Sebelius Tries To Blame GOP For Coming ObamaCare Failures


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
And let the lying begin. Just as I said the democrats passed this monstrosity without ONE Republican vote and now they will still try and blame the Republicans for their own creations.

From the article:

Rather than say "let's get on board, let's make this work," recalcitrant Republicans have forced her to engage in "state-by-state political battles," Sebelius said at a Harvard School of Public Health forum. "The politics has been relentless."

So let's see if we get this. Democrats shoved an unpopular, expensive, ill-conceived and poorly written law down the country's throat with no Republican support, and without bothering to see whether states would want to take on the thankless and costly task of helping the feds implement it.

And now that many of these states are rebelling, it's the Republicans' fault?

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And let the lying begin. Just as I said the democrats passed this monstrosity without ONE Republican vote and now they will still try and blame the Republicans for their own creations.

From the article:

Rather than say "let's get on board, let's make this work," recalcitrant Republicans have forced her to engage in "state-by-state political battles," Sebelius said at a Harvard School of Public Health forum. "The politics has been relentless."

So let's see if we get this. Democrats shoved an unpopular, expensive, ill-conceived and poorly written law down the country's throat with no Republican support, and without bothering to see whether states would want to take on the thankless and costly task of helping the feds implement it.

And now that many of these states are rebelling, it's the Republicans' fault?

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It's the GOP's fault for not letting them socialize medicine entirely, don't ya know.

Soon even you will be begging for socialized medicine.

These losers never accept responsibility for their fuck ups. Marxism are the idiots of our society, but we have a lot of them.

They are so bad that they are still trying to shove GW fear down our throat.
And let the lying begin. Just as I said the democrats passed this monstrosity without ONE Republican vote and now they will still try and blame the Republicans for their own creations.

From the article:

Rather than say "let's get on board, let's make this work," recalcitrant Republicans have forced her to engage in "state-by-state political battles," Sebelius said at a Harvard School of Public Health forum. "The politics has been relentless."

So let's see if we get this. Democrats shoved an unpopular, expensive, ill-conceived and poorly written law down the country's throat with no Republican support, and without bothering to see whether states would want to take on the thankless and costly task of helping the feds implement it.

And now that many of these states are rebelling, it's the Republicans' fault?

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It's the GOP's fault for not letting them socialize medicine entirely, don't ya know.

Soon even you will be begging for socialized medicine.


That's their plan...Destroy the private industry and medical system. Followed by whiny about how we need government to fix the problem.
And let the lying begin. Just as I said the democrats passed this monstrosity without ONE Republican vote and now they will still try and blame the Republicans for their own creations.

From the article:

Rather than say "let's get on board, let's make this work," recalcitrant Republicans have forced her to engage in "state-by-state political battles," Sebelius said at a Harvard School of Public Health forum. "The politics has been relentless."

So let's see if we get this. Democrats shoved an unpopular, expensive, ill-conceived and poorly written law down the country's throat with no Republican support, and without bothering to see whether states would want to take on the thankless and costly task of helping the feds implement it.

And now that many of these states are rebelling, it's the Republicans' fault?

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If Obama was shooting baskets by himself and missed a shot, who do you think would get blamed for it? The Republicans of course. That is the political environment we are forced to live with. Morals and personal responsibility are distant memories to these ideologically driven nuts.
The democrats can rightfully blame a republican for this thread.
And let the lying begin. Just as I said the democrats passed this monstrosity without ONE Republican vote and now they will still try and blame the Republicans for their own creations.

From the article:

Rather than say "let's get on board, let's make this work," recalcitrant Republicans have forced her to engage in "state-by-state political battles," Sebelius said at a Harvard School of Public Health forum. "The politics has been relentless."

So let's see if we get this. Democrats shoved an unpopular, expensive, ill-conceived and poorly written law down the country's throat with no Republican support, and without bothering to see whether states would want to take on the thankless and costly task of helping the feds implement it.

And now that many of these states are rebelling, it's the Republicans' fault?

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Sebelius Tries To Blame GOP For Coming ObamaCare Failures -
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It's the GOP's fault for not letting them socialize medicine entirely, don't ya know.

Soon even you will be begging for socialized medicine.


That's their plan...Destroy the private industry and medical system. Followed by whiny about how we need government to fix the problem.

Obama's preference: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" will come true and why?
A) There never were 46 million uninsured WHEN those counted as uninsured were:
10 million who are NOT CITIZENS.. 14 million ALREADY covered by medicaid and 18 million THAT could afford employers' insurance but paid out of pocket less then their premiums!
Leaving less then 4 million people that truly need coverage!

B) Obamacare taxed tanning salons. So why didn't they tax the $200 billion lawyers make and because of fear of lawsuits. physicians send duplicate tests etc. creating the
$850 billion a year in "defensive medicine"? The $10 billion in taxes would pay the annual premium for the 4 million that need insurance.
Lawyers gave Obama/Congress in 2008 $300 million NOT to include them like tanning salons..

C) But as you said the plan is to destroy an entire industry that PAYS $100 billion a year in federal/state/local income taxes as well as local office buildings property taxes!
Destroying 400,000 jobs. Cost $12 billion more in unemployment benefits!

When will people understand Obama is truly out to destroy the USA as he has told us..

Obama also said he wants companies to go bankrupt!!!
"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]"

Why would ANY president want any business to go bankrupt?

And he went on to say: “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Why would ANY president want electricity rates to skyrocket???

D) Obama said "I'd like higher gas prices.."
WHAT? A president WANTS YOU to pay HIGHER gas prices?

I am at a loss to understand why ANYONE would want those above actions LET alone the President of the USA!
He wants bankrupt companies, skyrocketing utility rates, higher gas prices???

Do YOU people that voted for him truly understand this is what Obama WANTS for the USA!!!
Sure...let's blame Obamacare on the GOP even though not one Republican in Congress voted in support of it and they were also locked out of all discussions of it's creation.

Democrats :cuckoo:
Yea, it's the Republicans fault that the Dems shoved that shell bill through in a sneaky way when they didn't even know what was in it. Even the drafters of that piece of crap now claim that no one can possibly understand it. I still think it's unconstitutional since all tax raising bills have to pass through the house first and this one didn't. If the courts hold this up, that would set a dangerous precedent saying that the senate can gut any bill and turn it into a tax raising bill. We can't go down that road because it goes against the intent of the constitution. Tax raising bills need to start in the house and make it through. The senate shouldn't be allowed to sneak taxes in later or it will give them authority to render the rules meaningless.
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Obama doesn't give two shits about the common man. He wants to
-Raise your gas prices
-Medical bill
-Turn your streets into war zones
-Take your right of self defense away
-Take your freedom of speech away.
-Call you a racist for wanting better.
Fuck Obama

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