Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wells Fargo CEO Stumpf: 'Gutless leadership'

After the GOP and the Bankers brought down the economy, the FBI sealed all the records. The current Republican head of the FBI said they don't need to be made public if there is no public interest.

So Warren wrote him a letter saying that after they couldn't prosecute Democrat Hillary Clinton why was all of her emails and notes and the FBI notes and memos released to the public? That the public was even more interested in what bankers did to cost millions of Americans their homes and pensions and cost the country 14 trillion in wealth than Hillary's emails. So far, the Republican head of the FBI refused to answer her. Hmmm.

Elizabeth Warren Asks Newly Chatty FBI Director to Explain Why DOJ Didn’t Prosecute Banksters

Republicans live by the Double Standard. Like Trump, they lie, they are dishonest and of course, they divide America between the haves and everyone else. And their base is just too ignorant to know it. They actually think Scam Artist and crook Donald J. Trump is honest.
Claiming this wasn't part of the culture or that management knew nothing about it is utterly ridiculous.

Someone should go to jail for this, but nobody will. We've seen it repeatedly with financial scandals.

meltdown of '08- nobody jailed

Forex Scandal- JP Morgan, Barclays, HSBC, Citigroup and others colluded for at least a decade to rig the currency markets of the entire planet- One guy arrested in England, Zero in the US or anywhere else.

HSBC was setting up bank accounts for drug lords, enabled clients to avoid U.S. sanctions that prohibit dealings with countries such as Iran, Libya, Sudan, Myanmar and Cuba- They said 'we're sorry' - nobody charged.

these guys are criminals and need to end up in jail. but they won't. None of them. They shovel too much money to our politicians to be held accountable.

5300 employees got fired when Wells Fargo figured out what was going on via an internal audit. The issue is what crime was actually committed? It's fraud, but its multiple individuals doing small frauds over long periods. You would have to find someone actually running the thing as a whole to get a conspiracy case going.

If you can't, then the people doing it are guilty of petty fraud. That's pretty much it.

I recognize the problems with prosecuting this. I also recognize that when something is this widespread that management not knowing and at the very least turning a blind eye is pretty difficult to believe.

Proving it is another matter, of course. On that I agree with you.
Claiming this wasn't part of the culture or that management knew nothing about it is utterly ridiculous.

Someone should go to jail for this, but nobody will. We've seen it repeatedly with financial scandals.

meltdown of '08- nobody jailed

Forex Scandal- JP Morgan, Barclays, HSBC, Citigroup and others colluded for at least a decade to rig the currency markets of the entire planet- One guy arrested in England, Zero in the US or anywhere else.

HSBC was setting up bank accounts for drug lords, enabled clients to avoid U.S. sanctions that prohibit dealings with countries such as Iran, Libya, Sudan, Myanmar and Cuba- They said 'we're sorry' - nobody charged.

these guys are criminals and need to end up in jail. but they won't. None of them. They shovel too much money to our politicians to be held accountable.

5300 employees got fired when Wells Fargo figured out what was going on via an internal audit. The issue is what crime was actually committed? It's fraud, but its multiple individuals doing small frauds over long periods. You would have to find someone actually running the thing as a whole to get a conspiracy case going.

If you can't, then the people doing it are guilty of petty fraud. That's pretty much it.

I recognize the problems with prosecuting this. I also recognize that when something is this widespread that management not knowing and at the very least turning a blind eye is pretty difficult to believe.

Proving it is another matter, of course. On that I agree with you.

This is the kind of systemic issue I'm talking about.

Wells Fargo workers: I called the ethics line and was fired

"Now CNNMoney is hearing from former Wells Fargo (WFC) workers around the country who tried to put a stop to these illegal tactics. Almost half a dozen workers who spoke with us say they paid dearly for trying to do the right thing: they were fired."

"One such former employee was fired after flagging issues directly to Stumpf, according to Senator Bob Menendez.

At the Senate hearing, Menendez read the New Jersey woman's 2011 email to Stumpf, where she described improper sales tactics she felt were "wrong."

"Did you read that email?" Menendez asked Stumpf.

"I don't remember that one," Stumpf replied.

"Okay, well she was fired. ... So much for the safe haven," Menendez said."
Claiming this wasn't part of the culture or that management knew nothing about it is utterly ridiculous.

Someone should go to jail for this, but nobody will. We've seen it repeatedly with financial scandals.

meltdown of '08- nobody jailed

Forex Scandal- JP Morgan, Barclays, HSBC, Citigroup and others colluded for at least a decade to rig the currency markets of the entire planet- One guy arrested in England, Zero in the US or anywhere else.

HSBC was setting up bank accounts for drug lords, enabled clients to avoid U.S. sanctions that prohibit dealings with countries such as Iran, Libya, Sudan, Myanmar and Cuba- They said 'we're sorry' - nobody charged.

these guys are criminals and need to end up in jail. but they won't. None of them. They shovel too much money to our politicians to be held accountable.

5300 employees got fired when Wells Fargo figured out what was going on via an internal audit. The issue is what crime was actually committed? It's fraud, but its multiple individuals doing small frauds over long periods. You would have to find someone actually running the thing as a whole to get a conspiracy case going.

If you can't, then the people doing it are guilty of petty fraud. That's pretty much it.

I recognize the problems with prosecuting this. I also recognize that when something is this widespread that management not knowing and at the very least turning a blind eye is pretty difficult to believe.

Proving it is another matter, of course. On that I agree with you.

This is the kind of systemic issue I'm talking about.

Wells Fargo workers: I called the ethics line and was fired

"Now CNNMoney is hearing from former Wells Fargo (WFC) workers around the country who tried to put a stop to these illegal tactics. Almost half a dozen workers who spoke with us say they paid dearly for trying to do the right thing: they were fired."

"One such former employee was fired after flagging issues directly to Stumpf, according to Senator Bob Menendez.

At the Senate hearing, Menendez read the New Jersey woman's 2011 email to Stumpf, where she described improper sales tactics she felt were "wrong."

"Did you read that email?" Menendez asked Stumpf.

"I don't remember that one," Stumpf replied.

"Okay, well she was fired. ... So much for the safe haven," Menendez said."

That's actually far easier to get someone in trouble for, due to whistleblower protections in place in current banking regulations.

As is sometimes the case, the cover up is easier to punish then the crime.
I hope she will actually stick with it and if not her others in congress. WF and Citbank are slimes along with many of the other big banks and loan sharks in the country. Making up paper to screw the taxpayer and the people that bank with them is their game and then they claim bogus losses and file 1099's so they don't have any tax burdens.

I agree with a lot of what she said, but in real life she's a 'team player' and this is just rhetoric for public consumption; she sucked up to the Clinton criminal organization and forever shot her credibility down to less than zero.
Claiming this wasn't part of the culture or that management knew nothing about it is utterly ridiculous.

Someone should go to jail for this, but nobody will. We've seen it repeatedly with financial scandals.

meltdown of '08- nobody jailed

Forex Scandal- JP Morgan, Barclays, HSBC, Citigroup and others colluded for at least a decade to rig the currency markets of the entire planet- One guy arrested in England, Zero in the US or anywhere else.

HSBC was setting up bank accounts for drug lords, enabled clients to avoid U.S. sanctions that prohibit dealings with countries such as Iran, Libya, Sudan, Myanmar and Cuba- They said 'we're sorry' - nobody charged.

these guys are criminals and need to end up in jail. but they won't. None of them. They shovel too much money to our politicians to be held accountable.

Yep. Won't find a single Democrat or Republican who will do a thing about it, either.

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