Parents in red-leaning suburbs outside NYC green-lighting armed security at public schools

Do you support armed guards in schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Okay, some cop decides to frame you for murder.

You were totally innocent, but your defense lawyer dun fucked up.

You still good with being executed that day?
Yes. Shit happens. Very few people are framed. Of those that are almost all are criminals who have gotten away with crimes for years or even decades. You have to do the best for the most people, excellence is the enemy of the good.
Um, no, they really didn't. What reduced crime was 1) They had the good sense to end Prohibition, and 2) The economic boom that followed WWII provided everyone with good jobs that paid well, even if you had no education or skills.

The reason why those "endless appeals" are needed is that we don't want to accidentally execute innocent people. We have released 197 people from death rows who were found to be innocent, usually in the course of these appeals.

Yet countries with gun control laws have NOWHERE NEAR our murder rates.

Yet their murder rate is lower. "I'm just here to steal a few things" isn't that big of a deal.

That all said, the problem with home invasions is that most burglars have the good sense to break in when no one is home. Understandably, home invasion carries higher penalties than burglary. Cops are also more motivated to solve them.

Or we can start treating addiction as a medical issue and not a criminal one.

Actually, what we need to do is stop making it profitable to run a prison.
I agree, BUT, actions taken by addicts to support their habits need to be punished. Criminal actions are criminal actions and addiction or mental incapacity are no excuse. The mentally ill should be treated, then serve the sentence(s) for their crimes.
Um, no, they really didn't. What reduced crime was 1) They had the good sense to end Prohibition, and 2) The economic boom that followed WWII provided everyone with good jobs that paid well, even if you had no education or skills.

The reason why those "endless appeals" are needed is that we don't want to accidentally execute innocent people. We have released 197 people from death rows who were found to be innocent, usually in the course of these appeals.

Yet countries with gun control laws have NOWHERE NEAR our murder rates.

Yet their murder rate is lower. "I'm just here to steal a few things" isn't that big of a deal.

That all said, the problem with home invasions is that most burglars have the good sense to break in when no one is home. Understandably, home invasion carries higher penalties than burglary. Cops are also more motivated to solve them.

Or we can start treating addiction as a medical issue and not a criminal one.

Actually, what we need to do is stop making it profitable to run a prison.
I the USA burglars break into unoccupied homes because they don’t want to be shot. In places like the UK, they break in more often than not when the occupants are home. Then they can not only loot the house, but rob the occupants and indulge in a little lighthearted assault or rape in the process.
Okay, some cop decides to frame you for murder.

You were totally innocent, but your defense lawyer dun fucked up.

You still good with being executed that day?
EVERYONE says they are innocent. Usually they are not. I suppose all the guys in Attica and Pelican Bay are innocent?
Again, it's amusing to read your gun fetishist wank fantasies.

The military would have no problem shooting at civilians. Just look at Waco. Or Kent State.
Almost as amusing as you believing it's logical to punish law abiding citizens for the bad acts of a few.
Yes. Shit happens. Very few people are framed. Of those that are almost all are criminals who have gotten away with crimes for years or even decades. You have to do the best for the most people, excellence is the enemy of the good.

We've released 197 people from Death Row when they were found to have not committed the crimes they were accused of. In IL, we had so many exonerations that the government eventually banned the death penalty when we were releasing more people than we were executing.

I give you Rolando Cruz. A man who was put on trial three times for a crime someone else confessed to, and officials in DuPage County knew about it, but kept prosecuting him anyway until the State Supreme Court told them to knock that shit off.

I agree, BUT, actions taken by addicts to support their habits need to be punished. Criminal actions are criminal actions and addiction or mental incapacity are no excuse. The mentally ill should be treated, then serve the sentence(s) for their crimes.

or we could try treating them before they commit crimes... that would be a welcome change of pace.

The reality is, that most people who get "insanity" pleas end up spending more time in institutions than they would have if in prison.

I the USA burglars break into unoccupied homes because they don’t want to be shot. In places like the UK, they break in more often than not when the occupants are home. Then they can not only loot the house, but rob the occupants and indulge in a little lighthearted assault or rape in the process.

Except the UK has a lower rate of these crimes as well.

EVERYONE says they are innocent. Usually they are not. I suppose all the guys in Attica and Pelican Bay are innocent?

You dodged the question. What if you were framed or wrongfully accused of a crime. You were innocent, but the cops decided you were good for it, or maybe your defense attorney was drunk that day and screwed up?

Are you all for being executed that day?
Again, it's amusing to read your gun fetishist wank fantasies.

The military would have no problem shooting at civilians. Just look at Waco. Or Kent State.
The military refused to cooperate at Waco. The vehicles were borrowed from the Texas National Guard and operated by FBI Agents. Kent State was a handful of green National Guard troops DEPLOYED AS POLICE that got out of control. National Guard training is far better now.
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We've released 197 people from Death Row when they were found to have not committed the crimes they were accused of. In IL, we had so many exonerations that the government eventually banned the death penalty when we were releasing more people than we were executing.

I give you Rolando Cruz. A man who was put on trial three times for a crime someone else confessed to, and officials in DuPage County knew about it, but kept prosecuting him anyway until the State Supreme Court told them to knock that shit off.

or we could try treating them before they commit crimes... that would be a welcome change of pace.

The reality is, that most people who get "insanity" pleas end up spending more time in institutions than they would have if in prison.

Except the UK has a lower rate of these crimes as well.

197 people over decades out of tens of thousands correctly convicted. Grow up and stop trying to defend the indefensible. Imprisoning and executing criminals who have shown many times over that they refuse to live by society's rules is the correct thing to do.
197 people over decades out of tens of thousands correctly convicted. Grow up and stop trying to defend the indefensible. Imprisoning and executing criminals who have shown many times over that they refuse to live by society's rules is the correct thing to do.
Hell you were happily willing to put Zimmerman and Rittenhouse in prison or on death row AFTER they were both found not guilty because of self-defense. You are not only an idiot, but a hypocrite as well.
The military refused to cooperate at Waco. The vehicles were borrowed from the Texas National Guard and operated by FBI Agents. Kent State was a handful of green National Guard troops DEPLOYED AS POLICE that got out of control. National Guard training is far better now.

Have you met National Guardsmen?

Hell you were happily willing to put Zimmerman and Rittenhouse in prison or on death row AFTER they were both found not guilty because of self-defense. You are not only an idiot, but a hypocrite as well.

I never advocated putting them on Death Row.
I am all for putting them in prison because THEY DID EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE ACCUSED OF, but acquitted by racist juries.

197 people over decades out of tens of thousands correctly convicted. Grow up and stop trying to defend the indefensible. Imprisoning and executing criminals who have shown many times over that they refuse to live by society's rules is the correct thing to do.

Well, let's look at that. 8700 people have been sentenced to death row since 1972. Not "tens of thousands". Of those 197 were exonerated. So that's about 2.3%. Would you eat a bag of M&M's if 1 out of 50 was laced with cyanide? I wouldn't.

The problem with your argument is HOW the DP is used. Death is only sought in two kinds of cases. Murders that are so heinous that public outcry demands it, or Death is sought to try to plea bargain some poor schlub into a lesser plea. The guys who know they are guilty in the latter case take it. The poor schlub who knows he is innocent might actually think the system works, which is how you get 197 people getting sent there who didn't do what they were accused.

I won't even go into the 20 or so who were executed who might have been innocent, like Todd Cameron Willingham, who was executed for a fire that killed his three kids, but the arson investigator got it wrong.

And 43,000 other people were killed with other kinds of guns.

The rest of your stats are bullshit.

The majority of those gun deaths were suicides which has no bearing on gun ownership since Japan, china, and South Korea have higher suicide rates than we do and extreme gun control...which you know and continue to ignore......

Your saying my information is bullshit is simply your inability to refute that information.

The vast majority of gun murder is commmited by young black men, murdering other young black men, in democrat party controlled cities......young black men own the least amount of guns, yet commit most of the gun murder in this country, that is a fact.
The majority of those gun deaths were suicides which has no bearing on gun ownership since Japan, china, and South Korea have higher suicide rates than we do and extreme gun control...which you know and continue to ignore......

Your saying my information is bullshit is simply your inability to refute that information.

The vast majority of gun murder is commmited by young black men, murdering other young black men, in democrat party controlled cities......young black men own the least amount of guns, yet commit most of the gun murder in this country, that is a fact.
People who aren't racist dumbfucks just call them Americans.
Sure, i support armed guards at schools in the form of police officers.

I guess that's what we HAVE to do, but here's the thing.

Who do you think the Police send to the Schools? They send their underperformers. The guys the unions won't let the city fire. They even have a term for it, "Retired While Working".

I went to a Catholic HS in the 1980's, and we had this cop named Barney who was "Retired while working"
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Who do you think the Police send to the Schools? They send their underperformers.
Not around here. Here, the cops pick that job up as a side hustle. It's not the same employer. The employer that pays them is the school system. The PD allows them to wear uniforms and all gear, like when they pick up side hustle security jobs.
Have you met National Guardsmen?

I never advocated putting them on Death Row.
I am all for putting them in prison because THEY DID EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE ACCUSED OF, but acquitted by racist juries.

Well, let's look at that. 8700 people have been sentenced to death row since 1972. Not "tens of thousands". Of those 197 were exonerated. So that's about 2.3%. Would you eat a bag of M&M's if 1 out of 50 was laced with cyanide? I wouldn't.

The problem with your argument is HOW the DP is used. Death is only sought in two kinds of cases. Murders that are so heinous that public outcry demands it, or Death is sought to try to plea bargain some poor schlub into a lesser plea. The guys who know they are guilty in the latter case take it. The poor schlub who knows he is innocent might actually think the system works, which is how you get 197 people getting sent there who didn't do what they were accused.

I won't even go into the 20 or so who were executed who might have been innocent, like Todd Cameron Willingham, who was executed for a fire that killed his three kids, but the arson investigator got it wrong.

Yeah I've met
Have you met National Guardsmen?

I never advocated putting them on Death Row.
I am all for putting them in prison because THEY DID EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE ACCUSED OF, but acquitted by racist juries.

Well, let's look at that. 8700 people have been sentenced to death row since 1972. Not "tens of thousands". Of those 197 were exonerated. So that's about 2.3%. Would you eat a bag of M&M's if 1 out of 50 was laced with cyanide? I wouldn't.

The problem with your argument is HOW the DP is used. Death is only sought in two kinds of cases. Murders that are so heinous that public outcry demands it, or Death is sought to try to plea bargain some poor schlub into a lesser plea. The guys who know they are guilty in the latter case take it. The poor schlub who knows he is innocent might actually think the system works, which is how you get 197 people getting sent there who didn't do what they were accused.

I won't even go into the 20 or so who were executed who might have been innocent, like Todd Cameron Willingham, who was executed for a fire that killed his three kids, but the arson investigator got it wrong.

Yeah I've met National Guardsmen. I've also trained alongside them and trained them. When I went through Basic in 1970 nearly half my platoon were NGs. They were the contemporaries of the Kent State troops and they weren't worth a fart in a hurricane. I trained Utah National Guardsmen in the mid-seventies; they were mostly prior active duty and were damned good soldiers. The current ones are supposed to be just as good as active-duty troops.
Farmingdale is about 45 minutes east of NYC in Suffolk County, Long Island. Parents want to protect their children. And now 17% of students have the protection of armed guards.

FARMINGDALE, N.Y. – Nearly two dozen school districts in the red-leaning suburbs of New York City have approved armed guards to protect their children, preferring a show of force rather than further curtailing Second Amendment rights in the Empire State.

One such district is the Farmingdale School District in eastern Nassau County, which serves more than 5,100 students.

Although a coalition of parents, students and district employees pushed for the measure, which the board of education approved in February, many local residents told Fox News Digital they didn't know about the move this week. However, many supported the idea.

All schools should have similar hurdles for students and staff as airports do for passengers.
There were armed guards at Columbine.
There were armed guards at Parkland High School.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Armed guards don't stop mass shooters, usually because a Mass Shooter does his business long before an armed guard can react.

Here's how you stop mass shooters. You have common sense gun laws, and don't give out military-grade weapons to crazy people. The UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy have all figured this out, which is why they RARELY have mass shootings.

Yep, but most of them have had oppressive regimes at one time or another.

I'll take my chances with the guns.

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