Parents in red-leaning suburbs outside NYC green-lighting armed security at public schools

Do you support armed guards in schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I've pointed out now several times the many ways that people die from "Preventable" deaths that make gun deaths (non-suicide) tiny in comparison. But the anti-gunners don't care.

We are all going to die from something.

But what you are saying is, "If you guns away from crazy people, I can't have them, so I'll tolerate crazy people."

The rest of us don't care about your fetish.

It will be a great day when Americans love their children more than their guns.
We are all going to die from something.

But what you are saying is, "If you guns away from crazy people, I can't have them, so I'll tolerate crazy people."

The rest of us don't care about your fetish.

It will be a great day when Americans love their children more than their guns.
Literally makes no sense... fetish??!! Where did that come from and the post is almost unreadable. Maybe you forgot to close the other web tab and got confused looking up some BS Porn while typing one handed while you diddle the 3" you have in your other hand because your 90 day green card wife won't help you out because she's even disappointed.
Literally makes no sense... fetish??!! Where did that come from and the post is almost unreadable. Maybe you forgot to close the other web tab and got confused looking up some BS Porn while typing one handed while you diddle the 3" you have in your other hand because your 90 day green card wife won't help you out because she's even disappointed.
Oooh, did I hit a sensitive spot with another ammosexual?

I wish you guys were into women the way you are into guns... it would be healthier.

Sadly, you are a loud and noisy minority who keeps the gun laws as crazy as they are, which is why when a complete nutbag guns down a school, we all act surprised this person was able to get a gun.
There were armed guards at Columbine.
There were armed guards at Parkland High School.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Armed guards don't stop mass shooters, usually because a Mass Shooter does his business long before an armed guard can react.

Here's how you stop mass shooters. You have common sense gun laws, and don't give out military-grade weapons to crazy people. The UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy have all figured this out, which is why they RARELY have mass shootings.
Buzz off ,creep. Gun LAWS? The people who do these crimes are CRIMINALS. They don't give a shit about "Laws". Chicago ,the Murder Capital of the USA ,has very strict gun laws.
Oooh, did I hit a sensitive spot with another ammosexual?

I wish you guys were into women the way you are into guns... it would be healthier.

Sadly, you are a loud and noisy minority who keeps the gun laws as crazy as they are, which is why when a complete nutbag guns down a school, we all act surprised this person was able to get a gun.
Again, you speak of ignorance when you speak of "Minority". I really have no numbers here, but my guess, there are a lot more gun owners than you or most people are aware of. Probably even some of your own liberal friends have some guns but are afraid to speak of them because of the small vocal minority that tries to speak for the vast majority. They are fully aware of their rights, but are silent because of the current leftist narrative.

As for hitting nerve... nope. You're the one always resorting to insults and weak personal speculations first, if anyone is constantly getting their panties in a ruffle, it's you.
Buzz off ,creep. Gun LAWS? The people who do these crimes are CRIMINALS. They don't give a shit about "Laws". Chicago ,the Murder Capital of the USA ,has very strict gun laws.

Actually, Chicago hasn't had strict gun laws since the McDonald Decision struck them down.

Our murder rate doubled from 400 a year to 800 a year after that.

Again, you speak of ignorance when you speak of "Minority". I really have no numbers here, but my guess, there are a lot more gun owners than you or most people are aware of. Probably even some of your own liberal friends have some guns but are afraid to speak of them because of the small vocal minority that tries to speak for the vast majority. They are fully aware of their rights, but are silent because of the current leftist narrative.

We aren't talking about regular gun owners. Heck, I have a FOID card, I could buy a gun any time I want and I was in the Army for 11 years.

Most gun owners want sensible gun laws. They don't want Adam Lanza popping by their kids' school.

But only the far right, crazy gun fetishists seem to think that's okay. The 3% of the population that owns 50% of the guns.

Actually, Chicago hasn't had strict gun laws since the McDonald Decision struck them down.

Our murder rate doubled from 400 a year to 800 a year after that.

We aren't talking about regular gun owners. Heck, I have a FOID card, I could buy a gun any time I want and I was in the Army for 11 years.

Most gun owners want sensible gun laws. They don't want Adam Lanza popping by their kids' school.

But only the far right, crazy gun fetishists seem to think that's okay. The 3% of the population that owns 50% of the guns.

But you won't be happy until guns are banned and confiscated, Joe.
But you won't be happy until guns are banned and confiscated, Joe.
That would make me very happy.

However, life is imperfect, and some Americans love their guns more than their kids, so here we are.

So since life is always a series of compromises, how about meeting somewhere in the middle where we don't let Adam Lanza, Nicholas Cruz, Joker Holmes, and Awake the Rapper get their hands on military-grade weapons?
That would make me very happy.

However, life is imperfect, and some Americans love their guns more than their kids, so here we are.

So since life is always a series of compromises, how about meeting somewhere in the middle where we don't let Adam Lanza, Nicholas Cruz, Joker Holmes, and Awake the Rapper get their hands on military-grade weapons?
I think you missed the point. It's disingenuous of you to argue for changes in laws when any changes other than banning and confiscating are the only laws that would shut you up.
So since life is always a series of compromises, how about meeting somewhere in the middle where we don't let Adam Lanza, Nicholas Cruz, Joker Holmes, and Awake the Rapper get their hands on military-grade weapons?
Military grade weapons are full auto and 3 round burst capable. Those are already restricted to pre-1986.

Semi-auto's aren't military grade. They would however be the minimum standard that any light infantry militiaman ought to own and possess.
Actually, Chicago hasn't had strict gun laws since the McDonald Decision struck them down.

Our murder rate doubled from 400 a year to 800 a year after that.

We aren't talking about regular gun owners. Heck, I have a FOID card, I could buy a gun any time I want and I was in the Army for 11 years.

Most gun owners want sensible gun laws. They don't want Adam Lanza popping by their kids' school.

But only the far right, crazy gun fetishists seem to think that's okay. The 3% of the population that owns 50% of the guns.

What good are Gun Laws ? Once again. CRIMINALS are Criminals because they don't OBEY the Law. What we need is swift and terrible retribution for ANY violent crime. Capital offense for ANY violent crime. From purse snatch to Mass murder. 10 Years hard labor for theft. And Prisons should be HELL. No TV. No Visits. No recreation. No Books. The idea is to punish. Criminals CAN'T be rehabilitated.
What good are Gun Laws ? Once again. CRIMINALS are Criminals because they don't OBEY the Law. What we need is swift and terrible retribution for ANY violent crime. Capital offense for ANY violent crime. From purse snatch to Mass murder. 10 Years hard labor for theft. And Prisons should be HELL. No TV. No Visits. No recreation. No Books. The idea is to punish. Criminals CAN'T be rehabilitated.

Uh, guy, our prisons are already hell and we put more people there than any other country in the world.

We have 2 million people in prison. We have another 7 million on probation or parole, and we have 70 million Americans with criminal records of some sort.

Locking them up isn't an answer, especially when many of these mass shooters have no prior criminal records.
Uh, guy, our prisons are already hell and we put more people there than any other country in the world.

We have 2 million people in prison. We have another 7 million on probation or parole, and we have 70 million Americans with criminal records of some sort.

Locking them up isn't an answer, especially when many of these mass shooters have no prior criminal records.
Uh, guy, our prisons are already hell and we put more people there than any other country in the world.

And we don't kill as many. Or have public beatings. Or cut off limbs.
The government has tanks and A-bombs. You aren't taking anything back with your little pee-shooter.

You mean... we aren't barbarians? Whew, thank C'Thulhu for that.
That is why we have more in jail than other countries.

The government is not going to drop a nuke. And you are assuming the entire military is going to fight the citizens.
That is why we have more in jail than other countries.

The government is not going to drop a nuke. And you are assuming the entire military is going to fight the citizens.
You work on the assumption that when the government takes out the cranks, the cranks will have any real support.
There were armed guards at Columbine.
There were armed guards at Parkland High School.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Armed guards don't stop mass shooters, usually because a Mass Shooter does his business long before an armed guard can react.

Here's how you stop mass shooters. You have common sense gun laws, and don't give out military-grade weapons to crazy people. The UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy have all figured this out, which is why they RARELY have mass shootings.

how you stop armed shooters is simple.

Metal detectors and searches at the door to get into the school.

Notice how few mass shootings there are in federal courthouses and penitentiaries? People are searched when they go in.

Shouldn't America value its school children as much as we do our bureaucrats and child molesters? Having the kids , particularly those in urban hell hole schools, learn how to submit to body cavity searches and metal detectors will also help them as adults, as it will help them adjust when they are in the prison system themselves.
It’s not the gun stores job. All they are required to do is run the buyer through the FBI/ATF NICS database. And they do, not doing so is a crime and they could lose their license as well as go to jail. Any legitimate gun seller runs every purchaser, if he doesn’t, he is a criminal.
Joe wants the minimum wage clerk at the gun store to be able to deny Jerome a firearm because "He looks crazy".

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