Schwarzenegger to U.S.: State may need $7-billion loan

Let's see their expenditures are greater than their revenues... the cost of illegals perhaps? Doh!

Bingo--sell that manual labor that you imported and no--I'm not interested. I already know how to mow a lawn.
Let's see their expenditures are greater than their revenues... the cost of illegals perhaps? Doh!

I visited in Feb. California has Mexican fruits and Vegetables in their grocery stores. The central valley in Ca. is the most fertile land in the USA. It was sad really.
Bingo--sell that manual labor that you imported and no--I'm not interested. I already know how to mow a lawn.

If there were no jobs, no healthcare, no education, no welfare.... they would not have any reason to stay. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, but apparently we have no one who is "smart" enough to realize that. I just got out of another thread where some peeps were telling me that the elilte peeps know better for the country than us regular peeps.

There, I said peeps 3 times. :p
If there were no jobs, no healthcare, no education, no welfare.... they would not have any reason to stay. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, but apparently we have no one who is "smart" enough to realize that. I just got out of another thread where some peeps were telling me that the elilte peeps know better for the country than us regular peeps.

There, I said peeps 3 times. :p

That's nothing to brag about, woman !
All of the above is what is wrong with California .... plus this Missing - California Bear

A lot of businesses moved to Nevada several years ago .... plus there are some that have a Nevada "address" and are still located and operate in Californa. :eusa_shhh: I didn't say that - just overheard it someplace. :eusa_silenced: :eusa_whistle:
California isn't alone in having problems because of the reluctance of the credit community to loan out money.

A week or so ago, Maine failed to find funding for a $50 M bond it issued for transportation.

This was the first time in history that Maine couldn't float a bond issue according to MPR.

So come spring 2009, our winter ravaged roads will not being repaired, and a whole lot of workers are not going to be making any money, hence not putting any money into the local economy and not paying any federal state or local taxes on their paychecks, either.

What concerns me is that even after the bailout is passed, I suspect that the credit market is still going to be extremely cautious about lending.

As someone noted already, banks with cash on hand are taking the safer route and buying T-bills with it, rarther than lending it out for private industries or for local government to do something productive with it.

Certainly we can expect the cost of borrowing to be higher, if nothing else, since the assumed risks will be higher.

And there's the hidden tax that we will be paying to bail out this broken system, isn't it?
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I kinda figured something like this would happen.

Remember back a few years ago when Ah-Nohld went to Washington to beg money from Bush Jr.? I think it was sometime during 2004/2005. Now, after seeing all the fat bank that Congress is handing out to Wall Street, I guess the Governator just want's his fair share of the pie.....7 billion.

Ya know.....if we evenly distributed this 700 BILLION bailout to each state, they would all get 14 Billion dollars EACH!
Don't get me wrong. I don't think this whole "state bailout thing" is right either. Someone in the state government has dropped the ball.

Also ........ I don't quite understand FEMA helping rebuild New Orleans .... or the other states that get blown away. Or even some of the fires in California. When you build your home on the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico,(or the Atlantic coastline side of the country) ... you are apt to get hit with a hurricane (or horrible tropical storm), at some time or another. Or you build, get burned out, re-build in Malibu, CA - (some of the most expensive property in the state/country). If you do not clear the brush from around your home .... and keep it clear ... then don't go whining (to whoever) when a horrible fire breaks out and clears out your home and blocks of city streets in your neighborhood.

All I am sayin. :eusa_whistle:
Yeah, everybody stampeded for that bandwagon, and $7B!???, God, that is shameless and here in MI, we've been struggling in quiet desperation for years, brought right to our knees, forced to watch our great state crumble a very slow death and @ irresponsible hands at that!

Jesus this stuff makes me sick.

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