Science Channel Acknowledges Major Racial Differences

Yet the most pressing domestic issue facing America today is low black IQ.


Please, continue to fill the tread with your vast ignorance.

It amuses us.

The biggest criticism the institutional left has of the current system is the disparate outcomes along racial lines in employment rates, education, healthcare, wealth accumulation, and political influence.

This is one Opinion.

Another opinion is that the "institutional left's" biggest criticism is disperate outcomes: Period.

The Head of the Executive Branch of the current system's government is racially mixed; it is difficult to imagine how anyone could sustain an arguement based on their opinion that there are "disperate outcomes along racial lines."
Yes, you can coach test taking skills, but if this makes a significant difference in test results, then obviously the test was a shitty test of intelligence or academic success.

significant improvement? define significant in this case. it has also been shown that taking SAT tests out of the library and practising them is just as effective as taking a paid cram course. there is a benefit to familiarity but anyone can easily take practise exams, with rapidly diminishing returns.

I said "significant difference" in test results.

If a test is designed to test intelligence, then "coaching" should not make much difference in the results, since intelligence cannot be coached.

For example:

The fact that this simple concept confuses you is evidence that your intelligence is below average.

No amount of test coaching will make a significant difference in your condition.

if the 'difference' was not an improvement then not many people would be interested. I am stating that familiarity with the testing format will boost confidence and the speed of proccessing for the person taking the test. there are not many tasks in life where practise does not improve results.

mental ability testing is comprised of many questions ranging from easy to hard, and the importance of any one particular question is low. after dozens or hundreds of questions the range of ability for the person becomes identified. taking more tests, and at different times gives more information and narrows the range of probable intelligence even more. ie. the average of five IQ scores is much more likely to be accurate than any one of those tests.
Much of the research quoted in this topic comes from the "Bell Curve" which is based on research funded by the Pioneer Fund, which is frequently described as racist and "white supremacist" in nature.

The Pioneer Fund was described by the Sunday Telegraph (March 12, 1989) as a "neo-Nazi organization closely integrated with the far right in American politics." It has also been criticized by some scientists and journalists, and in various peer-reviewed academic articles.

Wickliffe Preston Draper, heir to a large fortune and the fund's de facto final authority, served on the Board of Directors from 1937 until 1972. He founded the Pioneer Fund after having acquired an interest in the Eugenics movement, which was strengthened by his 1935 visit to Nazi Germany, where he met with the leading eugenicists of the Third Reich who used the inspiration from the American movement as a basis for the Nuremberg Laws.

Racism Resurgent
Pioneer Fund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

most people from that era would be considered ranting racists by today's standards. no one ever says that any project subsidized by Ford should be dismissed because he was racist and anti-semetic. not only that but the funds available to be disbursed by the Pioneer Fund are the equivilent to a rounding error of funds going in politically correct fields. a million or two a year is not even a drop in the bucket. and if I am not mistaken, there was zero Pioneer Fund money used in preparing TBC

Universities and scientific institutions have shut down research into racial differences. About 5 or 6 years ago, a geneticist named Bruce Lahn discovered that two genes involved in regulating brain size had evolved among Asians and Caucasians, and he was trying to find out whether these changes might account for higher white IQ. Once his research became public knowledge, however, the University of Chicago forced him to stop. In America, research on racial IQ is in reality forbidden.

Yet the most pressing domestic issue facing America today is low black IQ. Estimates of the cost of affirmative action - which essentially tries to overcome low black average IQ - runs into the hundreds of billions a year. Champions of racial equality like Richard Nisbett, James Flynn, and Tim Wise advocate spending additional tens of billions on early intervention programs to raise the IQs of blacks. All on the assumption that the environment is to blame. And we can't spend a few million dollars to fund the research to find out whether this assumption is true or not? I'd say America's willingness to deceive itself has reached Orwellian proportions.
If he had a valid research plan, I'm sure the Pioneer Fund would help him. They have funded numerous studies trying to prove racial inferiority from their involvement in creating the Nuremberg Laws in Nazi Germany to the Bell Curve.
Finally, the media is starting to come around, admitting that racial genetic differences cause IQ differences between the races. The episode on the science channel last Wednesday, hosted by Morgan Freeman, admits that genes code for differences in the brain the lead to differences in how the brains of the races function.

Is this a step toward recognizing that white Americans are not racist? And that blacks are just inherently less intelligent? Are we on the verge of ending affirmative action?

no. what they showed is that siblings have a closer iq to one another than compared to someone randomly on a street...thus their thought that maybe iq is genetic...

then it showed if the average iq is 100, then blacks iq is below that on average and hispanic iq's are below that of the blacks and the chinese/asian iq is HIGHER than those of Whites...

this does not rule out "environment" as a reason for the IQ differences...
Much of the research quoted in this topic comes from the "Bell Curve" which is based on research funded by the Pioneer Fund, which is frequently described as racist and "white supremacist" in nature.

The Pioneer Fund was described by the Sunday Telegraph (March 12, 1989) as a "neo-Nazi organization closely integrated with the far right in American politics." It has also been criticized by some scientists and journalists, and in various peer-reviewed academic articles.

Wickliffe Preston Draper, heir to a large fortune and the fund's de facto final authority, served on the Board of Directors from 1937 until 1972. He founded the Pioneer Fund after having acquired an interest in the Eugenics movement, which was strengthened by his 1935 visit to Nazi Germany, where he met with the leading eugenicists of the Third Reich who used the inspiration from the American movement as a basis for the Nuremberg Laws.

Racism Resurgent
Pioneer Fund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

most people from that era would be considered ranting racists by today's standards. no one ever says that any project subsidized by Ford should be dismissed because he was racist and anti-semetic. not only that but the funds available to be disbursed by the Pioneer Fund are the equivilent to a rounding error of funds going in politically correct fields. a million or two a year is not even a drop in the bucket. and if I am not mistaken, there was zero Pioneer Fund money used in preparing TBC

Universities and scientific institutions have shut down research into racial differences. About 5 or 6 years ago, a geneticist named Bruce Lahn discovered that two genes involved in regulating brain size had evolved among Asians and Caucasians, and he was trying to find out whether these changes might account for higher white IQ. Once his research became public knowledge, however, the University of Chicago forced him to stop. In America, research on racial IQ is in reality forbidden.

Yet the most pressing domestic issue facing America today is low black IQ. Estimates of the cost of affirmative action - which essentially tries to overcome low black average IQ - runs into the hundreds of billions a year. Champions of racial equality like Richard Nisbett, James Flynn, and Tim Wise advocate spending additional tens of billions on early intervention programs to raise the IQs of blacks. All on the assumption that the environment is to blame. And we can't spend a few million dollars to fund the research to find out whether this assumption is true or not? I'd say America's willingness to deceive itself has reached Orwellian proportions.

Lahn is an interesting case. he was not studying IQ he was studying several gene alleles that were linked to brain development. everything was fine until the study was made public and a little while after someone asked what frequency they had in the black population and it turns out they are primarily only found in asians and caucasians. after a flurry of media attention Lahn was given a warning and told to stay out of areas that could be deemed politically correct. he agreed.
most people from that era would be considered ranting racists by today's standards. no one ever says that any project subsidized by Ford should be dismissed because he was racist and anti-semetic. not only that but the funds available to be disbursed by the Pioneer Fund are the equivilent to a rounding error of funds going in politically correct fields. a million or two a year is not even a drop in the bucket. and if I am not mistaken, there was zero Pioneer Fund money used in preparing TBC

Universities and scientific institutions have shut down research into racial differences. About 5 or 6 years ago, a geneticist named Bruce Lahn discovered that two genes involved in regulating brain size had evolved among Asians and Caucasians, and he was trying to find out whether these changes might account for higher white IQ. Once his research became public knowledge, however, the University of Chicago forced him to stop. In America, research on racial IQ is in reality forbidden.

Yet the most pressing domestic issue facing America today is low black IQ. Estimates of the cost of affirmative action - which essentially tries to overcome low black average IQ - runs into the hundreds of billions a year. Champions of racial equality like Richard Nisbett, James Flynn, and Tim Wise advocate spending additional tens of billions on early intervention programs to raise the IQs of blacks. All on the assumption that the environment is to blame. And we can't spend a few million dollars to fund the research to find out whether this assumption is true or not? I'd say America's willingness to deceive itself has reached Orwellian proportions.
If he had a valid research plan, I'm sure the Pioneer Fund would help him. They have funded numerous studies trying to prove racial inferiority from their involvement in creating the Nuremberg Laws in Nazi Germany to the Bell Curve.

the Pioneer Fund has very little money to pass out. it has a very tight focus on what areas it does fund but the money is not tied to any specific 'outcome'.

perhaps other groups should study how the PF works because they certainly seem to get a big bang for their buck (a paltry $1,000,000/yr) whereas other groups pour billions down the drain for little or no results.
Finally, the media is starting to come around, admitting that racial genetic differences cause IQ differences between the races. The episode on the science channel last Wednesday, hosted by Morgan Freeman, admits that genes code for differences in the brain the lead to differences in how the brains of the races function.

Is this a step toward recognizing that white Americans are not racist? And that blacks are just inherently less intelligent? Are we on the verge of ending affirmative action?

no. what they showed is that siblings have a closer iq to one another than compared to someone randomly on a street...thus their thought that maybe iq is genetic...

then it showed if the average iq is 100, then blacks iq is below that on average and hispanic iq's are below that of the blacks and the chinese/asian iq is HIGHER than those of Whites...

this does not rule out "environment" as a reason for the IQ differences...

there is zero doubt that intelligence is in large part controlled by genetic inheritance. when you say
this does not rule out "environment" as a reason for the IQ differences..
, what do you mean? are you stating that black culture irredeemably reduces the development of intelligence in its children? you may have a point, white children from low income families outscore black children from high income families. but Occam's Razor would suggest that it is the genetic predisposition to lower intelligence in the black race which is the main factor.
I've heard Negroes say that they are "the first people". This means that they acknowledge that they evolved before Asians and Caucasians.

Is this "politically incorrect" to acknowledge?
I've heard Negroes say that they are "the first people". This means that they acknowledge that they evolved before Asians and Caucasians.

Is this "politically incorrect" to acknowledge?
according to the scientists, we were all Negro...every single one of us, when we began out of Africa...but as we got farther away from the sunlight, our skin turned lighter, so that we could produce more vitamin D and B, with the lesser sunlight we were receiving, is what I believe they have said.
I've heard Negroes say that they are "the first people". This means that they acknowledge that they evolved before Asians and Caucasians.

Is this "politically incorrect" to acknowledge?
according to the scientists, we were all Negro...every single one of us, when we began out of Africa...but as we got farther away from the sunlight, our skin turned lighter, so that we could produce more vitamin D and B, with the lesser sunlight we were receiving, is what I believe they have said.

No the scientists said we were originally had skin and Genetics that were simiar to the American Indians. Of course in all likelyhood these are just theorys to crackpots came up with and everyone all had different skin colors to begin with.
I've heard Negroes say that they are "the first people". This means that they acknowledge that they evolved before Asians and Caucasians.

Is this "politically incorrect" to acknowledge?
according to the scientists, we were all Negro...every single one of us, when we began out of Africa...but as we got farther away from the sunlight, our skin turned lighter, so that we could produce more vitamin D and B, with the lesser sunlight we were receiving, is what I believe they have said.

No the scientists said we were originally had skin and Genetics that were simiar to the American Indians. Of course in all likelyhood these are just theorys to crackpots came up with and everyone all had different skin colors to begin with.
Do you believe in God?

If so, do you believe God made us all different skin colors from the beginning?

I don't.

Please, continue to fill the tread with your vast ignorance.

It amuses us.

The biggest criticism the institutional left has of the current system is the disparate outcomes along racial lines in employment rates, education, healthcare, wealth accumulation, and political influence.

This is one Opinion.

Another opinion is that the "institutional left's" biggest criticism is disperate outcomes: Period.

The Head of the Executive Branch of the current system's government is racially mixed; it is difficult to imagine how anyone could sustain an arguement based on their opinion that there are "disperate outcomes along racial lines."

True, progressivists hate capitalism on philosophical grounds, but the picture they most often use to portray the degradations of capitalism is black poverty, our society’s most glaring inequality. that is why the speartip of their rationale for transforming America is the racial divide, which is why whenever a conservative opposes their redistributionist ideology they shout racism at the top of their lungs i.e. the system is fundamentally flawed and needs to be replaced.
most people from that era would be considered ranting racists by today's standards. no one ever says that any project subsidized by Ford should be dismissed because he was racist and anti-semetic. not only that but the funds available to be disbursed by the Pioneer Fund are the equivilent to a rounding error of funds going in politically correct fields. a million or two a year is not even a drop in the bucket. and if I am not mistaken, there was zero Pioneer Fund money used in preparing TBC

Universities and scientific institutions have shut down research into racial differences. About 5 or 6 years ago, a geneticist named Bruce Lahn discovered that two genes involved in regulating brain size had evolved among Asians and Caucasians, and he was trying to find out whether these changes might account for higher white IQ. Once his research became public knowledge, however, the University of Chicago forced him to stop. In America, research on racial IQ is in reality forbidden.

Yet the most pressing domestic issue facing America today is low black IQ. Estimates of the cost of affirmative action - which essentially tries to overcome low black average IQ - runs into the hundreds of billions a year. Champions of racial equality like Richard Nisbett, James Flynn, and Tim Wise advocate spending additional tens of billions on early intervention programs to raise the IQs of blacks. All on the assumption that the environment is to blame. And we can't spend a few million dollars to fund the research to find out whether this assumption is true or not? I'd say America's willingness to deceive itself has reached Orwellian proportions.
If he had a valid research plan, I'm sure the Pioneer Fund would help him. They have funded numerous studies trying to prove racial inferiority from their involvement in creating the Nuremberg Laws in Nazi Germany to the Bell Curve.

I don’t agree with Morgan Freeman’s thesis that lower black average IQ equals inferiority. It was very inflammatory and biased to entitle the show “Is There A Superior Race?”, as this is not what the debate is about. Lower black cognitive ability is a fact but that does not in any way diminish their rights or their equal worth as human beings, anymore than a smart white person has greater rights than a white person with low IQ.
most people from that era would be considered ranting racists by today's standards. no one ever says that any project subsidized by Ford should be dismissed because he was racist and anti-semetic. not only that but the funds available to be disbursed by the Pioneer Fund are the equivilent to a rounding error of funds going in politically correct fields. a million or two a year is not even a drop in the bucket. and if I am not mistaken, there was zero Pioneer Fund money used in preparing TBC

Universities and scientific institutions have shut down research into racial differences. About 5 or 6 years ago, a geneticist named Bruce Lahn discovered that two genes involved in regulating brain size had evolved among Asians and Caucasians, and he was trying to find out whether these changes might account for higher white IQ. Once his research became public knowledge, however, the University of Chicago forced him to stop. In America, research on racial IQ is in reality forbidden.

Yet the most pressing domestic issue facing America today is low black IQ. Estimates of the cost of affirmative action - which essentially tries to overcome low black average IQ - runs into the hundreds of billions a year. Champions of racial equality like Richard Nisbett, James Flynn, and Tim Wise advocate spending additional tens of billions on early intervention programs to raise the IQs of blacks. All on the assumption that the environment is to blame. And we can't spend a few million dollars to fund the research to find out whether this assumption is true or not? I'd say America's willingness to deceive itself has reached Orwellian proportions.

Lahn is an interesting case. he was not studying IQ he was studying several gene alleles that were linked to brain development. everything was fine until the study was made public and a little while after someone asked what frequency they had in the black population and it turns out they are primarily only found in asians and caucasians. after a flurry of media attention Lahn was given a warning and told to stay out of areas that could be deemed politically correct. he agreed.

Right. He and his colleague Henry Harpending, among others, theorize that these mutations changed the brain of Asians and Europeans, beginning around 40,000 years ago, that gave them the necessary level of intelligence to eventually create civilization. Because these populations were cut off from Sub-Saharan Africans, they did not transfer these gene modifications to blacks.
I've heard Negroes say that they are "the first people". This means that they acknowledge that they evolved before Asians and Caucasians.

Is this "politically incorrect" to acknowledge?
according to the scientists, we were all Negro...every single one of us, when we began out of Africa...but as we got farther away from the sunlight, our skin turned lighter, so that we could produce more vitamin D and B, with the lesser sunlight we were receiving, is what I believe they have said.

No the scientists said we were originally had skin and Genetics that were simiar to the American Indians. Of course in all likelyhood these are just theorys to crackpots came up with and everyone all had different skin colors to begin with.

The show basically says that blacks and whites have different genes for brain development, and poses the question of whether this is what causes the lower black average IQ that we see. Basically what they are saying is that genes code for the development of the brain during gestation. Therefore, some people inherit brain structures like a larger prefrontal cortex and more robust interconnections between brain regions that are empirically verified to lead to higher intelligence. They explain that for 50,000 years blacks and whites evolved separately because they were not sharing genes and they lived in very different environments.

So they ask the question whether the gene pool of whites has a greater prevalence of the gene versions for brain development that give their members higher IQ brain structures, that leads to the higher white average IQ. Although they do not draw any definitive conclusions, they misleadingly suggest that the environment plays a bigger role. A realistic review of the evidence overwhelmingly leads to the opposite conclusion.
Finally, the media is starting to come around, admitting that racial genetic differences cause IQ differences between the races. The episode on the science channel last Wednesday, hosted by Morgan Freeman, admits that genes code for differences in the brain the lead to differences in how the brains of the races function.

Is this a step toward recognizing that white Americans are not racist? And that blacks are just inherently less intelligent? Are we on the verge of ending affirmative action?

according to the scientists, we were all Negro...every single one of us, when we began out of Africa...but as we got farther away from the sunlight, our skin turned lighter, so that we could produce more vitamin D and B, with the lesser sunlight we were receiving, is what I believe they have said.

No the scientists said we were originally had skin and Genetics that were simiar to the American Indians. Of course in all likelyhood these are just theorys to crackpots came up with and everyone all had different skin colors to begin with.

The show basically says that blacks and whites have different genes for brain development, and poses the question of whether this is what causes the lower black average IQ that we see. Basically what they are saying is that genes code for the development of the brain during gestation. Therefore, some people inherit brain structures like a larger prefrontal cortex and more robust interconnections between brain regions that are empirically verified to lead to higher intelligence. They explain that for 50,000 years blacks and whites evolved separately because they were not sharing genes and they lived in very different environments.

So they ask the question whether the gene pool of whites has a greater prevalence of the gene versions for brain development that give their members higher IQ brain structures, that leads to the higher white average IQ. Although they do not draw any definitive conclusions, they misleadingly suggest that the environment plays a bigger role. A realistic review of the evidence overwhelmingly leads to the opposite conclusion.
hmmm, we must have not watched the same show, even though we did!

What you wrote above, is your opinion of what you thought you heard....that's how I see it....

to each his own....
Universities and scientific institutions have shut down research into racial differences. About 5 or 6 years ago, a geneticist named Bruce Lahn discovered that two genes involved in regulating brain size had evolved among Asians and Caucasians, and he was trying to find out whether these changes might account for higher white IQ. Once his research became public knowledge, however, the University of Chicago forced him to stop. In America, research on racial IQ is in reality forbidden.

Yet the most pressing domestic issue facing America today is low black IQ. Estimates of the cost of affirmative action - which essentially tries to overcome low black average IQ - runs into the hundreds of billions a year. Champions of racial equality like Richard Nisbett, James Flynn, and Tim Wise advocate spending additional tens of billions on early intervention programs to raise the IQs of blacks. All on the assumption that the environment is to blame. And we can't spend a few million dollars to fund the research to find out whether this assumption is true or not? I'd say America's willingness to deceive itself has reached Orwellian proportions.

Lahn is an interesting case. he was not studying IQ he was studying several gene alleles that were linked to brain development. everything was fine until the study was made public and a little while after someone asked what frequency they had in the black population and it turns out they are primarily only found in asians and caucasians. after a flurry of media attention Lahn was given a warning and told to stay out of areas that could be deemed politically correct. he agreed.

Right. He and his colleague Henry Harpending, among others, theorize that these mutations changed the brain of Asians and Europeans, beginning around 40,000 years ago, that gave them the necessary level of intelligence to eventually create civilization. Because these populations were cut off from Sub-Saharan Africans, they did not transfer these gene modifications to blacks.

this is an extremely interesting field of study. Harpending and others have been analyzing how certain alleles come to be 'fixed' (common to most individuals in a population). so far they have found quite a few that have come to fixation in only the last 5000 years or less, primarily due to agriculture. humans may be evolving faster now than at any other time in our history on the planet.
No the scientists said we were originally had skin and Genetics that were simiar to the American Indians. Of course in all likelyhood these are just theorys to crackpots came up with and everyone all had different skin colors to begin with.

The show basically says that blacks and whites have different genes for brain development, and poses the question of whether this is what causes the lower black average IQ that we see. Basically what they are saying is that genes code for the development of the brain during gestation. Therefore, some people inherit brain structures like a larger prefrontal cortex and more robust interconnections between brain regions that are empirically verified to lead to higher intelligence. They explain that for 50,000 years blacks and whites evolved separately because they were not sharing genes and they lived in very different environments.

So they ask the question whether the gene pool of whites has a greater prevalence of the gene versions for brain development that give their members higher IQ brain structures, that leads to the higher white average IQ. Although they do not draw any definitive conclusions, they misleadingly suggest that the environment plays a bigger role. A realistic review of the evidence overwhelmingly leads to the opposite conclusion.
hmmm, we must have not watched the same show, even though we did!

What you wrote above, is your opinion of what you thought you heard....that's how I see it....

to each his own....

Okay, they do not provide such a detailed explanation, but evolution of higher white intelligence would have happened along the lines that I have described. If you want an in depth explanation, I recommend Time To End Affirmative Action available on Smashwords:

Evolution often adapts populations to environments by pushing trait averages in a higher or lower direction to help them avoid extinction. This is what happened with whites and Asians in the colder environments they inhabited, the IQ average evolved higher to make them more fit for their environment. Compare this explanation to the politically correct notion that culture lowers black IQ, and I think the answer is obvious.

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