and their hysterical condition during the pandemic

It was scary times for everyone for two or three months

Unfortunately for some on the left they are still ruled by fear
He should've taken better care of his health. If he were still on the JOB the taxpayers would be taking care of his family. Money saved! Rightwing conservatism at it's most naked.
It's a safe bet he was ordered to take the toxic shots and complied. Whether USMC or FDNY doesn't matter. Another healthy young man victim of the clot shot.
A weak heart could have been pushed over the edge by the jab
The shot could have had zero effect on this person. There is no evidence the shot played a role in his death but there is plenty of evidence he was already in poor health and had a history of heart related illness.
Yes, that is also a possibility

The shame is that libs panicked and tried to force everyone to get the shot without knowing if it was safe or not
I never supported making the shot mandatory it should always be a personal choice each person has to make for themselves

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