Secret Society Connections Exposed: Strzok Hired by CIA Director Brennan....More Treason Exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For a fired Trump-Hating Mueller Team Member and disgraced FBI agent, Strzok really got all of the Obama agencies engaged in the effort to take Trump down and in protecting Hillary Clinton.

Evidence shows:
- Strzok altered the FBI's final report on the Hillary investigation, removing exact wording ('Criminal Negligence') that would have ensured Hillary's indictment for her crimes.

- Strzok protected Hillary Aides Abedin and mills from Indictment, ensuring they were not charged for Lying to the FBI / Investigators...

- Strzok DID indict Flynn for Lying to the FBI, even though FBI Director stated his FBI agents did not feel Flynn lied at all when answering questions

Now we find out that Strzok was also used by the CIA / CIA Director Brennan to help write the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA).
-- "Specifically, it reveals that Brennan’s claims that the dossier was not used in the creation of the ICA appear to be false."

It has already been proven that Brennan, like Obama NIA Director Clapper, has already committed Perjury in his testimony before Congress, so it is no 'shocker' to learn now that the infamous de-bunked 'Dossier' bought by Hillary Clinton from foreign spies and Russians - that were used illegally by her and the FBI - was the basis for the BOGUS 2017 ICA.

Brennan, obviously one of the 'Secret Society' members within Obama's Cabinet / Administration trying to take Trump down, handpicked his team...of conspirators and Trump-haters (like Mueller did when he formed his Counsel):

"Bennan hand-selected the authors of the assessment including anti-Trump partisan Peter Strzok."

Since we now know that the ICA was co-authored by Trump-Hating Traitor Strzok and based on the de-bunked Dossier obtained from foreign agents and Russians, it is no surprise that the ICA pushed the Secret Society's narrative:

"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

Peter Strzok was selected by John Brennan to help author the ICA, based partly on the Steele dossier

Your secret decoder ring.
So many "smoking guns", yet nobody is pursuing these claims, aside from armchair internet investigators.
For a fired Trump-Hating Mueller Team Member and disgraced FBI agent, Strzok really got all of the Obama agencies engaged in the effort to take Trump down and in protecting Hillary Clinton.

Evidence shows:
- Strzok altered the FBI's final report on the Hillary investigation, removing exact wording ('Criminal Negligence') that would have ensured Hillary's indictment for her crimes.

Idiot, public statements have NO BEARING on the investigation.

Public statement flawed from FBI's decision on the case, not the other way around.
Hillary purchases a de-bunked Dossier from a foreign spy who obtained much of the information in the report from 2nd-hand accounts / propaganda from Russians. She gives the FBI a copy and illegally uses the report in a US election (Election Law Violation).

-- A Hillary donor wrote a 2nd 'Dossier' and gave it to the same foreign spy who sold the 1st report. The foreign spy gave the 2nd report to the FBI, but the 2nd report was so unbelievable (and was not substantiated with any supporting documents) that the FBI refused to use the report.

The FBI did, however, used the 1st debunked document, according to the Inspector General, to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election (Watergate on steroids).

Obama US AG Lynch, according to former FBI Director Comey, DIRECTED him to treat the Hillary Server investigation like a 'matter'. This is an admission that US AG Lynch Obstructed justice by ORDERING Director Comey to treat the proven criminal scandal as a 'matter' and not an actual crime / criminal investigation.

-- Comey and Lynch also collaborated in authoring Hillary's 'exoneration' letter well before the actual investigation was over. This is also evidence of a Conspiracy and Obstruction.

Trump-Hating FBI Agent Strzok altered the FBI's final report on their investigation of Hillary's server scandal. He reportedly removed the words 'Criminal Negligent / Negligence' - words coming directly out of the very legal definition of the crimes she committed - from the report which would have guaranteed her being Indicted.

-- Strzok was not only responsible for protecting Hillary from being Indicted and going to jail, he also protected both Hillary Aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills from proven charges of Lying to the FBI.

-- Strzok would later be responsible for charging Trump team member Flynn with Lying to the FBI, despite the reported fact that Director Comey stated his FBI agents did NOT believe Flynn lied to them when being questioned, after being hired as part of Mueller's Trump-Hating A-Team Counsel.

-- Strzok was also hand-picked by Perjurous CIA Director Brennan to co-author the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) that was, despite Brennan's lie to the contrary, based on the debunked Dossier provided to the FBI by DNC candidate Hillary Clinton, who, again, purchased the report from foreign agents and Russians. The ICA, therefore - being based on a propaganda-filled report, was a LIE as well, pushing the Conspiratorial Secret Society narrative that the Russians favored Trump over Hillary and that the 2 illegally colluded to help Trump defeat Hillary...despite there being ZERO evidence to support the narrative / accusation.

-- FBI Agent Strzok's correspondence with a fellow FBI agent, with whom he was having an affair, revealed the open opposition within Obama administration Cabinet positions / Members, agencies, etc... to the idea of Donald Trump winning the Presidency, the existence of a plan / 'Insurance policy' to ensure he did not win or to remove him from the White House if he should win, and the existence of a 'Secret Society' within the Obama administration that actually met to discuss all of this.

FBI Director Comey illegally leaked classified information, committed perjury, Obstructed Justice in the conspiratorial collaboration with US AG Lynch to write an 'exoneration'...both Comey and Deputy Director McCabe were caught committing perjury.

The evidence that continues to come out continues to expose the Cabinet Members, the agencies, and their leaders who were involved, if not directly considered members of the 'Secret Society' determined to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President or taking him down should he win.

Based on evidence already out the Inspector General reported that FBI leadership and agents acted illegally in all of this, refusing to follow procedures and processes, illegally obtaining FISA warrants and spying on the GOP candidate and his team members, committed Obstruction, etc... The IG recommended the former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, be Indicted on criminal charges

The connections across numerous Obama Cabinet positions / agencies, involving two US AGs, the Director of the FBI, the Deputy Director of the FBI, FBI Agents, the Director of the CIA ,the Director of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA - Clapper), truly AMAZING...when you realize the size and scope of the sedition and treason that went on that is being uncovered and slowly reported...

Peter Strzok was selected by John Brennan to help author the ICA, based partly on the Steele dossier
So many "smoking guns", yet nobody is pursuing these claims, aside from armchair internet investigators.
Not smoking guns, they are smoke and mirrors... which is why only partisan hacks are taking them seriously. I actually don’t even think they are taking them seriously I bet they are just using them to rile up their low IQ base... then they go home and laugh about it.

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