Parents in red-leaning suburbs outside NYC green-lighting armed security at public schools

Do you support armed guards in schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nope, because since people like you won’t allow ACCURATE background checks. You keep the mentally ill off the no gun list, you keep repeatedly plea-bargaining gun felonies down to misdemeanors so the actual criminals don’t get put on the no gun list. With the actions of you and your fellow liberals, the background checks are meaningless because most of the people who belong on them are shielded by you and your fellow liberals.
We lock up 2 million people.

We don't need to put people on a "list". All we need to do is a background check.

Last year, I was helping a fellow apply for a job at Uber. (He wasn't terribly computer literate.) He had very minor assault charges in Florida. But Uber had no problem finding them.

Yet you hear case after case about the gun sellers never seem to find the bad apples when they are selling guns.
when you can kill someone with a vote, absolutely.
Votes got roe v wade passed into law, Votes got us into Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Votes got capital punishment passed. So more people have been killed by votes than civilian owned firearms since the founding of the country. Votes also created the Confederacy.
We lock up 2 million people.

We don't need to put people on a "list". All we need to do is a background check.

Last year, I was helping a fellow apply for a job at Uber. (He wasn't terribly computer literate.) He had very minor assault charges in Florida. But Uber had no problem finding them.

Yet you hear case after case about the gun sellers never seem to find the bad apples when they are selling guns.
It’s not the gun stores job. All they are required to do is run the buyer through the FBI/ATF NICS database. And they do, not doing so is a crime and they could lose their license as well as go to jail. Any legitimate gun seller runs every purchaser, if he doesn’t, he is a criminal.
Votes got roe v wade passed into law, Votes got us into Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Votes got capital punishment passed. So more people have been killed by votes than civilian owned firearms since the founding of the country. Votes also created the Confederacy.

Fetuses aren't people... and threre was never a vote on Roe.
It's convoluted to say we got into a war because of "votes".

You are really, really stretching the logic here, buddy.

It’s not the gun stores job. All they are required to do is run the buyer through the FBI/ATF NICS database. And they do, not doing so is a crime and they could lose their license as well as go to jail. Any legitimate gun seller runs every purchaser, if he doesn’t, he is a criminal.

Not at's a matter of liability.

The reason why Uber is so careful now as to who they "hire" (not really) is because a few Uber drivers have gone nuts and assaulted passengers. So now, they actually bother to do the background check, even if it takes weeks.

When I applied for my last mortgage, it took 30 days to approve. Never mind that I had already gotten three previous mortgages and two HELOCs (all of which I paid in full) and had a credit score of 803. They looked at every last aspect of my economic life before they gave me a loan. The Loan officer even complimented me on how quickly the application took to process. They even questioned a line of credit I had just opened with a furniture store. I spent hundreds in applications and legal fees to do so.

When I applied for my last job, they did a thorough background check and questioned two discrepancies in my work record. They were both minor and easily explained. (one was a dispute over job title, and the other was a discrepancy over the start date at a company where I was a temp to hire.) But to get that job, they made me piss in a bottle, questioned all my previous employers, and contacted several of my friends.

I am currently in the process of getting Mrs. B131 (a refugee from China) permanent residence. To do so, we've had to submit hundreds of pages of documents. Forget the government had previously granted her asylum, this process has been going on for seven months now. (We've cleared two out of three hurdles.)

Now, all of these things SHOULD be complicated because they are subject of liability. They want to be sure I won't default on my loan, punch out my boss, or am marrying someone in a green card scam.

Oh, one more thing. I applied for a Illinois FOID card. To get an IL FOID card, I paid $11.00 and sent them a picture of myself. I can't imagine buying the gun is going to be much more complicated, but I won't go that far because the aforementioned Mrs. B131 doesn't want a gun in the house.

The gun stores SHOULD do more than just run a name into a computer and hope that the clerk spelled the name right.

I have a simple enough solution. Let the gun stores sell to whoever they want.... but when someone goes in and shoots up a school, the families of every preschooler who gets blown away can turn around and sue that gun store.

You would be amazed how quickly the gun industry will set up a system as good as Uber to weed out the bad actors, instead of treating them like prime customers.
Fetuses aren't people... and threre was never a vote on Roe.
It's convoluted to say we got into a war because of "votes".

You are really, really stretching the logic here, buddy.

Not at's a matter of liability.

The reason why Uber is so careful now as to who they "hire" (not really) is because a few Uber drivers have gone nuts and assaulted passengers. So now, they actually bother to do the background check, even if it takes weeks.

When I applied for my last mortgage, it took 30 days to approve. Never mind that I had already gotten three previous mortgages and two HELOCs (all of which I paid in full) and had a credit score of 803. They looked at every last aspect of my economic life before they gave me a loan. The Loan officer even complimented me on how quickly the application took to process. They even questioned a line of credit I had just opened with a furniture store. I spent hundreds in applications and legal fees to do so.

When I applied for my last job, they did a thorough background check and questioned two discrepancies in my work record. They were both minor and easily explained. (one was a dispute over job title, and the other was a discrepancy over the start date at a company where I was a temp to hire.) But to get that job, they made me piss in a bottle, questioned all my previous employers, and contacted several of my friends.

I am currently in the process of getting Mrs. B131 (a refugee from China) permanent residence. To do so, we've had to submit hundreds of pages of documents. Forget the government had previously granted her asylum, this process has been going on for seven months now. (We've cleared two out of three hurdles.)

Now, all of these things SHOULD be complicated because they are subject of liability. They want to be sure I won't default on my loan, punch out my boss, or am marrying someone in a green card scam.

Oh, one more thing. I applied for a Illinois FOID card. To get an IL FOID card, I paid $11.00 and sent them a picture of myself. I can't imagine buying the gun is going to be much more complicated, but I won't go that far because the aforementioned Mrs. B131 doesn't want a gun in the house.

The gun stores SHOULD do more than just run a name into a computer and hope that the clerk spelled the name right.

I have a simple enough solution. Let the gun stores sell to whoever they want.... but when someone goes in and shoots up a school, the families of every preschooler who gets blown away can turn around and sue that gun store.

You would be amazed how quickly the gun industry will set up a system as good as Uber to weed out the bad actors, instead of treating them like prime customers.
The votes put the president in office that put the ultra-liberal justices on the Supreme Court that created a right to privacy/abortion out of thin air. Even RBG called Roe bad law.
Fetuses aren't people... and threre was never a vote on Roe.
It's convoluted to say we got into a war because of "votes".

You are really, really stretching the logic here, buddy.

Not at's a matter of liability.

The reason why Uber is so careful now as to who they "hire" (not really) is because a few Uber drivers have gone nuts and assaulted passengers. So now, they actually bother to do the background check, even if it takes weeks.

When I applied for my last mortgage, it took 30 days to approve. Never mind that I had already gotten three previous mortgages and two HELOCs (all of which I paid in full) and had a credit score of 803. They looked at every last aspect of my economic life before they gave me a loan. The Loan officer even complimented me on how quickly the application took to process. They even questioned a line of credit I had just opened with a furniture store. I spent hundreds in applications and legal fees to do so.

When I applied for my last job, they did a thorough background check and questioned two discrepancies in my work record. They were both minor and easily explained. (one was a dispute over job title, and the other was a discrepancy over the start date at a company where I was a temp to hire.) But to get that job, they made me piss in a bottle, questioned all my previous employers, and contacted several of my friends.

I am currently in the process of getting Mrs. B131 (a refugee from China) permanent residence. To do so, we've had to submit hundreds of pages of documents. Forget the government had previously granted her asylum, this process has been going on for seven months now. (We've cleared two out of three hurdles.)

Now, all of these things SHOULD be complicated because they are subject of liability. They want to be sure I won't default on my loan, punch out my boss, or am marrying someone in a green card scam.

Oh, one more thing. I applied for a Illinois FOID card. To get an IL FOID card, I paid $11.00 and sent them a picture of myself. I can't imagine buying the gun is going to be much more complicated, but I won't go that far because the aforementioned Mrs. B131 doesn't want a gun in the house.

The gun stores SHOULD do more than just run a name into a computer and hope that the clerk spelled the name right.

I have a simple enough solution. Let the gun stores sell to whoever they want.... but when someone goes in and shoots up a school, the families of every preschooler who gets blown away can turn around and sue that gun store.

You would be amazed how quickly the gun industry will set up a system as good as Uber to weed out the bad actors, instead of treating them like prime customers.
The only reason you can even get that FOID card is that the Supreme Court overruled Chicago law which essentially made getting one impossible. Under the old law, you had to have a certain number of lessons and range time in an approved range inside the city limits and there were no ranges allowed within the city limits. To get it now, they have to run not only a NICS check, but a background check as well. That's what the State of Arizona did when I got my CCW permit. You are lucky they don't check your social media posts, If law enforcement ever audited your posts on USMB you'd never get approved. You are delusional on so many subjects, they'd likely send the nice men in the white coats with the butterfly nets to fit you with a jacket with extra-long sleeves.
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Fetuses aren't people... and threre was never a vote on Roe.
It's convoluted to say we got into a war because of "votes".

You are really, really stretching the logic here, buddy.

Not at's a matter of liability.

The reason why Uber is so careful now as to who they "hire" (not really) is because a few Uber drivers have gone nuts and assaulted passengers. So now, they actually bother to do the background check, even if it takes weeks.

When I applied for my last mortgage, it took 30 days to approve. Never mind that I had already gotten three previous mortgages and two HELOCs (all of which I paid in full) and had a credit score of 803. They looked at every last aspect of my economic life before they gave me a loan. The Loan officer even complimented me on how quickly the application took to process. They even questioned a line of credit I had just opened with a furniture store. I spent hundreds in applications and legal fees to do so.

When I applied for my last job, they did a thorough background check and questioned two discrepancies in my work record. They were both minor and easily explained. (one was a dispute over job title, and the other was a discrepancy over the start date at a company where I was a temp to hire.) But to get that job, they made me piss in a bottle, questioned all my previous employers, and contacted several of my friends.

I am currently in the process of getting Mrs. B131 (a refugee from China) permanent residence. To do so, we've had to submit hundreds of pages of documents. Forget the government had previously granted her asylum, this process has been going on for seven months now. (We've cleared two out of three hurdles.)

Now, all of these things SHOULD be complicated because they are subject of liability. They want to be sure I won't default on my loan, punch out my boss, or am marrying someone in a green card scam.

Oh, one more thing. I applied for a Illinois FOID card. To get an IL FOID card, I paid $11.00 and sent them a picture of myself. I can't imagine buying the gun is going to be much more complicated, but I won't go that far because the aforementioned Mrs. B131 doesn't want a gun in the house.

The gun stores SHOULD do more than just run a name into a computer and hope that the clerk spelled the name right.

I have a simple enough solution. Let the gun stores sell to whoever they want.... but when someone goes in and shoots up a school, the families of every preschooler who gets blown away can turn around and sue that gun store.

You would be amazed how quickly the gun industry will set up a system as good as Uber to weed out the bad actors, instead of treating them like prime customers.
Perhaps you should contact the BATF and suggest that they junk their current system in favor of yours. After all, it's not the gun manufacturers or the gun retailers who set the standards and procedures, it's the federal government and mostly un-elected and unaccountable bureaucrats in the BATF that do so.

Your system wouldn't work anyway since retailers would simply do business under a DBA corporation and only keep enough stock for demonstrators. They would order sold guns from a wholesale company one at a time so there would be no one to sue and nothing to seize to satisfy any judgements. Sue the ABC gun store on Monday, Tuesday it goes out of business and reopens Wednesday as the DEF gun store. All legal liability would rest on the ABC gun store and the DEF gun store would be free and clear. That's how the Farm Laborer bureaus work. ICE busts them for employing illegal aliens, they close and immediately reopen under a new name in the same place with the same management personnel.
The votes put the president in office that put the ultra-liberal justices on the Supreme Court that created a right to privacy/abortion out of thin air. Even RBG called Roe bad law.

It wasn't a law, it was a ruling that found that other bad laws were unconstitutional.

But still kind of crazy to say that a vote caused a president to appoint a justice who made a ruling that allows a law to be struck down that legalized abortions that were happening regardless.

The only reason you can even get that FOID card is that the Supreme Court overruled Chicago law which essentially made getting one impossible. Under the old law, you had to have a certain number of lessons and range time in an approved range inside the city limits and there were no ranges allowed within the city limits. To get it now, they have to run not only a NICS check, but a background check as well. That's what the State of Arizona did when I got my CCW permit. You are lucky they don't check your social media posts, If law enforcement ever audited your posts on USMB you'd never get approved. You are delusional on so many subjects, they'd likely send the nice men in the white coats with the butterfly nets to fit you with a jacket with extra-long sleeves.

But that's the problem. The NICS check is insufficient. Which is why we should allow gun violence victims to sue gun sellers. They'll clean up their act or go out of business, and I'm fine with either.

Please point out one of my 170K posts that should disqualify my gun ownership. Thanks. Frankly, as a veteran, I'm one of the people they should entrust with guns.

Perhaps you should contact the BATF and suggest that they junk their current system in favor of yours. After all, it's not the gun manufacturers or the gun retailers who set the standards and procedures, it's the federal government and mostly un-elected and unaccountable bureaucrats in the BATF that do so.

Oh, quite the contrary. After the DC Snipers killed all those people, the victims sued the gunmakers and gun stores. Muhammed was a felon and Malvo was a minor, and neither one of them should have been able to buy a guy, but they bought them anyway. The Gun industry went whining to Congress and got immunity from liability.

Your system wouldn't work anyway since retailers would simply do business under a DBA corporation and only keep enough stock for demonstrators. They would order sold guns from a wholesale company one at a time so there would be no one to sue and nothing to seize to satisfy any judgements. Sue the ABC gun store on Monday, Tuesday it goes out of business and reopens Wednesday as the DEF gun store. All legal liability would rest on the ABC gun store and the DEF gun store would be free and clear. That's how the Farm Laborer bureaus work. ICE busts them for employing illegal aliens, they close and immediately reopen under a new name in the same place with the same management personnel.

Except that the people involved will still have liabilities attached to their name. You think anyone will loan them money after they get a 5 million dollar judgement against them?
It wasn't a law, it was a ruling that found that other bad laws were unconstitutional.

But still kind of crazy to say that a vote caused a president to appoint a justice who made a ruling that allows a law to be struck down that legalized abortions that were happening regardless.

But that's the problem. The NICS check is insufficient. Which is why we should allow gun violence victims to sue gun sellers. They'll clean up their act or go out of business, and I'm fine with either.

Please point out one of my 170K posts that should disqualify my gun ownership. Thanks. Frankly, as a veteran, I'm one of the people they should entrust with guns.

Oh, quite the contrary. After the DC Snipers killed all those people, the victims sued the gunmakers and gun stores. Muhammed was a felon and Malvo was a minor, and neither one of them should have been able to buy a guy, but they bought them anyway. The Gun industry went whining to Congress and got immunity from liability.

Except that the people involved will still have liabilities attached to their name. You think anyone will loan them money after they get a 5 million dollar judgement against them?
Any liabilities go against the CORPORATRION, NOT the owners of the corporation. The corporation is a legal entity. It's just one of the thousand things you blather about without knowing anything about them.

Yes the gun stores that didn't run NICS should have been sued. The gun makes didn't do anything wrong. They built a legal product, that operated in the way it was designed. By your "logic" breweries and distilleries should be sued because someone got drunk on their LEGAL product and drove drunk and killed someone.

I don't have to show any single post, in your 170K posts you have shown a constant disregard for the law, other people and the courts and the government.
Any liabilities go against the CORPORATRION, NOT the owners of the corporation. The corporation is a legal entity. It's just one of the thousand things you blather about without knowing anything about them.

Um, yeah, if you apply for a loan and your name is attached to an LLC that had a million dollar judgement against it, good luck getting a loan.

Yes the gun stores that didn't run NICS should have been sued. The gun makes didn't do anything wrong. They built a legal product, that operated in the way it was designed. By your "logic" breweries and distilleries should be sued because someone got drunk on their LEGAL product and drove drunk and killed someone.

Except the distilleries are responsible. They encourage SafeServ and training for bartenders and other such measures to keep drunks off the road.

The Gun industry puts out ads like THIS.

Um, yeah, if you apply for a loan and your name is attached to an LLC that had a million dollar judgement against it, good luck getting a loan.

Except the distilleries are responsible. They encourage SafeServ and training for bartenders and other such measures to keep drunks off the road.

The Gun industry puts out ads like THIS.

View attachment 955800
How many people in America were killed in 2023 by drunk drivers? How many were killed by semi-automatic rifles?
How many people in America were killed in 2023 by drunk drivers? How many were killed by semi-automatic rifles?

We have 11K drunk driving deaths a year.
We have 45,000 gun related deaths a year (including suicides, homicides and accidents). I notice that you dishonestly tried to limit the question to Semi-Automatic rifles instead of firearms in general.

Furthermore, we spend a LOT of money enforcing DUI Laws. (Although if we wanted to end all DUI, then we should put a $100 blow-meter on the ignition of every car as a standard feature.) Bartenders are trained to recognize when customers are overserved.
We have 11K drunk driving deaths a year.
We have 45,000 gun related deaths a year (including suicides, homicides and accidents). I notice that you dishonestly tried to limit the question to Semi-Automatic rifles instead of firearms in general.

Furthermore, we spend a LOT of money enforcing DUI Laws. (Although if we wanted to end all DUI, then we should put a $100 blow-meter on the ignition of every car as a standard feature.) Bartenders are trained to recognize when customers are overserved.
How many were with semi-automatic rifles? 300? 400?

You might be a bigger douche than TN.gif

Nothing dishonest about it. YOU were the one who used an AR15 in your post to make your disingenuous point. That was me correcting your dishonesty.
We have 11K drunk driving deaths a year.
How many? More than 13,000 People Died in Alcohol-Related Crashes for Second Straight Year.

How many were with semi-automatic rifles? 300? 400?

View attachment 956369

Nothing dishonest about it. YOU were the one who used an AR15 in your post to make your disingenuous point. That was me correcting your dishonesty.

In 2023, 54 people were murdered with semi-auto rifles…,,

Knives were used to murder over 1,500

Deer killed 200 people
Ladders 300
Lawn mowers kill about 75 people a year….
How many? More than 13,000 People Died in Alcohol-Related Crashes for Second Straight Year.

I've pointed out now several times the many ways that people die from "Preventable" deaths that make gun deaths (non-suicide) tiny in comparison. But the anti-gunners don't care.

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