Scientist team, "Man made climate change doesnt exist!"

Never heard of ckimate change.

is it contagious?
Well.....unless one considers an increase of 0.1 degree's to fit the AGW narrative? I dont :2up:

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"
What a joke.....only zombies couldnt have figured this finding was imminent. Doy....AGW continues to be the most massive engineered hoax in the history of the world!:abgg2q.jpg:

If what I hear is true and the Sun is at a minimum AND the Earth's magnetic field is decreasing, seems to me we don't even need man to account for any changes!
Well.....unless one considers an increase of 0.1 degree's to fit the AGW narrative? I dont :2up:

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

What a joke.....only zombies couldnt have figured this finding was imminent. Doy....AGW continues to be the most massive engineered hoax in the history of the world!:abgg2q.jpg:
The article zero hedge (lol) is referencing doesn't say anything like what they claim it does.

Here's a direct link.

Winter monsoons became stronger during geomagnetic reversal: Revealing the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth's climate
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

It only occurs in Computer Simulations.
Intelligent people have always known this.

That is silly because no one ever based any predictions on computer models.
We use computer models only to help us understand what already is happening.
And clearly the oceans, glacial and polar ice, are much warmer.
The British Admiralty noticed global warming over 100 years ago, because they were carefully measuring ocean temperatures in order to map currents.

If you look at things in history, like the USS Nautilus crossing under the North Pole in 1957, you will see that even in summer, there was no open water for a Northwest Passage, and it could only be traversed by submarine.
Now there is open water route across the pole, in summer.
It has changes tremendously.
Well.....unless one considers an increase of 0.1 degree's to fit the AGW narrative? I dont :2up:

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"
What a joke.....only zombies couldnt have figured this finding was imminent. Doy....AGW continues to be the most massive engineered hoax in the history of the world!:abgg2q.jpg:

If what I hear is true and the Sun is at a minimum AND the Earth's magnetic field is decreasing, seems to me we don't even need man to account for any changes!

That is silly.
If the Sun is at a mimimun, and it is, then the Earth should be colder than usual.
That means when solar activity increases back to normal levels, it will get so hot that life may no longer be possible on the planet.

As far as the magnetic field decreasing, it is only slightly and in constantly changing holes.
That likely indicates a magnetic reversal, and has nothing to do with climate.
All that means is that we would have to seek shelter and wear protective gear during the reversal.
Well.....unless one considers an increase of 0.1 degree's to fit the AGW narrative? I dont :2up:

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

What a joke.....only zombies couldnt have figured this finding was imminent. Doy....AGW continues to be the most massive engineered hoax in the history of the world!:abgg2q.jpg:
The article zero hedge (lol) is referencing doesn't say anything like what they claim it does.

Here's a direct link.

Winter monsoons became stronger during geomagnetic reversal: Revealing the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth's climate

Yes, the reality is that a weaker magnetosphere would mean more cosmic rays, which means more clouds, and that means global cooling.
Well.....unless one considers an increase of 0.1 degree's to fit the AGW narrative? I dont :2up:

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

What a joke.....only zombies couldnt have figured this finding was imminent. Doy....AGW continues to be the most massive engineered hoax in the history of the world!:abgg2q.jpg:
The article zero hedge (lol) is referencing doesn't say anything like what they claim it does.

Here's a direct link.

Winter monsoons became stronger during geomagnetic reversal: Revealing the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth's climate

Well of course......matrix guys stay away from ZH like it's the plague.

Oh.....and the point of the article was.....doy.....any prevailing climate change has nothing to do with man- made factors.
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

It only occurs in Computer Simulations.
Intelligent people have always known this.

That is silly because no one ever based any predictions on computer models.

I stopped right there.

Then you are not a scientist.
Scientists NEVER base predictions on computer models.
The based predictions on data, and use computer models to help understand data.
They NEVER come up with computer model that is not based on data.
They only start to trust computer models when they explain and correlate with the data.

And clearly all CO2 based warming theories are based on fact, due to compiled data.
CO2 always traps heat.
It changes the infrared radiation into vibratory heat that can't radiate out through a vacuum any more.
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

It only occurs in Computer Simulations.
Intelligent people have always known this.

That is silly because no one ever based any predictions on computer models.

I stopped right there.

Then you are not a scientist.
Scientists NEVER base predictions on computer models.
The based predictions on data, and use computer models to help understand data.
They NEVER come up with computer model that is not based on data.
They only start to trust computer models when they explain and correlate with the data.

And clearly all CO2 based warming theories are based on fact, due to compiled data.
CO2 always traps heat.
It changes the infrared radiation into vibratory heat that can't radiate out through a vacuum any more.
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

It only occurs in Computer Simulations.
Intelligent people have always known this.

That is silly because no one ever based any predictions on computer models.

I stopped right there.

Then you are not a scientist.
Scientists NEVER base predictions on computer models.
The based predictions on data, and use computer models to help understand data.
They NEVER come up with computer model that is not based on data.
They only start to trust computer models when they explain and correlate with the data.

And clearly all CO2 based warming theories are based on fact, due to compiled data.
CO2 always traps heat.
It changes the infrared radiation into vibratory heat that can't radiate out through a vacuum any more.

There can be no circumstance where photo radiation is not trapped by CO2.
Well.....unless one considers an increase of 0.1 degree's to fit the AGW narrative? I dont :2up:

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

What a joke.....only zombies couldnt have figured this finding was imminent. Doy....AGW continues to be the most massive engineered hoax in the history of the world!:abgg2q.jpg:
The article zero hedge (lol) is referencing doesn't say anything like what they claim it does.

Here's a direct link.

Winter monsoons became stronger during geomagnetic reversal: Revealing the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth's climate

Yes, the reality is that a weaker magnetosphere would mean more cosmic rays, which means more clouds, and that means global cooling.
3 quarters of a million years ago.....
Well.....unless one considers an increase of 0.1 degree's to fit the AGW narrative? I dont :2up:

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

What a joke.....only zombies couldnt have figured this finding was imminent. Doy....AGW continues to be the most massive engineered hoax in the history of the world!:abgg2q.jpg:
The article zero hedge (lol) is referencing doesn't say anything like what they claim it does.

Here's a direct link.

Winter monsoons became stronger during geomagnetic reversal: Revealing the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth's climate

Well of course......matrix guys stay away from ZH like it's the plague.

Oh.....and the point of the article was.....doy.....any prevailing climate change has nothing to do with man- made factors.
People stay away from ZH because it's a conspiracy theory site.

Your article totally failed to provide any evidence, and the paper they linked to as a source says nothing of the sort.
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

It only occurs in Computer Simulations.
Intelligent people have always known this.

That is silly because no one ever based any predictions on computer models.

I stopped right there.

Then you are not a scientist.
Scientists NEVER base predictions on computer models.
The based predictions on data, and use computer models to help understand data.
They NEVER come up with computer model that is not based on data.
They only start to trust computer models when they explain and correlate with the data.

And clearly all CO2 based warming theories are based on fact, due to compiled data.
CO2 always traps heat.
It changes the infrared radiation into vibratory heat that can't radiate out through a vacuum any more.

There can be no circumstance where photo radiation is not trapped by CO2.

Prove that CO2 produced by humans will cause catastrophic global climate change, or speak to the hand, you feeble-minded brainwashed idiot.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Last edited:
If the Sun is at a mimimun, and it is, then the Earth should be colder than usual.
Or maybe solar interactions are more complex than you understand?
As far as the magnetic field decreasing, it is only slightly and in constantly changing holes.
That likely indicates a magnetic reversal, and has nothing to do with climate.
Except that pole reversal let's in more cosmic rays which in turn seeds more cloud cover producing more rain.
And clearly all CO2 based warming theories are based on fact, due to compiled data.
CO2 always traps heat.

LWIR is incapable of warming the atmosphere. CO2, as a molecule, doesn't even warm as the energy doesn't reside long enough to do so. Add to this the fact it collides with other molecules in our atmosphere some 30,000 times during the time energy resides, the kinetic energy pass off warms nothing until it collides with water vapor.

Sorry Charlie the models fail in all regards with CO2..
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

It only occurs in Computer Simulations.
Intelligent people have always known this.

That is silly because no one ever based any predictions on computer models.

I stopped right there.

Then you are not a scientist.
Scientists NEVER base predictions on computer models.
The based predictions on data, and use computer models to help understand data.
They NEVER come up with computer model that is not based on data.
They only start to trust computer models when they explain and correlate with the data.

And clearly all CO2 based warming theories are based on fact, due to compiled data.
CO2 always traps heat.
It changes the infrared radiation into vibratory heat that can't radiate out through a vacuum any more.

There can be no circumstance where photo radiation is not trapped by CO2.
Incorrect again;

CO2 is energy saturated in our atmosphere.. Where does the energy go when CO2 is at saturation and can not accept further photon's?
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

It only occurs in Computer Simulations.
Intelligent people have always known this.

That is silly because no one ever based any predictions on computer models.
We use computer models only to help us understand what already is happening.
And clearly the oceans, glacial and polar ice, are much warmer.
The British Admiralty noticed global warming over 100 years ago, because they were carefully measuring ocean temperatures in order to map currents.

If you look at things in history, like the USS Nautilus crossing under the North Pole in 1957, you will see that even in summer, there was no open water for a Northwest Passage, and it could only be traversed by submarine.
Now there is open water route across the pole, in summer.
It has changes tremendously.

Which shows you have no clue what you are talking about. EVERY study put out by the AGW crowd over the last 15 years is based entirely on computer models.

There is ZERO observed data in them.

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