School Security

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
Email from a local gun range owner, and self defense instructor.

5 points

each will get it's own post.

First, mandate from the federal level that all schools in the United States have an armed presence in their buildings and on their campus. This can be in the form of armed security guards, police, or teachers and administrators. Personally, I prefer a combination of SROs and armed staff.

Thought and comments welcome
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Second, establish a standard at either the state or federal level to which all armed personnel in schools must be held. All MUST be properly trained, to a standard similar to that of Federal Air Marshals and Flight Deck Officers, and MUST qualify to that standard twice a year. All MUST have passed criminal background checks and psychological tests. All MUST attend routine training which surpasses that of ordinary police officers, and which stresses scenario-based use of force training. This training should also give them a solid understanding of the law as it pertains to their roles in the school.

Third, make any gun crime in a school a federal offense, with mandatory prison time. Make any school shooting or stabbing that results in the death of one or more people a capitol offense in which the federal government assumes jurisdiction and attaches a mandatory death penalty. There should be NO NEGOTIATION on this. I can hear the ACLU screaming already... Friends, I don't know how else to say this... Our kids are being slaughtered by murderers, terrorists, and the mentally deranged. It makes no difference how it is done: gun, knife, automobile, baseball bat, what have you. They are being killed. The time for half measures, tough talk, and the ACLU coming to the rescue of thugs is over. Those who would commit these heinous crimes against humanity have given up their rights as citizens, and in my opinion, the Constitution no longer should protect them. They have given up their right to due process. They have given up their status as human beings, just like any ISIS terrorist, and should be treated as such.

Fourth, how about we enforce the laws already on the books? How many murders and other felonies in the past decade alone could have been prevented if the laws we already have in place were enforced? Put felons away for serious jail time.

Fifth, make it illegal for any news agency or private individual to publish the photo of any mass murderer like this dirtbag (I refuse to print his name) in Florida. Oh wait, that's a violation of the 1st Amendment! Well you can't yell fire in a movie theater just to get a thrill, can you? Publishing the photo and name of mass murderers just puts fuel on the fire. They seek fame. They seek notoriety. Don't give it to them. But a law like that will never happen, so how about this: All major news agencies and networks collectively get together and do the right thing. Put politics aside, and collectively pledge to not show the faces of these despicable animals.
Email from a local gun range owner, and self defense instructor.

5 points

each will get it's own post.

First, mandate from the federal level that all schools in the United States have an armed presence in their buildings and on their campus. This can be in the form of armed security guards, police, or teachers and administrators. Personally, I prefer a combination of SROs and armed staff.

Thought and comments welcome
There is no law against it..
What if we built our police stations right beside schools?

as opposed to having someone inside as a first responder?
Yes. It seems like it would be cheaper in the long run.
Just an idea i got from vastator

I live in a small town..

one elementary, one middle, and one high school.

and one police station.

at which school do we put the police station?
Rebuild the schools into high rises and put the cops in at the bottom....
What if we built our police stations right beside schools?

as opposed to having someone inside as a first responder?
Yes. It seems like it would be cheaper in the long run.
Just an idea i got from vastator

I live in a small town..

one elementary, one middle, and one high school.

and one police station.

at which school do we put the police station?
Good point. We have combined schools in different towns for our district. Didnt think about that..
Email from a local gun range owner, and self defense instructor.

5 points

each will get it's own post.

First, mandate from the federal level that all schools in the United States have an armed presence in their buildings and on their campus. This can be in the form of armed security guards, police, or teachers and administrators. Personally, I prefer a combination of SROs and armed staff.

Thought and comments welcome
The chicken sh!t in Florida who was the security officer did not do any of this job.

So obviously you need to hire the right person, preferably a former Marine.

But just an armed presence is not enough. You need to harden schools with access control, fences, iron doors, and metal detectors with all entry points guarded by an armed security officer.
Email from a local gun range owner, and self defense instructor.

5 points

each will get it's own post.

First, mandate from the federal level that all schools in the United States have an armed presence in their buildings and on their campus. This can be in the form of armed security guards, police, or teachers and administrators. Personally, I prefer a combination of SROs and armed staff.

Thought and comments welcome
The chicken sh!t in Florida who was the security officer did not do any of this job.

So obviously you need to hire the right person, preferably a former Marine.

But just an armed presence is not enough. You need to harden schools with access control, fences, iron doors, and metal detectors with all entry points guarded by an armed security officer.

If you properly control access you'll need very few armed guards.
Email from a local gun range owner, and self defense instructor.

5 points

each will get it's own post.

First, mandate from the federal level that all schools in the United States have an armed presence in their buildings and on their campus. This can be in the form of armed security guards, police, or teachers and administrators. Personally, I prefer a combination of SROs and armed staff.

Thought and comments welcome
The chicken sh!t in Florida who was the security officer did not do any of this job.

So obviously you need to hire the right person, preferably a former Marine.

But just an armed presence is not enough. You need to harden schools with access control, fences, iron doors, and metal detectors with all entry points guarded by an armed security officer.

Not so sure as to what the whole answer here is...... I have to say, I'm on the fence as far as arming teachers. IF it's done, it would have to come with a whole set of yearly required training, vetted, cross vetted (think I just made something up there) and then re-vetted again to put weapons in the hands of a school teacher. In the event those that are CCL on campus, how long would it take for some overly rambunctious students to figure out who is and isn't armed. Just because they are curious, not because they are malicious.
Having an armed security guard at a school will work in some areas and not so much in others. The SRO did not do his job, was suspended and then retired...... Being there is/was an investigation into his (in)action he should have been suspended instead of being allowed to retire, at least until the investigation is completed. One thing is for sure, he alone didn't get the job done. Maybe multiple SRO's on campus, depending on size/area needing coverage..

I can't say locking down the school is the answer either.... placing kids in an overly structured environment will lead some to saying they don't want to be there at all. I'm sure some would look at any type of school in an entirely negative manner, student, parents and teachers alike. Not to mention, if you harden the schools you create entry/exit choke points which is not a good thing. Besides, not all districts can afford to have a TSA type check in every day. Sure, they would be safer, but how does it affect the learning environment, and what are just some of the unintended consequences? I can see metal detectors being implemented in a large school after the 1st bell rings. if you check each student before that, well, patting down each individual with car keys would get very tedious day in and day out..... hell's bells, I get annoyed when stopped by wal mart employees demanding to see my receipt just because I bought a 40 lbs bag of dog food.....

There is not one completely correct answer to this one, not that will make everyone happy at least. Its going to take getting a bunch of ideas together and figuring out what is best for each school district, if not individual school.

I have school age kids, I have grand kids about to start school, it would be nice to see something done to ensure their safety, day in and day out..... but not at the expense of having them initiated into a police state frame of mind. We already have enough of the whole participation trophy winners in society.

You have me thinking about it....

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