Scott Brown First Endorsement: Birther Candidate Who Compared Obama To Osama

This is lame old shit dog. Tired old, rehashed, used too often and lost it's pazzaz, bull shit. One, you have no idea what "birthers" are doing or thinking. Second, you're off your freagin' rocker if you're going to try and compare the SLAUGHTER of 3,000 innocent people in cold blood to a little dip shit who playing games with his place of birth.

C'mon man... get with it.

If you don't want to be compared to Terral, stop acting like him.

If you don't want to be compared to mickey moore, then stop acting like him.
For one, that doesn't prove he has a passport. Two, if he does, it doesn't prove what he provided to get it. Three, that's just lame throwing shit out there to see if it will stick.


You really don't think the POTUS has a Passport? Are you fucking stupid? How the hell did he get to Germany and Afghanistan and Iraq during the campaign then? Flew on a giant fucking bird? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

Well... THEN SHOW IT TO ME! SHOW ME! Then show me what he presented to get it.

Either that or you're just pumpin' hot gas here son. YOU GOT NOTHIN'.

Don't you think that if he can pull off getting elected President, that he can also pull off getting a passport? Don't you think that upon getting elected, he'd be issued a passport on the same credentials he was qualified for President on?

All of which still proves exactly NOTHING about where he was born. Where was he born dog? Show me something that says "WHERE HE WAS BORN."
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i chastize him because i am also getting tired of the brand of "liberalism" that obama and his supporters such as that are pushing. It's not liberalism, or not the type i support anyway.

and i did notice that. And notice i'm not linking the birthers to you or any of the crazy types. And i didn't link brown with anyone, the hadek guy did by coming out and saying he had brown's endorsement.

first of all, i am a she. I don't know what "brand" of liberalism you are supporting. Why don't you define it??

first of all, it doesn't show and no one cares about your sex, anyway. I'd imagine after you've been taking the thorazine for a while, it won't make any difference.

I'd say dogbert supports the brand of liberalism where one is just misguided and perhaps a bit stupid, as opposed to the one where you are barking, drooling nuts, wraparound jacket and all.

i like the fact that obama never made the election about race. That wasn't true of everybody. And anybody that says the racists did not come out like rats are just not telling the truth. Some people just could not accept a black prez and that's that. So let me chastize you. I'm sick of people acting like it's not true. Did you see some of the signs at these stupid tea bag gatherings??? All of the terrible emails that went out during the campaign??

If your kind of liberalism does not acknowledge what all of this means, then you can keep it.

if you weren't a racist - as well as being a driveling lunatic - you wouldn't be so hung up on the president's skin color and might actually spare some attention to important matters, like policy decisions.

I'm not trying to convince anyone otherwise. I'm only focusing on the evidence in question. Statements from his relatives are relevant but where they are discredited is the hospital birth records and I guarantee you they exist. Since medical records are PRIVATE they should in fact remain out of the public domain as stated in numerous laws.

But your guarantee that they exist is as hollow of a guarantee that obama was born in Hawaii as can be P-P. And medical records, such as long form birth certificates that contain such information as the name of the HOSPITIAL and DOCTOR, are only private up to a point. If you want a passport, if you want to run for public office... President, ahem... you better role one out... IT'S THE LAW. However, in this case, the LAW has been, shall we say, not completely adhered to.

What did he produce to obtain his Diplomatic passport? Those are not easily obtained...I know because I had one for a period of time. I had to produce my original hospital birth record. They actually contact the hospital, verify it's authenticity and speak to anyone who's still alive that can verify it.

I have no idea. I have no idea "when" he got his diplomatic passport, or if that's even what he has. This is all speculation. There isn't a SHRED of evidence to prove what he produced to get a passport here, or available. It's all HIDDEN. I guess the freedom of information act only applies to people with no power. When you're the President of the United States, you can hide whatever the hell you want, and that's exactly what he's doing. Anything and everything that could possibly shed light on where he was born, has been ordered SEALED by his OWN EXECUTIVE ORDER, shortly after he walked into the Oval Office. To date he's spent nearly TWO MILLION DOLLARS keeping those things hidden, and paying his small army of attorneys to keep it that way. Now, where was all that transparency he promised? Where's that explanation, because he said, "if I hide something from you, I'll tell you why." Has anyone heard why he's hiding his birth certificate? I haven't. Have you? What's the problem?
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Call me a racist again fucko, and watch your rep trun red.

Fair warning dickhead.

What part of I DON"T CARE do you not understand??? So now all of you big macho men are ganging up on me with your cuss words and vulgarness???

You are all making yourselves look low class and stupid. Every rotten post you send me tells me I just hit a nerve and you're angry that you have no valid comeback. :lol:

What the hell kind of sniveling, hypocritical liberal woman plays the "big mean men picking on a little woman" card? Someone ought to report your ass to NOW and Hillary Clinton. Now stop hiding behind your petticoats and powderpuff, Katie Scarlett, and start acting like a 21st century woman. You're an embarassment.

Good God!! Where is the switch that turns you off??? What a motor mouth. You see how little you even know what you're talking about?? I have never been into womens lib because I've never needed to be. Men have not been a problem in my life. I choose them carefully and treat them the way I want to be treated. Simple.

I detest the sort of men that resort to cussing and putdowns with women. Like the group that was here earlier. They try to scare me off but they are not going to. Why are you responding to all of the posts directed at them?? Why do you feel the need to fight their battles?? I think you're afraid not to side with them.
For one, that doesn't prove he has a passport. Two, if he does, it doesn't prove what he provided to get it. Three, that's just lame throwing shit out there to see if it will stick.


You really don't think the POTUS has a Passport? Are you fucking stupid? How the hell did he get to Germany and Afghanistan and Iraq during the campaign then? Flew on a giant fucking bird? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

Well... THEN SHOW IT TO ME! SHOW ME! Then show me what he presented to get it.

Either that or you're just pumpin' hot gas here son. YOU GOT NOTHIN'.

Don't you think that if he can pull off getting elected President, that he can also pull off getting a passport? Don't you think that upon getting elected, he'd be issued a passport on the same credentials he was qualified for President on?

All of which still proves exactly NOTHING about where he was born. Where was he born dog? Show me something that says "WHERE HE WAS BORN."

The only one who's got nothin' here is you.
What part of I DON"T CARE do you not understand??? So now all of you big macho men are ganging up on me with your cuss words and vulgarness???

You are all making yourselves look low class and stupid. Every rotten post you send me tells me I just hit a nerve and you're angry that you have no valid comeback. :lol:

What the hell kind of sniveling, hypocritical liberal woman plays the "big mean men picking on a little woman" card? Someone ought to report your ass to NOW and Hillary Clinton. Now stop hiding behind your petticoats and powderpuff, Katie Scarlett, and start acting like a 21st century woman. You're an embarassment.

Good God!! Where is the switch that turns you off??? What a motor mouth. You see how little you even know what you're talking about?? I have never been into womens lib because I've never needed to be. Men have not been a problem in my life. I choose them carefully and treat them the way I want to be treated. Simple.

I detest the sort of men that resort to cussing and putdowns with women. Like the group that was here earlier. They try to scare me off but they are not going to. Why are you responding to all of the posts directed at them?? Why do you feel the need to fight their battles?? I think you're afraid not to side with them.
Just as all men detest skanks who start shit and play at being victims.

Really, douche is more then just an insult, try to remember that.
Brown's first endorsement may backfire - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Almost as soon as Scott Brown won Tuesday's election, he endorsed William Hudak's candidacy against Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.). He may soon regret that decision.

During the 2008 election, neighbors called the police to complain about signs Hudak had posted portraying Barack Obama as Osama Bin Laden.

Defending the posters, Hudak told a local paper that Obama was born in Kenya:

Hudak asserts that Obama was not born in the United States but in Kenya, according to affidavits that he made available to the Tri-Town Transcript. He said that Obama has ties to the Muslim faith through an extremist cousin that is from Kenya.

In response:

Brown camp won't say whether controversial endorsement is legitimate - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Neither Scott Brown or anyone connected with his campaign approved that press release before its release or the quote that was attributed to Scott," said Felix Browne, a spokesman for Brown. "Bill Hudak is an energetic candidate who has been working hard as a candidate for Congress. Right now, Scott Brown is focused on the job that people elected him to do. That's his number one priority."

Hudak's campaign says Brown gave a private, verbal endorsement to Hudak, and blasted Brown's staff for reneging.

Harber added that Hudak and Brown are friends and that Hudak worked tirelessly for Brown during his Senate bid.

But the Hudak campaign stands firm and says Brown gave a endorsement and that Hudak is not a Birther despite his clear Birther statement to the paper.

Is this the sort of change and things that Scott Brown was talking about? :eusa_think:


Obviously Obama ain't no Osama.

However, by comparing MARXIST Obama with Osama, Hudak is correct in that both of these turds are attempting to destroy America.

One with Al Queda-type Terrorism. The other by a much slower and more insidious method of attempting to turn America into a Socialist, or Marxist Country in the likeness of the failed European Countries that History has already condemned to perdition.

The most obvious of which is their failing Socialist, or MARXIST- leaning countries is the Health Care, and European beauracratic systems re Energy (Marxist Obama's version of "Cap &Trade), etc....whereupon the BUREAUCRACIES in those countries are self-sustaining and EXPANDING because the top heavy BUREAUCRACY's employees don't want to vote themselves out of their LARGE GOVERNMENTAL- type of jobs.

Of course, with Energy, the Europeans ..... out of sheer desperation (no money)....have hit upon the correct solution by going NUCLEAR......something that the Obamarrhoids are against.....even though MARXIST Obama equivocates about (but when pinned down, is AGAINST.... as the REALITY of his legislation indicates).
What the hell kind of sniveling, hypocritical liberal woman plays the "big mean men picking on a little woman" card? Someone ought to report your ass to NOW and Hillary Clinton. Now stop hiding behind your petticoats and powderpuff, Katie Scarlett, and start acting like a 21st century woman. You're an embarassment.

Good God!! Where is the switch that turns you off??? What a motor mouth. You see how little you even know what you're talking about?? I have never been into womens lib because I've never needed to be. Men have not been a problem in my life. I choose them carefully and treat them the way I want to be treated. Simple.

I detest the sort of men that resort to cussing and putdowns with women. Like the group that was here earlier. They try to scare me off but they are not going to. Why are you responding to all of the posts directed at them?? Why do you feel the need to fight their battles?? I think you're afraid not to side with them.
Just as all men detest skanks who start shit and play at being victims.

Really, douche is more then just an insult, try to remember that.

First of all, the above post was not directed at you. I wrote it to Cecilie. Secondly, a mature adult man does not talk to people, men or women, with the disgusting language that you use. And you probably don't do it when you are face to face with people. If you did, you'd get your ass kicked. You are really brave on these boards in a way I'm sure you are not when you are face to face with someone.

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