Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells

Here We Go... Scientists in Japan Create Mice By Using Two Fathers | The Gateway Pundit

Scientists in Japan have just created mice by using two biological fathers.

Katsuhiko Hayashi who led the research created eggs from the cells of male mice and proceeded to put those eggs inside surrogate mice which resulted in offspring.

The Guardian reported the new research will be used to treat infertility and also one day possibly allow same-sex couples to have a biological child together.

Hayashi the scientist behind the experiment would go on record saying “in terms of technology, it will be possible [in humans] even in 10 years.”

He would go on to state “that he personally would be in favour of the technology being used clinically to allow two men to have a baby if it were shown to be safe.”
The Guardian reported the science behind it:

Male skin cells were reprogrammed into a stem cell-like state to create so-called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The Y-chromosome of these cells was then deleted and replaced by an X chromosome “borrowed” from another cell to produce iPS cells with two identical X chromosomes.

“The trick of this, the biggest trick, is the duplication of the X chromosome,” said Hayashi. “We really tried to establish a system to duplicate the X chromosome.”

Finally, the cells were cultivated in an ovary organoid, a culture system designed to replicate the conditions inside a mouse ovary. When the eggs were fertilised with normal sperm, the scientists obtained about 600 embryos, which were implanted into surrogate mice, resulting in the birth of seven mouse pups. The efficiency of about 1% was lower than the efficiency achieved with normal female-derived eggs, where about 5% of embryos went on to produce a live birth.
Optimistic estimate. Getting something like this human ready will take some doing.
A lot of gay relationships can and will one day have kids!!! Combine this with a womb transplant into one of these males = huge!!!

Who knows--- you could be their first success story and you just don't know it yet!

Meantime, I prefer my fellow human beings to be real, natural and normal, not manufactured in a test tube in some freak experiment thank you.
Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells

Here We Go... Scientists in Japan Create Mice By Using Two Fathers | The Gateway Pundit

Scientists in Japan have just created mice by using two biological fathers.

Katsuhiko Hayashi who led the research created eggs from the cells of male mice and proceeded to put those eggs inside surrogate mice which resulted in offspring.

The Guardian reported the new research will be used to treat infertility and also one day possibly allow same-sex couples to have a biological child together.

Hayashi the scientist behind the experiment would go on record saying “in terms of technology, it will be possible [in humans] even in 10 years.”

He would go on to state “that he personally would be in favour of the technology being used clinically to allow two men to have a baby if it were shown to be safe.”
The Guardian reported the science behind it:

Male skin cells were reprogrammed into a stem cell-like state to create so-called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The Y-chromosome of these cells was then deleted and replaced by an X chromosome “borrowed” from another cell to produce iPS cells with two identical X chromosomes.

“The trick of this, the biggest trick, is the duplication of the X chromosome,” said Hayashi. “We really tried to establish a system to duplicate the X chromosome.”

Finally, the cells were cultivated in an ovary organoid, a culture system designed to replicate the conditions inside a mouse ovary. When the eggs were fertilised with normal sperm, the scientists obtained about 600 embryos, which were implanted into surrogate mice, resulting in the birth of seven mouse pups. The efficiency of about 1% was lower than the efficiency achieved with normal female-derived eggs, where about 5% of embryos went on to produce a live birth.
men can have butt sex all day and all they give birth to is a giant hemmorhoid
A lot of gay relationships can and will one day have kids!!! Combine this with a womb transplant into one of these males = huge!!!
You mean unnaturally have kids by creating a Frankenstein of a womb to deliver a child . How about those black children that have a high rate of fatherless childhoods .. does this mean that each child could potentially double that percentage with 2 fathers each?
Another item on a very long list of things that we SHOULD NOT BE even trying to do. This is not a positive discovery so far as I’m concerned. It’s an ABOMINATION on every level imaginable.
Sickness needs to be wiped out. Why the fuck would any man wanna marry a man and have kids? God these freaks are sick!

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