Donald J. Trump wishes you all a Happy Fourth of July

This is what wrote the briben greeting.... let's keep it real.

The drooling fucktard that raped his preteen daughter in the shower has no idea what month it is.

senate gay sex biden-and-aiden.jpg
I just saw you post fly in 1 second before mine.

IMO, the messages are a waste of time. Just a needless act. Doesn't matter what's in them, one side will whinge. Like everything these days, they have to be seen as nicy nicy, pc correct.

Obviously Trump deviated from the nicy nicy protocol.

Our country is being pulled apart at the seams and messages like this one from Trump just increase the pressure.

And the sad part is, this is what people want.

It is why I am getting out as soon as I can.
and people are sick enough to vote for this human piece of trash.

what the fuck happened to our country?
tRump is a result of Americans being tired of do nothing, crooked ass uncaring politicians that don’t give a damn about us

And they thought that the carnival barker was a way out

This time around, I bet most have figured out that he is just another crooked ass uncaring prick that doesn’t give a damn about us

We will see
Our country is being pulled apart at the seams and messages like this one from Trump just increase the pressure.

And the sad part is, this is what people want.

It is why I am getting out as soon as I can.
This is my take on US politics. Obama won because of his Fine Words Butter No Parsnips persona, coupled with mixed race credentials, enough were fooled by him. He didn't help race relations, he made them worse.

Trump says and does the right things, he gets results. But his character divides, he's abrasive. Many go by character as opposed to results and has led to the democrats to cut their nose off to spite their face.

Biden, been in politics for 50 years? He can't have achieved much because never really heard of him till 2020. But he's just an old man that has rapidly gone down hill and it's obvious others in the background have been doing his work.

If Trump had Obama's fancy talking skills, you would have had Trump for two terms.

In the UK, I vote on policies and delivering results. Hence why I never vote Labour.
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and people are sick enough to vote for this human piece of trash.

what the fuck happened to our country?
That any American adult would find Trump’s tweet worthy of a presidential candidate just shows how far down this nation’s maturity has declined. Boomers talk about young people today as being totally lost and clueless, well just look at the posts and tweets of a presidential candidate. Youngsters are only following and imitating the crassness and immaturity of those who preceded them.
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Thank you. So it was
when he made a Peace Deal between Nations Not at war With Each Other.

I remember when his cult following went nuts believing he'd be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. Now they hate all things Nobel.

View attachment 971784


I like that dynamite shit old man Nobel cooked up, that shit's awesome.

Know where I can get some?
Answer me this, how does Trump's Independence Day message help the country?

I'll respond with an even more pressing question: Why did the left and the Trump-haters throw a shit-fit in 2019, when President Donald Trump celebrated America's birthday with an airshow?


Why did they scoff at him in 2018 when for America's birthday, he suggested having a full military parade in Washington DC, which incidentally would have coincided with the end of WW2?

Sure, his military bigwigs told him that it would have cost $90 million but considering the fact that Shitshow Joe has blown $175 billion so far on a war in Ukraine, while our borers are still being overran with murderers, rapists, drug dealers, pedophiles, and terrorists.

And what does Shitshow Joe do the celebrate this Independence Day? He posts a crappy campaign ad on Twitter, made up of clips from when he was halfway coherent.

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