Zone1 Parents Should be Included in a School's Efforts to Help a Child Transition to Another Gender

Kids can't get them on their own.
Which is still not evidence of your claim.
Common sense. Do you have evidence she wrote them?
I have evidence she presented them as her own. If you want to Q it up, be my guest. Your shitty arguments only amuse me.
When you see other commercials with kids in them do you assume the kids wrote their lines? You really believe Rodney Allen Rippey wrote that Jack in the Box song?
Other commercials? Did I link to any commercials?
They were well groomed to say those things and if they went off script it was deleted in post.

What a convenient world to live in where anything that doesn't with you is a conspiracy.
Only a tiny percent of boat enthusiasts buy yachts. Does that mean that selling yachts is not profitable? Yachts aren't even covered by Medicaid as genital mutilation is.
But it's not a tiny minority who want yachts. Surgeries arent just limited because of money or access but because not all trans people will want surgical affirmation. My point was that if you were just about making money as a drug dealer there are much better ways.
That's politics not medical opinion.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
You should really stop misrespresenting them. It's embarrassing how thirsty you are for approval.

What is Gender Dysphoria?

It is important to note that gender identity is different from gender expression. Whereas gender identity refers to one’s psychological sense of their gender, gender expression refers to the way in which one presents to the world in a gendered way. For example, in much of the U.S., wearing a dress is considered a “feminine” gender expression, and wearing a tuxedo is considered a “masculine” gender expression. Such expectations are culturally defined and vary across time and culture. One’s gender expression does not necessarily align with their gender identity. Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.
Which is still not evidence of your claim.

I have evidence she presented them as her own. If you want to Q it up, be my guest. Your shitty arguments only amuse me.
None of those signs said these are my own words. I doubt you were focusing much on reading them anyway if you know what I mean..
Other commercials? Did I link to any commercials?
That was a commercial that you posted. A commercial for the transgenderization of children.

Wait. Did you think that 14 year old t-girl thought that video up herself I clouding not speaking to hide her tenor voice. Wow. I bet you think when 14 year old Jamaican boys dress as girls and have sex with old tourists for money, they thought of that themselves.
But it's not a tiny minority who want yachts. Surgeries arent just limited because of money or access but because not all trans people will want surgical affirmation. My point was that if you were just about making money as a drug dealer there are much better ways.

Yes, and there are much better ways to make money than running a restaurant or digging ditches or waiting tables or pressure washing driveways. That doesn't mean that nobody ever does those things for money because they are not the absolute best way to make money.
That's politics not medical opinion.
No, it is a community of people deciding what rights should be legally protected. In several states that Community decided that the rights of children not to be mutilated by quacks should be protected.
You should really stop misrespresenting them. It's embarrassing how thirsty you are for approval.

What is Gender Dysphoria?

It is important to note that gender identity is different from gender expression. Whereas gender identity refers to one’s psychological sense of their gender, gender expression refers to the way in which one presents to the world in a gendered way. For example, in much of the U.S., wearing a dress is considered a “feminine” gender expression, and wearing a tuxedo is considered a “masculine” gender expression. Such expectations are culturally defined and vary across time and culture. One’s gender expression does not necessarily align with their gender identity. Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.
I'll explain it again. Happily.

I'm a special ed teacher who used to teach night school to adult English learners, so I recognize that you may have a learning disability as well as struggling in a new language. Teaching the same thing multiple times using different words, is often the only way to get through to children who have learning disabilities and are learning in a second language.

DSM-4 called the mental disorder that makes people want to alter their bodies to resemble the opposite sex Gender Identity Disorder. In the DSM-5, they change the name to Gender Dysphoria. They did not take it out of the category of mental disorders. The DSM 4 and 5 are Diagnostic and statistical manuals of mental disorders.

There was no scientific research presented to justify not calling it a mental disorder. There was no need for such justification, because in fact they did not stop calling it a mental disorder. They just changed the name to make some people feel better about themselves. After all gender dysphoria has a high rate of suicide, one of the Hallmarks of a mental disorder. So why make it worse, by reminding them that they have a mental disorder?

The paragraph that you quoted was not in the DSM, and it did not say that gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder. In fact it carefully distinguished between true gender dysphoria, a mental disorder, and people who simply Express their gender differently.

Rightfully so.

Every kid who says sometimes I think I'm a girl does not to be diagnosed with a mental disorder and treated medically and surgically.

The problem with these gender specialist quacks, is that they know they cannot justify hormonal and surgical treatment unless they diagnose the child withl gender dysphoria, you know the actual mental disorder. If they justify it that way, all of a sudden every Obamacare compliant health insurance plan, as well as Medicaid, will start writing them large checks.

Honestly, if you think having large checks written to them does not motivate them to push for more treatment, you are not only a person with learning disabilities who struggles with English, but in fact are unwilling to learn.
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None of those signs said these are my own words. I doubt you were focusing much on reading them anyway if you know what I mean..
I don't know what you mean but I do know you'll be too much of a coward to say what you mean. So it is with your lot.
That was a commercial that you posted. A commercial for the transgenderization of children.
It was a Vice report. Having to lie about basic facts only shows how scared you are to have an honest conversation.
Wait. Did you think that 14 year old t-girl thought that video up herself I clouding not speaking to hide her tenor voice. Wow. I bet you think when 14 year old Jamaican boys dress as girls and have sex with old tourists for money, they thought of that themselves.
Since you believe there's a conspiracy why the girl in the first video I posted used cue cards is there some equally hilarious conspiracy theory for why the three trans children spoke in the second video I posted?
Yes, and there are much better ways to make money than running a restaurant or digging ditches or waiting tables or pressure washing driveways. That doesn't mean that nobody ever does those things for money because they are not the absolute best way to make money.
People do those jobs because they have to. Pharmaceutical companies obviously want to make money but there are better ways than niche medications that not even a majority of the people you're making them for even want. It seriously calls into question your greed motive which you've provided no evidence of. People don't dig ditches out of greed do they?
No, it is a community of people deciding what rights should be legally protected. In several states that Community decided that the rights of children not to be mutilated by quacks should be protected.
And those same children and their families were the ones speaking out against these bills.
I'll explain it again. Happily.

I'm a special ed teacher who used to teach night school to adult English learners, so I recognize that you may have a learning disability as well as struggling in a new language. Teaching the same thing multiple times using different words, is often the only way to get through to children who have learning disabilities and are learning in a second language.
Its good they paired you with students who mirrored your own capabilities.
DSM-4 called the mental disorder that makes people want to alter their bodies to resemble the opposite sex Gender Identity Disorder. In the DSM-5, they change the name to Gender Dysphoria. They did not take it out of the category of mental disorders. The DSM 4 and 5 are Diagnostic and statistical manuals of mental disorders.
You Bingos should really do your homework so you can more effectively hide your Bingo nature. The people who publish the DSM-5 have made their position clear. I bolded the relevant portions since you seem to be a rather committed Bingo.

Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis

With the publication of DSM–5 in 2013, “gender identity disorder” was eliminated and replaced with “gender dysphoria.” This change further focused the diagnosis on the gender identity-related distress that some transgender people experience (and for which they may seek psychiatric, medical, and surgical treatments) rather than on transgender individuals or identities themselves.
The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people.
It needs to be ego-dystonic to qualify as a diagnosis and having a discussion with our patients about the diagnosis prior to charting it is necessary and good care.
The DSM–5 articulates explicitly that “gender non-conformity is not in itself a mental disorder.” The 5th edition also includes a separate “gender dysphoria in children” diagnosis and for the first time allows the diagnosis to be given to individuals with disorders of sex development (DSD). DSM–5 also includes the optional “post-transition” specifier to indicate when a particular individual’s gender transition is complete. In this “post-transition” case, the diagnosis of gender dysphoria would no longer apply but the individual may still need ongoing medical care (e.g., hormonal treatment). Nevertheless, discussions continue among advocates and medical professionals about how best to preserve access to gender transition-related health care while also minimizing the degree to which such diagnostic categories stigmatize the very people that physicians are attempting to help.

There was no scientific research presented to justify not calling it a mental disorder.
That's not how that works. Its on people like you to prove that it is.
There was no need for such justification, because in fact they did not stop calling it a mental disorder. They just changed the name to make some people feel better about themselves. After all gender dysphoria has a high rate of suicide, one of the Hallmarks of a mental disorder. So why make it worse, by reminding them that they have a mental disorder?
You don't know commercials from news reports and you can't seem to figure out when they say diverse gender identities are not sign of a mental disorder a Bingo like you reads that as being a mental disorder. Are you suffering from Bingo dyslexia?
The paragraph that you quoted was not in the DSM, and it did not say that gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder. In fact it carefully distinguished between true gender dysphoria, a mental disorder, and people who simply Express their gender differently.
It is from the same people who publish the DSM, the American Psychiatric Association as is the link above. This is course isn't for you because your Bingo dyselxia will cause you to read the opposite but its for everyone else who can read properly to come here and have a good laugh at your Bingo expense.
Rightfully so.

Every kid who says sometimes I think I'm a girl does not to be diagnosed with a mental disorder and treated medically and surgically.
No one cares about your opinion diagnosis. Who's coming to you for medical consultations?
The problem with these gender specialist quacks, is that they know they cannot justify hormonal and surgical treatment unless they diagnose the child withl gender dysphoria, you know the actual mental disorder. If they justify it that way, all of a sudden every Obamacare compliant health insurance plan, as well as Medicaid, will start writing them large checks.
You should address your problem of not being able to read and comprehend words well before you try and tackle other issues Bingo.
Honestly, if you think having large checks written to them does not motivate them to push for more treatment, you are not only a person with learning disabilities who struggles with English, but in fact are unwilling to learn.
How ironic.

Bingo Bango Bongo.

Your defeat is going to come in the blacklash when those same children turn to social media to voice how much they'd like you bigots to leave them alone.
If you think parents should have their childs mental state hidden from them by the school, while they are being duped into chopping things off, or being put on hormonal drugs you need to impale yourself
I don't know what you mean but I do know you'll be too much of a coward to say what you mean. So it is with your lot.

It was a Vice report. Having to lie about basic facts only shows how scared you are to have an honest conversation.

Since you believe there's a conspiracy why the girl in the first video I posted used cue cards is there some equally hilarious conspiracy theory for why the three trans children spoke in the second video I posted?

People do those jobs because they have to. Pharmaceutical companies obviously want to make money but there are better ways than niche medications that not even a majority of the people you're making them for even want. It seriously calls into question your greed motive which you've provided no evidence of. People don't dig ditches out of greed do they?

And those same children and their families were the ones speaking out against these bills.

Its good they paired you with students who mirrored your own capabilities.

You Bingos should really do your homework so you can more effectively hide your Bingo nature. The people who publish the DSM-5 have made their position clear. I bolded the relevant portions since you seem to be a rather committed Bingo.

Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis

With the publication of DSM–5 in 2013, “gender identity disorder” was eliminated and replaced with “gender dysphoria.” This change further focused the diagnosis on the gender identity-related distress that some transgender people experience (and for which they may seek psychiatric, medical, and surgical treatments) rather than on transgender individuals or identities themselves.
The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people.
It needs to be ego-dystonic to qualify as a diagnosis and having a discussion with our patients about the diagnosis prior to charting it is necessary and good care.
The DSM–5 articulates explicitly that “gender non-conformity is not in itself a mental disorder.” The 5th edition also includes a separate “gender dysphoria in children” diagnosis and for the first time allows the diagnosis to be given to individuals with disorders of sex development (DSD). DSM–5 also includes the optional “post-transition” specifier to indicate when a particular individual’s gender transition is complete. In this “post-transition” case, the diagnosis of gender dysphoria would no longer apply but the individual may still need ongoing medical care (e.g., hormonal treatment). Nevertheless, discussions continue among advocates and medical professionals about how best to preserve access to gender transition-related health care while also minimizing the degree to which such diagnostic categories stigmatize the very people that physicians are attempting to help.

That's not how that works. Its on people like you to prove that it is.

You don't know commercials from news reports and you can't seem to figure out when they say diverse gender identities are not sign of a mental disorder a Bingo like you reads that as being a mental disorder. Are you suffering from Bingo dyslexia?

It is from the same people who publish the DSM, the American Psychiatric Association as is the link above. This is course isn't for you because your Bingo dyselxia will cause you to read the opposite but its for everyone else who can read properly to come here and have a good laugh at your Bingo expense.

No one cares about your opinion diagnosis. Who's coming to you for medical consultations?

You should address your problem of not being able to read and comprehend words well before you try and tackle other issues Bingo.

How ironic.

Bingo Bango Bongo.
TRANS does not exist, it's not possible, it's cosmetic changes only, if you think it does seek the mental help you need!
Schools have NO rights of any kind, much less any reason to interfere with any kid at any time, regarding anything that is NOT reading, writing, math, science, art, or PE.

And any school or teacher interfering in this manner should be courtmartialed and be placed in front of a firing squad!!!
Posts a national socialist.

So, if a child is beating beaten at home by their parents a teacher should stay out because it's not a reading, writing, math, science, art or PE thing...
TRANS does not exist, it's not possible, it's cosmetic changes only, if you think it does seek the mental help you need!
You don't know if it's possible or not, you don't know much of anything. You don't seem to know that men and women are made from the same parts. That the default setting for your gonads is to be female, as it is with all humans. What becomes your testicles and penis starts out as a little ridge and unless it detects the presence of one little gene (sry gene) what you get is a female reproductive system.

“I’m XY and I Know It”: Sex Determination Systems 101 - Science in the News
You don't know if it's possible or not, you don't know much of anything. You don't seem to know that men and women are made from the same parts. That the default setting for your gonads is to be female, as it is with all humans. What becomes your testicles and penis starts out as a little ridge and unless it detects the presence of one little gene (sry gene) what you get is a female reproductive system.

“I’m XY and I Know It”: Sex Determination Systems 101 - Science in the News
So Friggin what, Is that what bugs you, the little gene keeping you from changing sexes,:crybaby: I know that NO MAN becomes a woman period pardon the pun, no Woman becomes a man Genomes do not change so shove it up your whatever privart parts you decide you have to day and bugger off I am done with you SJW pseudo scientist pricks.
So Friggin what, Is that what bugs you, the little gene keeping you from changing sexes,:crybaby: I know that NO MAN becomes a woman period pardon the pun, no Woman becomes a man Genomes do not change so shove it up your whatever privart parts you decide you have to day and bugger off I am done with you SJW pseudo scientist pricks.
How about schools stick to teaching children and that teachers keep their noses out of their private lives and family matters?
Stop lawmakers from making it there business! Teachers are REQUIRED to report any suspected child abuse. I had to do that several times in my 21 year career.

You're a Bingo. Its my word for the mentally challenged who deserve no sympathy because their challenged capacities originates from their bigoted nature, i.e. a Bingo. You know, someone who thinks it's a conspiracy when a young trans girl expresses herself through the written word. But these children do have voices and though those voices might travel slower than the hate that reverberates around white wing media when they reach the ears of the American people, like all the social fights you've picked before and lost, you're bigotry is going to get stomped out.

So you made it up, yet expect us to know the meaning. You are one stupid MF!
I don't know what you mean but I do know you'll be too much of a coward to say what you mean. So it is with your lot.
Zone 1, mahn.
It was a Vice report. Having to lie about basic facts only shows how scared you are to have an honest conversation.
Click on the link at vice that says “content funding,” and you may understand it better.
Since you believe there's a conspiracy why the girl in the first video I posted used cue cards is there some equally hilarious conspiracy theory for why the three trans children spoke in the second video I posted?
They spoke for the same reason that your dream t-girl did not speak: They followed the stage directions, or were edited out if they did not.
People do those jobs because they have to.
What? People ”have to” open restaurants, wait tables, etc? Nobody is allowed to choose their profession? Never had a job, have you?
Pharmaceutical companies obviously want to make money but there are better ways than niche medications that not even a majority of the people you're making them for even want. It seriously calls into question your greed motive which you've provided no evidence of. People don't dig ditches out of greed do they?
They are working hard to grow the market. Almost as hard as they marketed their “COVID vaccines.”
And those same children and their families were the ones speaking out against these bills.
As I said, rights are granted by the community, and those parents are not granted the right to mutilate and poison their kids because the kids supposedly ”want to be” mutilated and poisoned.
Its good they paired you with students who mirrored your own capabilities.
Hyuck, Hyuck!
You Bingos should really do your homework so you can more effectively hide your Bingo nature. The people who publish the DSM-5 have made their position clear. I bolded the relevant portions since you seem to be a rather committed Bingo.

Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis

With the publication of DSM–5 in 2013, “gender identity disorder” was eliminated and replaced with “gender dysphoria.” This change further focused the diagnosis on the gender identity-related distress that some transgender people experience (and for which they may seek psychiatric, medical, and surgical treatments) rather than on transgender individuals or identities themselves.
The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people.
It needs to be ego-dystonic to qualify as a diagnosis and having a discussion with our patients about the diagnosis prior to charting it is necessary and good care.
The DSM–5 articulates explicitly that “gender non-conformity is not in itself a mental disorder.” The 5th edition also includes a separate “gender dysphoria in children” diagnosis and for the first time allows the diagnosis to be given to individuals with disorders of sex development (DSD). DSM–5 also includes the optional “post-transition” specifier to indicate when a particular individual’s gender transition is complete. In this “post-transition” case, the diagnosis of gender dysphoria would no longer apply but the individual may still need ongoing medical care (e.g., hormonal treatment). Nevertheless, discussions continue among advocates and medical professionals about how best to preserve access to gender transition-related health care while also minimizing the degree to which such diagnostic categories stigmatize the very people that physicians are attempting to help.

That's not how that works. Its on people like you to prove that it is.

You don't know commercials from news reports and you can't seem to figure out when they say diverse gender identities are not sign of a mental disorder a Bingo like you reads that as being a mental disorder. Are you suffering from Bingo dyslexia?

It is from the same people who publish the DSM, the American Psychiatric Association as is the link above. This is course isn't for you because your Bingo dyselxia will cause you to read the opposite but its for everyone else who can read properly to come here and have a good laugh at your Bingo expense.
I’ll explain it again, sure.

The DSM 4 identified “Gender Identity Disorder” as a recognized mental illness by putting it in the DSM 4, which was a list of mental disorders. The DSM 5 changed the name of the disorder to “Gender Dysphoria,” without stating that it is no longer a mental disorder, because it still is.

The paragraph you keep quoting talks about gender non-conformity, not Gender Dysphoria, which is still a mental disorder, of course.
No one cares about your opinion diagnosis. Who's coming to you for medical consultations?
My lawmakers consult me about which rights to give to parents. I said no genital mutilation of children in Texas, and I believe Floridians have said the same. If you are so interested in underage trans girls having the “right to be chemically and surgically altered, you will have to go to Cali to “help” them.
My lawmakers consult me about which rights to give to parents. I said no genital mutilation of children in Texas, and I believe Floridians have said the same. If you are so interested in underage trans girls having the “right to be chemically and surgically altered, you will have to go to Cali to “help” them.

Same here in Tenessee.

Don't spare the rod fuckup.
No one wants kids beat, you think that gives the educators carte blanche. Here is a hint if a kid brings it up, let the parents handle it, if a problem arises then deal with the parents non of your business

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