Schiff Opposes J6 Pardons

Schiff Opposes J6 Pardons

News that President-Elect Donald Trump intends to pardon many who were prosecuted for trespassing in the Capitol on January 6, 2021 has Senator-Elect Adam Schiff (D-Calif) "greatly concerned. He has no mandate for this. Voters didn't elect him to pardon the MAGA fanatics who tried to overthrow the government on that day."
While the narrative created by Schiff, other Democrats and the Media has been that the disturbance at the Capitol was an insurrection, many others have come to doubt that version of events. The most obvious incongruity is that none of those accused of committing insurrection brought firearms. The only person shot that day was killed by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd. Second, none of those arrested for being present at the scene were prosecuted for insurrection. Further, other evidence supporting a quite different narrative is being slowly uncovered.
The claim that President Trump instigated the so-called insurrection conflicts both with the fact that he urged his supporters to peacefully make their voices heard in Congress and that he ordered the Army to provide troops to defend the Capitol on that day. In an interview with the Inspector General, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley recalled "Trump said I don't care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it's safe." Milley decided not to accept the order of his Commander-in-Chief. Instead he followed the advice of an op ed in the Washington Post co-authored by former Vice-President Dick Cheney urging that troops not be deployed at the Capitol.
Dick Cheney's daughter former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy), Vice Chair of the House's January 6 Select Committee, played a key roll in the Committee's so-called investigation of the "insurrection." House Administration Oversight Subcommittee chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga) asserted that "based on the evidence obtained by the Subcommittee, numerous federal laws were likely broken by Rep. Cheney. These violations including withholding evidence and witness tampering should be investigated by the FBI."
Part of the insurrection narrative included the ominous construction of a gallows at the Capitol. One would think that a thorough investigation of the alleged attempt to overthrow the government would've entailed a forensic examination of the gallows to get evidence of who was involved in building it. Though the structure remained on the Capitol grounds for more than a day, neither the FBI nor any other law enforcement agency bothered collecting this evidence. Instead, Capitol Police CCTV footage confirms that Architect of the Capitol employees destroyed the structure, loaded the remains into the back of a dump truck, and carted it away.
Schiff called the emerging evidence contradicting his Party's narrative "a dishonest and evil attempt to rewrite the history we all already know. Our friends in the media will never let the public see the so-called new evidence or hear a new narrative. Our friends in the history departments of the nation's leading universities will write the books to ensure that over time, the original narrative is what every student will learn."

Every man and woman wrongly convicted for Jan 6th should be pardoned by Trump on January 22nd, 2025.
The DoJ must do it's job and investigate the criminal activities of those that gave purloined and false evidence to the now defunct Select Committee on Jan 6th.
Has Joey B. pre-emptively pardoned those involved in this Kangaroo Court yet?

No one needs to give a shit about what Adam Schiff thinks, except for the dumbfucks in California who voted for him.
Bug eyes will look good in orange
Schiff Opposes J6 Pardons

News that President-Elect Donald Trump intends to pardon many who were prosecuted for trespassing in the Capitol on January 6, 2021 has Senator-Elect Adam Schiff (D-Calif) "greatly concerned. He has no mandate for this. Voters didn't elect him to pardon the MAGA fanatics who tried to overthrow the government on that day."
While the narrative created by Schiff, other Democrats and the Media has been that the disturbance at the Capitol was an insurrection, many others have come to doubt that version of events. The most obvious incongruity is that none of those accused of committing insurrection brought firearms. The only person shot that day was killed by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd. Second, none of those arrested for being present at the scene were prosecuted for insurrection. Further, other evidence supporting a quite different narrative is being slowly uncovered.
The claim that President Trump instigated the so-called insurrection conflicts both with the fact that he urged his supporters to peacefully make their voices heard in Congress and that he ordered the Army to provide troops to defend the Capitol on that day. In an interview with the Inspector General, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley recalled "Trump said I don't care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it's safe." Milley decided not to accept the order of his Commander-in-Chief. Instead he followed the advice of an op ed in the Washington Post co-authored by former Vice-President Dick Cheney urging that troops not be deployed at the Capitol.
Dick Cheney's daughter former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy), Vice Chair of the House's January 6 Select Committee, played a key roll in the Committee's so-called investigation of the "insurrection." House Administration Oversight Subcommittee chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga) asserted that "based on the evidence obtained by the Subcommittee, numerous federal laws were likely broken by Rep. Cheney. These violations including withholding evidence and witness tampering should be investigated by the FBI."
Part of the insurrection narrative included the ominous construction of a gallows at the Capitol. One would think that a thorough investigation of the alleged attempt to overthrow the government would've entailed a forensic examination of the gallows to get evidence of who was involved in building it. Though the structure remained on the Capitol grounds for more than a day, neither the FBI nor any other law enforcement agency bothered collecting this evidence. Instead, Capitol Police CCTV footage confirms that Architect of the Capitol employees destroyed the structure, loaded the remains into the back of a dump truck, and carted it away.
Schiff called the emerging evidence contradicting his Party's narrative "a dishonest and evil attempt to rewrite the history we all already know. Our friends in the media will never let the public see the so-called new evidence or hear a new narrative. Our friends in the history departments of the nation's leading universities will write the books to ensure that over time, the original narrative is what every student will learn."

Every man and woman wrongly convicted for Jan 6th should be pardoned by Trump on January 22nd, 2025.
The DoJ must do it's job and investigate the criminal activities of those that gave purloined and false evidence to the now defunct Select Committee on Jan 6th.
Has Joey B. pre-emptively pardoned those involved in this Kangaroo Court yet?
It's was a glorious day for DEMOCRACY!!! We are not Stalinist and we are not some 3rd world shit hole that just imprisons political foes. Even the HANDFUL of J6ers who got violent they have served way more time than the murderous criminals YOUR DEMOCRAT DAs released onto the street to kill again. Take your sanctimony back to the playground, this board is for ADULTS.

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