Zone1 Parents Should be Included in a School's Efforts to Help a Child Transition to Another Gender


Your defeat is going to come in the blacklash when those same children turn to social media to voice how much they'd like you bigots to leave them alone.
Interesting. Leaving them alone causes them to demand they be left alone. What an argument.
Ok, then. I agree that “disorder” is not a dirty word. Why are you so afraid of it?
I'm not afraid of your continued ignorance. In fact I look forward for every opportunity you provide me to contrast my arguments and rationality with your own. I'm proving, with evidence, that the authorities on the matter, who you tried to claim agreed with you, in fact said the opposite. That gender identities and gender dysphoria aren't mental illnesses. What we are left with is the fact that no medical authority whatsoever, that you can actually point to, agrees the trans people are mentally ill. The only people claiming so are Bingos.
Explain in your own words how a disorder transformed into a non-disorder.
Why? I'm not the one who changed it. My understanding comes from reading the people who did. The people who said that...

1. It stigmatized trans patients.

2. It patholigized gender identities rather than the distress.
Sure, no law can stop teenagers from goofy teenage talk. When I taught high school in 2001 - 2005, the fad was to claim to be bisexual to get attention. Now it’s trans.
Its your opinion that it was a fad. What we can say objectively is that bi-sexuality and homosexuality were socially stigmatized. Even Democrats like Obama and Clinton at that time were against gay marriage in 2005. Now look where we are. I don't give a shit about how bi- sexual people made you feel inadequate in highschool I care about whether you have any objective evidence of any of these things becoming less socially acceptable.
Here’s were you ought be concerned: What if the next fad is for school kids to openly talk about adults who have groomed them? That could really work out badly for some people.
Like their priests? If we're playing the odds that's where I'm putting my money. But here's the thing, I'm not the one inventing conspiracies any time these children speak. I have no problem listening to their accusations and investigating them. You're the one filtering their words through some Q decoder ring to come back with the notion that they're all reading scripts.
But at least we won’t have teachers saying things like, “have you ever seen a grown man naked?” And “ever ask yourself if you’re really supposed to be a girl?” Not unless they manage to get a kid alone.
What we won't have is another generation of your type of bigotry. Your generation will be the last of this kind.
I know you are very interested in young people, particularly young t-girls.
I know that you're literally the one with these fantasies.
Do they see drag queens who read them stories as actual people or cosplayers?
You ever seen a child at disney world?
I'm not a coward like you that has to beat around the bush with my accusations. You're a bigot. And you bigots are going to let the American people know you're bigots by your bigot actions. Also if you had watched the video there is a trans boy there, but actually listening to the people you bigots are trying to "protect" really isn't part of your bigot agenda.

And yes the pattern is clear. I listen to the concerns of trans children and their families and you don't but you do cosplay like you're their protector.
No your a filthy lying pervert.
I don't live in Texas, couldn't vote for him if my life depended on it.
Well then the children in the video weren't talking about you. They were very clear though that it was Republicans and Abbott who were the bullies and bigots.
Well then the children in the video weren't talking about you. They were very clear though that it was Republicans and Abbott who were the bullies and bigots.
That's what happens when you take a small representative sample and insist it reflects the entirety of the population. Kind of like saying all trans people are violent killers because of the recent spate of killings done by trans people.
That's what happens when you take a small representative sample and insist it reflects the entirety of the population. Kind of like saying all trans people are violent killers because of the recent spate of killings done by trans people.
You think a majority of trans children support the blocking of trans care? 😄
You think a majority of trans children support the blocking of trans care? 😄
I think children are too young to make that decision for themselves. If they're too young to get a tattoo, they're too young to decide this. I don't care if they support it or not.
I think children are too young to make that decision for themselves. If they're too young to get a tattoo, they're too young to decide this. I don't care if they support it or not.
That's perfect Bingo logic. Tattoos are just like healthcare and tattoo artists are just like doctors.
That's perfect Bingo logic. Tattoos are just like healthcare and tattoo artists are just like doctors.
Irrelevant. They're too young to get a Care Bear tattoo because they'll grow out of obsessing over Care Bears. Somehow that same person at that same age is qualified to make a choice for themselves that very likely will leave them sterile and a sad caricature of the feminine or masculine ideal they seek. Just like the tattoo, the changes are permanent, but unlike the tattoo, they are NOT only skin deep.
Its not relevant to disingenuous Bingos who want to pretend tattoo artists are just like doctors and tattoos are just like healthcare.
They're too young to get a Care Bear tattoo because they'll grow out of obsessing over Care Bears. Somehow that same person at that same age is qualified to make a choice for themselves that very likely will leave them sterile and a sad caricature of the feminine or masculine ideal they seek. Just like the tattoo, the changes are permanent, but unlike the tattoo, they are NOT only skin deep.
First of all 16 year olds can get tattoos with a parents consent. Secondly, that still makes no fucking difference because tattoos aren't healthcare. Children aren't showing up to doctors offices and picking from a menu of healthcare options like they're leafing through a book of tattoos. People who went through years, often a decade of medical training are analyzing patients and making recommendations and then parents and children are choosing whether to take their advice or seek another opinion.
No one wants kids beat, you think that gives the educators carte blanche, when it comes to sexual issues the teachers should not even engage the student they should refer it to the counselor who then relates the matter to the parents. Schools not engaging the parents from the get go is wrong
That support for child abuse is pathetic.
Its not relevant to disingenuous Bingos who want to pretend tattoo artists are just like doctors and tattoos are just like healthcare.

First of all 16 year olds can get tattoos with a parents consent.
Uhhh, did you miss the parts where some states are already taking steps to cut parents out of the whole thing, specifically BECAUSE they fear the parents won't consent?
Secondly, that still makes no fucking difference because tattoos aren't healthcare. Children aren't showing up to doctors offices and picking from a menu of healthcare options like they're leafing through a book of tattoos. People who went through years, often a decade of medical training are analyzing patients and making recommendations and then parents and children are choosing whether to take their advice or seek another opinion.
And there was a time that those same types of professionals spent decades observing patients, training in all the medical arts, and decided that the best way to treat certain disorders was to drive a spike through the eye socket up into the brain, hoping to hit just the right spot that wouldn't kill the patient.

I predict that future generations of medical professionals will look back at us and shudder like we do at that.
This isn't about child abuse.

Tell me does the public school have a legitimate role in helping children transition to other genders?
Should the public school be forced to impose the political bias of government on a child?

BTW fuckup schools only address the students as they wish. They don't help them with any healthcare transition.
Should the public school be forced to impose the political bias of government on a child?

BTW fuckup schools only address the students as they wish. They don't help them with any healthcare transition.

They should be calling a child by his or her given name and that' it.

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