Magic 8-ball sez Wilson gets a season ending injury this year if the home opener is any kind of indicator.
Why would you want Wilson or any player on any team to get injured? In my memory Wilson has played in every game without would expect something to happen sooner or later but he is one tough dude unlike, RGIII who is out again. Or Luck, Romo or...or...or....
Pro football is a fast rough game and injuries happen.
Never said that I wanted him to.........get glasses or take reading comprehension classes, pleeze.
He indeed has reading comprehension problems.I am glad I am not the only one around here that has noticed that about him.
It seems to be a VERY COMMON trait amongst Seahawk fans,lol
Now you can see how it is impossible to have any kind of rational discussion with him on
You bring up any kind of facts that prove him wrong,instead of addressing it and trying to refute them,he does one of two things,either posts smileys as his ONLY response or does this-

when he knows he has been backed up against the wall.
which is what I plan to do now with this thread especially since it is
The seahawks offensive line so far has shown the people around the league saying that was a question mark going into the season indeed were correct.It is a MAJOR question mark.
Even if they go out and win next sunday and it is another low scoring game,there will be some panicking going on in seattle as there should be.
Instead of harping on how bad the Rams played monday night and saying they are a bad team as he does, "which is very odd since NOBODY here has ever said they would all of a sudden be good their first year back in LA. I myself said it would take time."
instead of harping on ONE GAME how bad the Rams are,they should be VERY worried about the performance of that pitiful offensive line the fact they scored a mere TWELVE measly points against a bad Dolphins defense no less.
Also the pressure is all on the Seahawks this week because they are expected to be a superbowl contender where the Rams have nothing to lose because nobody expects them to win so they will probably be loose for this game and play all out like they did that one time when they caught them off guard a couple years ago with onside kicks and won.
Even if the seahawks win this game,if it is another low scoring affair,its panic time in seattle.
as i said,time for me to do this now as i exit this thread-
