1. You haters prattle nonsense and then pat yourselves on the back as if it were substantive when it is
nothing of the sort.
2. Many thousands of scientists and atheists reject Darwin's archaic nonsense on the basis of science, not anything else.
Try to get a grip and discuss science and stop thumping the Bible... for a change.
3. You people don't prattle facts, you just generalize and pretend to know.
Dagosa doesn't even know the difference between "then" and "than."
4. Many of you are on ignore but unfortunately your nonsense continues to peek through
in others' posts and in some of my emails, unfortunately.
Dagosa's ignorance is tragic. I pointed out the grammatical error implicit in the name of "The Periodic Table" and
he jumps the rails and cites mathematics, which has nothing to do with the points I made. Zero.
I have a published inspirational science book, a patent pending on a new tennis racket design, chemical engineering degree, MBA, pilot's license, extensive world travel experience, earned millions, and Mister Big Mouth can't differentiate between "then" and "than."
But, hey, he's got a cute mustache, like so many other homosexuals wear, to hide their stretch marks.