Sen. Grassley, please don't allow the double std viz Bill Clinton to exist

I am watching outnumbered! Someone said the Republicans should nominate a woman next! A woman who is much more conservative and pro life than Kavanaugh is! That would be interesting!
If Bill Clinton was a SCOTUS nominee every Dem in the senate would vote for the guy.
Exactly, watch what happens to Ellison.
Feinstein, other Dems largely silent on abuse claims against Keith Ellison

The GOP needs to say that what has been excused for Bill Clinton needs to be excused for GOP appointees as well. There needs to be an equivalent severity index, and Clinton's misconducts are way worse than Kavanaugh's. Who says that people need to be sinless in order to be confirmed for positions that they are qualified for? Re-Focus on qualifications, not high school or college escapades.
Exactly, watch what happens to Ellison.
Feinstein, other Dems largely silent on abuse claims against Keith Ellison

The GOP needs to say that what has been excused for Bill Clinton needs to be excused for GOP appointees as well. There needs to be an equivalent severity index, and Clinton's misconducts are way worse than Kavanaugh's. Who says that people need to be sinless in order to be confirmed for positions that they are qualified for? Re-Focus on qualifications, not high school or college escapades.
My God... you think conservatives should have the right to rape women? Fuck you, dude.
There was no Rape, except by Bill Clinton, which was excused. POST A LINK PROVING RAPE
Bill Clinton had several sexual misconducts and the Left excused them.
Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

Rape, groping, using a cigar on an intern, were non-events, therefore there are NO sexual misconducts for GOP appointees, PERIOD.
I don't know about the rest of them, but the intern wasn't exactly harassed. Nor was it the intern that blew the whistle. OTOH, Clinton didn't get away with his disgraceful peccadilloes either. He was pursued over decades because he is a Democrat, from Whitewater to Paula to Gennifer to Kathleen to Monica, and they got him for fudging to a judge, similar to Capone on tax evasion. I will never be convinced anybody, especially his Republican accusers, cared about his adulteries one bit. But he WAS investigated, incessantly. Why aren't you calling for an investigation now? To clear da judge?
Senator Graham explained that there is nothing against Kavanaugh, period. Why doesn't she file a complaint with the MD police now? She can't. Why can't the FBI investigate the sexual misconduct(s)? They don't investigate non-crimes by juveniles. Why didn't she file a charge when it happened 30-years ago? Because it didn't happen. The witnesses she claim all said it didn't happen.

I hope the Senate votes him in ASAP because he is qualified. The misconducts claimed are like the Duke Lacross team's false accusations.

p.s. The intern had a cigar shoved up her ass, that classifies as abuse.
Senator Graham explained that there is nothing against Kavanaugh, period. Why doesn't she file a complaint with the MD police now? She can't. Why can't the FBI investigate the sexual misconduct(s)? They don't investigate non-crimes by juveniles. Why didn't she file a charge when it happened 30-years ago? Because it didn't happen. The witnesses she claim all said it didn't happen.

I hope the Senate votes him in ASAP because he is qualified. The misconducts claimed are like the Duke Lacross team's false accusations.

p.s. The intern had a cigar shoved up her ass, that classifies as abuse.
The intern didn't file a complaint either. ps, I hate to be the first to tell you, but your ps lacks class. It belongs in an adolescent locker room.
Just calling them as reported. How else can you describe what Clinton did with that cigar to Ms. Lewinsky?
If the R's don't take hold of this carnival, I hope they get smashed in the midterms. This is beyond ludicrous.

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