A mother teaching her toddler to steal package

I know how you can shut them up,,
everytime they post a negative story about a black person you post one of a white person doing something equal to the black person,,
For what? I could post a story everyday showing someone white committing a crime and all you will hear are crickets, post one of someone black committing a crime and it will be 50 pages.
For what? I could post a story everyday showing someone white committing a crime and all you will hear are crickets, post one of someone black committing a crime and it will be 50 pages.
for every post you have there are a dozen of black person doing as bad if not worse,,

thats why you would hear crickets,,

as snoop dog said,,
blacks are the worst,,
The world sees blacks as inferior. You should go to Asia some time.
Been to Asia, what do they see white racist, rednecks as?
Look, you're at the very bottom of the barrel for a reason and that is for the same reason your ancestors were conquered and enslaved by just about every civilization that came in contact.
Is that the reason or was it folks took you in as a friend and you turned on them once you got the upper hand?
How is that when whites commit more crimes than anyone?

Oh, now you care what Snoop Dog says, when he was saying Trump was a POS you weren't quoting him.
thats a false statement,,

the numbers show blacks commit crimes far more than whites do,,

13% of the population commit 50% of the crimes,,
Pikeys in the UK bring up their greased back haired kids to steal too. If you're brought up to steal, it doesn't feel wrong to steal, so much so, Pikeys even steal off each other.

Couldn't find on any of the other social media platforms. Maybe it's there somewhere.

Law of the jungle. Monkey see monkey do right? Isn't that it?

Any parent who would teach their kid to do this should have the child removed from the home until the parent repents and swears on a Bible or something that it will never be repeated. This is child abuse pure and simple and almost guarantees the child will grow up with no positive values or moral center or conscience. Perhaps require the parent to enroll the child in a parochial school where decent values are emphasized.
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Any parent who would teach their kid to do this should have the child removed from the home until the parent repents and swears on a Bible or something that it will never be repeated. This is child abuse pure and simple and almost guarantees the child will grow up with no positive values or moral center or conscience. Perhaps require the parent to enroll the child in a parochial school where decent values are emphasized.
To supper BAD brother, it's their culture. We already knew that but he thinks it's racist for us to be disgusted by it.

Then again it isn't like they know any better. Like how animals in Tanzania teaching their young to kill or be killed.

We must understand that the uncolonized nations of the world, though desperately poor, aren't very harmonious at all. So, that's how those people naturally are.

We must understand. They simply don't know any better.

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