Mother throws newborn daughter out of a window to her death because 'she thought a child would ruin her career as an executive at Porsche

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Mother throws newborn daughter out of a window

The fat lady claims she didn’t even know she was pregnant. Is there another logical reason a 28 year old woman misses her period for 9 months? How exactly do these unexpected births happen?

This Einstein worked in the legal department?
Actually I knew a fat lady married to my husbands bf. She did know she was pregnant by a random test but she never showed, never felt anything, never got the large stomach but she learned about 5 months a long that she was pregnant. I can't remember if she missed her cycle or it was normal. So it is something that can happen to an overweight woman from time to time...
Yes, we must allow the murder children for their parent's bad decisions. We wouldn't want a baby making the life of it's mother worse by being born. A woman's right for a better life trumps the life of a baby.
the situation is a LOT MORE COMPLEX than you seem
capable of grasping. In fact we have no idea just what
the real reasons for the murder of the baby was even in this
case . You willingness to swallow the simplistic view is
interesting but understandable if you are under 20 years old
the situation is a LOT MORE COMPLEX than you seem
capable of grasping. In fact we have no idea just what
the real reasons for the murder of the baby was even in this
case . You willingness to swallow the simplistic view is
interesting but understandable if you are under 20 years old
It's not complex. Apparently you aren't up on biology. I'll spare you the finer details but a man impregnates a woman and the woman usually always allows herself to be impregnated, even though both or one could either abstain or engage in a type of sex which doesn't risk pregnancy, or they can use birth control - all without having to kill babies.
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It's not complicated. Apparently you aren't up on biology. I'll spare you the finer details but a man impregnates a woman and the woman usually always allows herself to be impregnated, even though both or one could either abstain or engage in a type of sex which doesn't risk pregnancy, or they can use birth control - all without having to kill babies.
you have the sophisticated mind of a 12 year old.
You might learn as you mature----maybe not
I certainly can't be the only poster here with questions about this article.

Somebody actually fucked that?

how did she get pregnant?

That's one evil heartless bitch right there

And manslaughter? She murdered the damn baby. She should be executed.

She should be tossed out of a window too. Let the punishment fit the crime.

I can think of a lot of reasons to throw your kid out a window, most of them related to the teenage years, but a career isn't one of them...

I agree although it should never be condoned.

It is an argument FOR abortion

But in both cases the baby (usually) dies.

She should be tossed out of a window too. Let the punishment fit the crime.

I agree although it should never be condoned.

there is no question in my questioning, professional mind that there is more to this case than---"oh gee--I screwed, I had a baby, but I don't want it so I will toss it out of the window" --btw for the people of "the bitch knew what she was doing"--yeah, rite and do did the son-of-a-bitch know what he was doing. DIAGNOSIS is a lot more complicated than you idiots imagine.

But in both cases the baby (usually) dies.

I will help you understand. NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION.
an example.

What do you mean not enough information!? She dropped her baby out of a freaking window!! Physics says that's impossible to drop it over a windowsill unless you were holding it over there in the first place. Give me a break!! 🙄
What do you mean not enough information!? She dropped her baby out of a freaking window!! Physics says that's impossible to drop it over a windowsill unless you were holding it over there in the first place. Give me a break!! 🙄
they did the trial already?

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