Search Function Broken


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The search function is seriously broken. Something has changed in the past week. The search returns do not show posts I have made in which I know I used the words I am searching for.
Try Google site search in the meantime until they get it fixed

In the Google searchbox start with '' (without the apostrophes) then g5000 and the search terms you are looking for.
Yeah, the other day, I searched Bitcoin, nothing. So I was going to post a thread on this topic since I thought it was odd no one had broached the topic. Then I went to look at the Stock Market sub-forum, very first thread at the top. . . Does anyone invest in Bitcoin?

That's pretty sad. . . .
i had an issue searching for something yesterday as well...

i forget exactly, but the list seemed all scrambled and apparently missing most recent posts.
The lack of a search capability isn't helping the mods do our jobs either.
Try Google site search in the meantime until they get it fixed

In the Google searchbox start with '' (without the apostrophes) then g5000 and the search terms you are looking for.
I've actually been doing that. It is occasionally successful. More successful than the forum search in its current broken condition.

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