Scruffy's math program for kids

You're a perfect example of why we need better math education.

Here, educate yourself.

Your reading comprehension sucks.
Why do you say that? I understand Gaussian curvature and the generalized Pythagorean theorem, I read about it when I was 16.
Your education sucks.
You know nothing about my education.
You suck.
Why the petulance today?
There is no "generalized Pythagoras theorem", you idiot. No such thing.

Of course there is, what's wrong with your reading comprehension? Look, you're obviously a dummy so see if you can understand this:


Every honest person reading our posts can see that you are a liar, do you really not care?
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I study logic.
So you'll know what a premise is then and that these are frequently unprovable hence all logical assertions are unprovable because their premises may or may not be true.
When I went to college it was Philosophy 101, you couldn't take any other philosophy class until you had the logic prerequisite.
Why? it seems to have done you no good.
When I took history and philosophy of science I had to lmao because the professor was a psychologist and spent half the course talking about dualism. If I knew then what I know now I would have torn him a new one in front of the entire class!
More self aggrandizement from a liar who publicly and unashamedly denies self evident facts like Pythagoras's theorem can be generalized to curved surfaces.

Had you done what you say, you'd have bored the entire class to tears as you frequently do to people in this forum.

But do tell, what do you know now? what did you learn from your philosophy of sciences classes? anything?
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Here's someone a bit like you scruffy a self aggrandizing know all scientism devotee. But in this case he gets "torn a new one" by William Craig, who has a much deeper understanding, as I often do to you:

More self aggrandizement from a liar who publicly and unashamedly denies self evident facts like Pythagoras's theorem can be generalized to curved surfaces.

Same old bullshit from you.

You obviously didn't watch the video.

Look for the part where it says "Pythagoras lies".

There is NO SUCH THING as "generalized Pythagoras".

Back on ignore you go. You're too full of your own bullshit to hold a scientific conversation.
There is NO SUCH THING as "generalized Pythagoras".

Yes there is:


I pity any students you are teaching, no wonder were falling behind the rest of the world in STEM, we have idiots teaching.
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See? Some moron thinks he can educate a PhD by looking up some dumbass AI on Google.

Not even realizing that Google AI just regurgitates the ignorant bullshit it finds on the internet.

This is what today's math education gets us. Kids who are really, really stupid. They'll believe any moronic piece of flotsam they find on the internet.

Pythagoras is a SPECIAL CASE. It applies ONLY in orthonormal coordinate systems, and ONLY in flat Euclidean space. Any first year STEM student ought to know that.

There is no "generalized Pythagoras". There is no such thing. Anyone who tells you different is a liar, and anyone who keeps telling you is an ignorant self absorbed fool.

There's plenty of things you can't make orthonormal AT ALL. Try using "generalized Pythagoras" on that. LMAO.

This is the same moron who told us he could predict the outcome of a chaotic system. Doubtlessly the product of a public school education.

This is exactly why kids need Scruffy's math program. Imagine that. A self professed computer programmer who doesn't know how to calculate angles on a curved surface. Kids like that won't make it in quantum computing. Where everything is curved and nothing is Euclidean. Watch - these dumb fuckers will come back with "then how come they call em X Y and Z".

Generalized Pythagoras my foot. Kids need to learn how to change coordinates on a metric tensor. It's really easy, it's just matrix multiplication. Any high school student should be able to do it. This is exactly why we need to teach curved surfaces EARLY, so we don't get dumbassery about "generalizing" Pythagoras.

Christ - no wonder the Chinese and Indians are getting all the American jobs.
Look - math is really easy. The only hard part is when they don't tell you what the words mean. We get fancy words like "coordinates", and "basis" - well guess what, a basis is a yardstick and a coordinate is a measurement.

This is why we need kids to understand some measure theory when they're really young. Like, what is a length? How can you figure out how big something is? How about distance? How can you figure out the distance between two points? Are there things you can't measure? If not, why not?

Kids should understand what a Lebesgue integral is LONG before they learn any calculus. The dependence of measurement on the yardstick should be intuitive to any 8 year old, therefore an introduction to fractal geometry can occur in the 3rd grade. (With lots of pretty pictures so the kids can see what they can do with it).

And, the idea should be reinforced in the 5th and 6th grade the very first time science experiments are performed. When you put a bunch of bb's in a glass of water and observe the change in volume, what is the yardstick? How about density, how many yardsticks are there? The advanced kids should get Borel sigma algebras ON THE SPOT, and revisit them in high school. Because, when we measure probabilities, what is the yardstick?

Same for angles, and geometry. What is the yardstick? The answer is INTUITIVE, you don't need metric tensors to understand it. But you can LEARN about metric tensors if you want, and that's the time to do it. Instead of a useless "proof" of Pythagoras that will go in one ear and out the other, SHOW the kids what happens on a curved surface. SHOW them what a Ricci tensor is, by showing them how a volume element changes. I absolutely guarantee that when a kid sees a PICTURE he'll remember it for the rest of his life. This way when he gets to general relativity in college he'll say "oh yeah, I remember that from when I was a kid".

THIS is how you teach math. You don't force kids to memorize stuff they'll never use. You SHOW them what stuff is good for and what they can do with it. If they're not interested they're not interested, not everyone will be interested. But those that are, will soak it up like a sponge.

You can introduce a kid to "parallel transport" in the 5th grade. Right around the time they're writing their first independent research paper on the Roman empire. You can give them a scenario. You're a Roman soldier and you have a spear. If you walk from Rome up to Gaul holding the spear as straight as you can at a constant angle to the ground, and then walk sideways over to Spain, and then walk back down to Rome, will the spear be at the same angle when you get back, as when you left?

The advanced kids can learn about commutators and Lie brackets ON THE SPOT, and the rest of the class will just remember that the answer is "no". You SHOW them, you let them watch the video on YouTube. They can see the cute little cartoon version of the Roman soldier (Bugs Bunny with a helmet and spear) trying to keep the spear straight as he's traipsing around the globe. He can go all the way up to the North Pole and back again, and the kids will see the answer is the same. They will REMEMBER stuff like this. Otherwise if you just write the equation for a Lie bracket on the blackboard their eyes will glaze over and they won't remember a damn thing.
See? Some moron thinks he can educate a PhD by looking up some dumbass AI on Google.

Not even realizing that Google AI just regurgitates the ignorant bullshit it finds on the internet.

This is what today's math education gets us. Kids who are really, really stupid. They'll believe any moronic piece of flotsam they find on the internet.

Pythagoras is a SPECIAL CASE. It applies ONLY in orthonormal coordinate systems, and ONLY in flat Euclidean space. Any first year STEM student ought to know that.
I agree, the generalized Pythagorean theorem though is independent of coordinate system, it incorporates the metric tensor. I even explained this when I presented it, go and look.
There is no "generalized Pythagoras". There is no such thing. Anyone who tells you different is a liar, and anyone who keeps telling you is an ignorant self absorbed fool.
Your are beyond idiotic. You JUST SAID that Pythagoras's theorem is a SPECIAL CASE so there must be a GENERAL CASE.

Here's the expression for the length of an infinitesimal line element in 2D flat (aka Euclidean) space using cartesian coordinates - it looks like Pythagoras's theorem:


If we map the same surface using polar coordinates instead, the line element looks like this:


These look different yet the space they describe is the same "flat" space, each of these are special cases.

Here's the GENERLIZED expression for the line element irrespective of coordinate system and irrespective of the space's curvature using suffixes on x rather than x and y etc:


You can see the FOUR COMPONENTS g11, g12, g21 and g22

In flat space with cartesian coordinates the tensor components are:

g11 = 1
g12 = 0
g21 = 1
g22 = 0

and the same space but using polar coordinates they are:

g11 = 1
g12 = 0
g21 =

g22 = 0

Gauss derived the famous (yet you seem to have never heard of it) theorem Theorema Egregium and that expresses the curvature in terms of the metric tensor, it is a general expression for 2D curvature irrespective of coordinate system or curvature.

There's plenty of things you can't make orthonormal AT ALL. Try using "generalized Pythagoras" on that. LMAO.

This is the same moron who told us he could predict the outcome of a chaotic system. Doubtlessly the product of a public school education.

You're a liar, I never said one could predict the state of a chaotic system, there's no such post, you're a liar.

Chaotic systems are unpredictable but not random, I explained this to you many times. You are confusing unpredictability with randomness but they are different concepts, you have no grasp of determinism.

Chaotic systems are deterministic, you said they were not and when I showed you evidence you threw a hissy fit, here's the record of that exchange between us:


This is exactly why kids need Scruffy's math program. Imagine that. A self professed computer programmer who doesn't know how to calculate angles on a curved surface. Kids like that won't make it in quantum computing. Where everything is curved and nothing is Euclidean. Watch - these dumb fuckers will come back with "then how come they call em X Y and Z".

Generalized Pythagoras my foot. Kids need to learn how to change coordinates on a metric tensor. It's really easy, it's just matrix multiplication. Any high school student should be able to do it. This is exactly why we need to teach curved surfaces EARLY, so we don't get dumbassery about "generalizing" Pythagoras.

Christ - no wonder the Chinese and Indians are getting all the American jobs.
Your meaningless "math program" has only one use and that is as a door jam or perhaps a shredding machine tester.

I need nothing from you, you are a deranged rambling idiot with an exaggerated sense of self importance. You've never taught anyone anything in your life not even yourself. I'd go so far as to say you are a danger, you say the exact opposite of what professors and teachers and authoritative websites say, you say things do not exist that clearly do exist.

Imagine a student coming home from one of your "lectures" only to find they've been listening to nonsense!

You claim "there is no generalized Pythagorean theorem" well I suggest you go and send an urgent email to every professor of mathematics and every website that discusses mathematics because they are clearly all wrong and scruffy is correct:

These are all search hits that manage to find something that doesn't exist :auiqs.jpg:


No wonder you voted for Trump, you're a fucking moron and a liar and have an inflated ego and think you're "really smart" but like him you're a waste of space.
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No wonder you voted for Trump, you're a fucking moron and a liar and have an inflated ego and think you're "really smart" but like him you're a waste of space.

You're not worth arguing with. You're a complete asshole and an idiot if you think math or this thread has anything to do with Donald Trump.

Fuck you, monkey boy. Go jerk off with your computer programs. YOU are why we need Scruffy's math program.

It's pretty damn obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. Even your fucktard AI says "generalizing" Pythagoras means increasing dimensionality, and EVEN THAT is wrong. Your fucktard AI bot is corrupting the minds of youth.

Now shut up and go away, you miserable little troll. You are the poster boy for Scruffy's math program. It's too late for you but it's not too late for the kids. STOP MOLESTING THE CHILDREN. Get the fuck out of their way and let them learn. Stop lying to them, you dumb fucking leftard skank.
Permanent ignore for you.

I won't be responding to any more of your brainless nonsense.

Never trust a leftard.

They lie.

If their lips are moving, they're lying.

We need to get the leftard DEI types out of our educational system.

Because we want our children to become rocket scientists, not underwater basket weavers.

Leftards should be forbidden to teach. Because they lie. All the time. About everything. Even math. If there's a way to lie about it, they'll find it.
The point of this thread is straightforward. To compete in the modern world, every child needs to understand quantized angular momentum before they graduate from college. Such education can only be achieved by starting early.

The math around this is actually very easy. We throw around highfalutin terms like "quantum computing" and "general relativity" just because we ran out of words to describe stuff, but at the end of the day the whole thing boils down to a good understanding of vector spaces.

For instance - what is the difference between quantum computing and special relativity? At the end of the day it boils down to ONE thing: a minus sign in the metric. And why does this matter? Any kid with high school math can tell you what "positive definite" means. You learn about this in measure theory, which should be third grade. It's intuitive. We give it the fancy name because we ran out of words, but give a kid a yardstick and it becomes self evident.

We need a NEW math curriculum. One that emphasizes the obvious and de-emphasizes memorization of the mystical. Kids should learn about vectors in third grade. They're just arrows in space, what's so hard about that? They point somewhere, they have a direction. You can move them around, grow them, shrink them, change their direction. Any kid with Legos or an etch-a-sketch has all the tools needed to understand. In a pinch, a simple yardstick will do.

Kids should learn about vectors right after addition and multiplication. Any child who masters the multiplication tables should learn about vectors IMMEDIATELY. Give them a protractor and teach them about angles, that is SUFFICIENT to build a solid foundation moving forward.

Then in the 5th or 6th grade, start them on "variables". Algebra, equations, and limits. Such knowledge should be mandatory before entering high school. Kids need to know what angles are BEFORE they start studying geometry. They need to know what variables are BEFORE cracking and algebra text.

This is an area where the educational "system" can be helpful. Because a lot of parents don't know about this stuff. We learned the old way. But our kids have to learn the NEW way.

Look here - why are Asian kids so much more advanced than American kids? Look what Chinese kids learn IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:
  • Early introduction to place value and mental math strategies.
  • Focus on geometric reasoning and spatial visualization.
  • Extensive use of visual representations (models, diagrams) to explain concepts.
  • Integration of logic puzzles and problem-solving scenarios.
What do you NOT see in this list?

Check this out:

Chinese kids learn addition and subtraction in KINDERGARTEN.

They're introduced to measure theory in FIRST GRADE. They get volumes and elementary geometry in SECOND GRADE. They get lines, angles, and fractions in THIRD GRADE. By the time they get out of third grade they have everything they need to understand vector spaces.

Check out the 4th grade - they're learning about variables and even tesselation! They're getting elementary topology in the FOURTH GRADE.

You want to know why Asians are so successful in school? This is why.

Check out the 5th grade. Real number line. Symbolic algebra. 6th grade - recursion. These kids are math experts before they get out of elementary school!

America needs to raise the bar. Get the DEI crap out of our educational system. We don't need our kids being social paragons, we need them to LEARN MATH. We need them to know how to read and write, and how to solve problems. They can figure out the rest later.
Good mathematics skills requires good teachers who can enthuse their students, here's an excellent example of this:

This is an EXCELLENT example of what the Math Haters call "Common Core Math"

Common Core is NOT a curriculum, all common core a set of standards, that say what should be taught at each grade level.

Now, when presented with an EXCELLENT problem like this, and showing this "One Guy's" solution.....which is correct......others will protest the solution or approach.

Are there other ways of 'explaining' this solution in a different manner/approach.

Leftards should be forbidden to teach. Because they lie. All the time. About everything. Even math. If there's a way to lie about it, they'll find it.
Please, teach me how to teach math......LOLLOLLOLL

Do you think/believe you have a superior method of teaching Math than I do.

You could be correct, but you haven't shown it yet.
Please share more of your vast knowledge.
Please, teach me how to teach math......LOLLOLLOLL

Do you think/believe you have a superior method of teaching Math than I do.

You could be correct, but you haven't shown it yet.
Please share more of your vast knowledge.
You want to see the California math curriculum?

Here it is.

Yes, I'll show your clueless ass how to teach mathematics. Give me 6 months with your dumbest student and I'll give you back a mathematician.

Go ahead, look at the California curriculum in detail. Compare it with the Chinese plan I posted earlier.

The numbers don't lie. California public school graduates come out STUPID, their test scores have been dropping every year for the past 20 years. Whatever they're being taught, it is FAILING.
Some moron thinks he can educate a PhD by looking up some dumbass AI on Google.
You have a PhD in math?
If true, you totally have me dominated.
I just know HOW TO TEACH any student, be it Gay, normal, trans, the stud athlete, the Cheerleader, the band nerd, the right wing cult Algebra and Geometry are helpful.

My argument is that I teach Pre-Cal and below VERY WELL, don't indoctrinate, and don't understand the Trans Thing.

So OK.
You're not worth arguing with. You're a complete asshole and an idiot if you think math or this thread has anything to do with Donald Trump.
Sorry dude.
Trump IS indeed a LYING ASSHOLE.
Sorry to piss you off.

That said, trump promises "Greatness" for I'm on board.
Even though I despise that POS.
You want the sobering truth?

In California, only THIRTY FIVE PERCENT of elementary school students meet grade level standards.

And those standards are already DUMBED DOWN relative to China and India.

CAASPP test scores took a HUGE hit during Covid and have never recovered. They had a TINY increase this last year, but only in the extraordinary districts where the leadership is taking extreme measures.

Compton is one of those districts. The administrator Darin Brawley is mandating extracurricular tutoring OUTSIDE of the LAUSD bureaucracy and the results are self evident. He got a 2.5% increase in scores while everyone else's were still dropping, and the BIGGEST increase was in minority and economically disadvantaged students.

Common Core STINKS, it represents the dumbing down of America. We need to do exactly what Darin Brawley is doing: jettison the failing teachers and replace them with one on one tutors. If the teachers can't do the fucking job, let's find someone who can.
Sorry dude.
Trump IS indeed a LYING ASSHOLE.
Sorry to piss you off.

That said, trump promises "Greatness" for I'm on board.
Even though I despise that POS.


You don't care about the students, you care about Trump.

I never once mentioned Trump in this thread, except to deny his relevance.

This is about MATH, not Trump. Why the fuck are you bringing up Trump? You try that in my kids' class and I'll have you forcibly ejected and fired.

That kind of stupid shit is EXACTLY why your students are failing
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