Sen Intel Cmte: "Soviets" the source of 2016 fake news

The Clinton Foundation had a real charity

They did, unless you prefer one like Trumps. Granted due to they were well known and had political power, more people gave to their charity, but they put it to good.

Trump and his family will reap the same benefits and they will put it in their pockets. Trump has always lived on other people's money, and now we are buying his TP, we feed him, we protect his family, we fly him around for free, etc. Hillay and Bill Clinton have a long history of public service, not self service.
The UN for one.
How many nations lobby against Israel on a daily basis in that dump?
About 60.
Since I'm not a citizen of the UN, I'm not interested in UN "lobbying". Regardless, indignation at the UN doesn't give Israel the right to interfere in our politics. If you argue that it does, then you must accede to Russia's right to do the same. If not, then your loyalties are clearly with Israel, and not the United States.
Of course they had an impact , and a huge one.

Of course exposing the DNC's and Hillary's corruption had a huge impact.

She got my vote, I voted Democratic, I did not see her corruption. That is nonsense. You want nepotism and corruption, you have it now. The Clinton Foundation had a real charity.

She got my vote, I voted Democratic, I did not see her corruption.

Her pay-to-play schemes didn't bother you? Why not?

You want nepotism and corruption

No. That's why the Clintons had to be stopped.

I didn't believe them. I believe the same group has been after the Clintons for years, started with Bosie, Conway and her husband , Breibart, big mouth Laura Ingraham, and Drudge, then you have the same ole GOP wingbats, Rush, Hannity, Gingrich, Rudy, etc.

You didn't believe the emails?

Taken out of context you mean. No way could I vote GOP, and have everyone taken off insurance, and Trump was and is a Charlatan, as Maher said worst than a used car salesman, because with the salesman you at least get a car, not taken for a ride.
The Clinton Foundation had a real charity

They did, unless you prefer one like Trumps. Granted due to they were well known and had political power, more people gave to their charity, but they put it to good.

Trump and his family will reap the same benefits and they will put it in their pockets. Trump has always lived on other people's money, and now we are buying his TP, we feed him, we protect his family, we fly him around for free, etc. Hillay and Bill Clinton have a long history of public service, not self service.

Granted due to they were well known and had political power, more people gave to their charity, but they put it to good.

How are their donations going this year, compared to last?
Since I'm not a citizen of the UN, I'm not interested in UN "lobbying". Regardless, indignation at the UN doesn't give Israel the right to interfere in our politics. If you argue that it does, then you must accede to Russia's right to do the same. If not, then your loyalties are clearly with Israel, and not the United States.
Of course exposing the DNC's and Hillary's corruption had a huge impact.

She got my vote, I voted Democratic, I did not see her corruption. That is nonsense. You want nepotism and corruption, you have it now. The Clinton Foundation had a real charity.

She got my vote, I voted Democratic, I did not see her corruption.

Her pay-to-play schemes didn't bother you? Why not?

You want nepotism and corruption

No. That's why the Clintons had to be stopped.

I didn't believe them. I believe the same group has been after the Clintons for years, started with Bosie, Conway and her husband , Breibart, big mouth Laura Ingraham, and Drudge, then you have the same ole GOP wingbats, Rush, Hannity, Gingrich, Rudy, etc.

You didn't believe the emails?

Taken out of context you mean. No way could I vote GOP, and have everyone taken off insurance, and Trump was and is a Charlatan, as Maher said worst than a used car salesman, because with the salesman you at least get a car, not taken for a ride.

Taken out of context you mean.

Right. If only the pay-to-play emails were seen in context. LOL!
One of President Obamas former campaign aides worked for the opponent of Benjamin Netanyahu in their last election now I'm not saying Obama asked the guy to do this but given how the two men felt about each other that could be seen as trying to meddle in another countries election. Remember the Brexit vote and Obama telling England they would be at the back of the line in any trade deals with the U.S. If they voted to leave the EU? Now granted Brexit was not about electing a new leader but it was a major deal for England and that comment could have been seen as trying to interfere in another countries vote. This is not to minimize or dismiss Russia's actions during the 2016 election but to point out at various times we to have have tried to influence elections and votes in other countries.
The Clinton Foundation had a real charity

They did, unless you prefer one like Trumps. Granted due to they were well known and had political power, more people gave to their charity, but they put it to good.

Trump and his family will reap the same benefits and they will put it in their pockets. Trump has always lived on other people's money, and now we are buying his TP, we feed him, we protect his family, we fly him around for free, etc. Hillay and Bill Clinton have a long history of public service, not self service.

Granted due to they were well known and had political power, more people gave to their charity, but they put it to good.

How are their donations going this year, compared to last?

They have their private foundation yet, but closed the other. They gave money to charity, Trump never did even to St. Judes, he charged for the use of his gulf courses. She showed her tax returns, still waiting on his, and don not bring up the 05 that he probably leaked, the only year he probably paid taxes. I remember Trump from the mid 80's, was not happy with the 86 Tax Cuts, but I doubt he even was a content person.
She got my vote, I voted Democratic, I did not see her corruption. That is nonsense. You want nepotism and corruption, you have it now. The Clinton Foundation had a real charity.

She got my vote, I voted Democratic, I did not see her corruption.

Her pay-to-play schemes didn't bother you? Why not?

You want nepotism and corruption

No. That's why the Clintons had to be stopped.

I didn't believe them. I believe the same group has been after the Clintons for years, started with Bosie, Conway and her husband , Breibart, big mouth Laura Ingraham, and Drudge, then you have the same ole GOP wingbats, Rush, Hannity, Gingrich, Rudy, etc.

You didn't believe the emails?

Taken out of context you mean. No way could I vote GOP, and have everyone taken off insurance, and Trump was and is a Charlatan, as Maher said worst than a used car salesman, because with the salesman you at least get a car, not taken for a ride.

Taken out of context you mean.

Right. If only the pay-to-play emails were seen in context. LOL!

No they were, Clinton Cash was trash as well funded by Robert Mercer who owns Trump. I didn't bother much with Wiki leaks he ought to be in prison without a computer. I can only imagine what he would have on Trump.
The Clinton Foundation had a real charity

They did, unless you prefer one like Trumps. Granted due to they were well known and had political power, more people gave to their charity, but they put it to good.

Trump and his family will reap the same benefits and they will put it in their pockets. Trump has always lived on other people's money, and now we are buying his TP, we feed him, we protect his family, we fly him around for free, etc. Hillay and Bill Clinton have a long history of public service, not self service.

Granted due to they were well known and had political power, more people gave to their charity, but they put it to good.

How are their donations going this year, compared to last?

They have their private foundation yet, but closed the other. They gave money to charity, Trump never did even to St. Judes, he charged for the use of his gulf courses. She showed her tax returns, still waiting on his, and don not bring up the 05 that he probably leaked, the only year he probably paid taxes. I remember Trump from the mid 80's, was not happy with the 86 Tax Cuts, but I doubt he even was a content person.

They have their private foundation yet, but closed the other.

Why would they close it? Donations dry up?

They gave money to charity,

You bet. Paying all their cronies is expensive.
She got my vote, I voted Democratic, I did not see her corruption.

Her pay-to-play schemes didn't bother you? Why not?

You want nepotism and corruption

No. That's why the Clintons had to be stopped.

I didn't believe them. I believe the same group has been after the Clintons for years, started with Bosie, Conway and her husband , Breibart, big mouth Laura Ingraham, and Drudge, then you have the same ole GOP wingbats, Rush, Hannity, Gingrich, Rudy, etc.

You didn't believe the emails?

Taken out of context you mean. No way could I vote GOP, and have everyone taken off insurance, and Trump was and is a Charlatan, as Maher said worst than a used car salesman, because with the salesman you at least get a car, not taken for a ride.

Taken out of context you mean.

Right. If only the pay-to-play emails were seen in context. LOL!

No they were, Clinton Cash was trash as well funded by Robert Mercer who owns Trump. I didn't bother much with Wiki leaks he ought to be in prison without a computer. I can only imagine what he would have on Trump.

No they were,

In context?

Clinton Cash was trash

Truth trashed Clinton.
Of course they had an impact , and a huge one.
We're whining about that when we didn't even wait for an election to interfere with Libya's leadership?

I really don't think we have a lot to complain about when we just kill leaders we don't like.
I watched a few minutes of the Senate Intelligence Committee's hearing on Russian interference in the US election just passed. I'm not sure whether, with age, I am more sensitive to political farce or our political class is becoming more embarrassing, but this shit takes the cake in terms of national humiliation.

Sen Warner's opening statement was a rhetorically inflammatory bucket of cynicism and hypocrisy. He alluded darkly to the vast network of Russian secret, almost supernaturally sophisticated, operatives, mysterious powers of coordination, and a nefarious "fake news" operation churning out a "deluge" of misleading disinformation and feeding it to our well-meaning, but naive, media who were duped by the sinister Russkies into passing along the lies.

The Virginia Democrat waxed downright warlike with a patriotic denunciation of any defilement of the sanctity of the American electoral process. Sitting behind him were a row of rabbis down in DC for the AIPAC convention just wrapped up. It was hard to ignore their collective sniggering at the towering hypocrisy of Warner's phony outrage. AIPAC, you'll recall, is the official arm of Israeli interference in, not only US elections, but the whole of US politics. Warner seemed unaware of how sickeningly pharisaical it is for a member of the body that voted 77 - 23 to invade Iraq based on phony intel provided by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, to be dishing indignation at Russia's "foreign meddling".

In his opening statement, the first witness, a professor at Georgetown, said:

"Little evidence has come to the fore of Soviet direct meddling in the actual mechanical election processes of major countries; but they did try to influence the outcomes of the elections and the behavior of foreign leaders in parties, trade unions, the media, and culture."

But then went on to note we do the same thing:

"Yes, from the late 1940s forward the U.S. and other liberal democracies did use overt and covert measures to defend and assist democratic elements abroad—labor, media, intellectuals, and parties—that were under direct attack abroad by well-trained and financed political forces from the Soviet Bloc"

And, in fact, we require foreign actors to meddle in our politics:

"The U.S. National Counterintelligence Strategy of 2016 does call for the collection and analysis of the threats from foreign intelligence"

The professor finished by recommending we counter Russian fake news with fake news of our own:

"Another is to disseminate a positive narrative to refute specific Russian attempts to undermine the democratic narrative."
The swamp gas is already malodorous in this hearing room, but Sen Schumer is on the committee and so look for the atmosphere to turn downright noxious when it's his turn on camera. As for Actual Evidence of the impact of Russia on this election: zero.
So the Russians are controlling MSNBC,CNN,ABC,NBC,CBS? Damnnnnnn! I knew it!
I'm not saying the Chamber is a villain. I just rhetorically set up my metaphor that way.
AIPAC is feared for the uncivilized and subversive way in which they engage in American politics in the interest of a foreign nation. You saw what happened to Chuck Hagel for once, at the beginning of his time in the Senate, saying that people in Washington fear the Israeli lobby. It is a simple truth, as the Israeli lobby itself demonstrated, when, years later, they mounted a scorched earth campaign to scuttle his nomination as Obama's Sec of Defense as punishment for daring to say that truth about Israel.

They actually didn't care whether Hagel was confirmed or not; he'd always been a pretty good little soldier. What they did there was for disciplinary purposes and meant for the Washington establishment. It is an effective method of wielding power. Ultimately, of course, it is fatal to the democracy--a matter of little concern to AIPAC.
Of course they had an impact , and a huge one.

Other than melting a bunch of snowflakes, they h ave had ZERO electoral impact.

NOT ONE VOTE was ever proven to be changed by Russian efforts, Chicken Little.
I watched a few minutes of the Senate Intelligence Committee's hearing on Russian interference in the US election just passed. I'm not sure whether, with age, I am more sensitive to political farce or our political class is becoming more embarrassing, but this shit takes the cake in terms of national humiliation.

Sen Warner's opening statement was a rhetorically inflammatory bucket of cynicism and hypocrisy. He alluded darkly to the vast network of Russian secret, almost supernaturally sophisticated, operatives, mysterious powers of coordination, and a nefarious "fake news" operation churning out a "deluge" of misleading disinformation and feeding it to our well-meaning, but naive, media who were duped by the sinister Russkies into passing along the lies.

The Virginia Democrat waxed downright warlike with a patriotic denunciation of any defilement of the sanctity of the American electoral process. Sitting behind him were a row of rabbis down in DC for the AIPAC convention just wrapped up. It was hard to ignore their collective sniggering at the towering hypocrisy of Warner's phony outrage. AIPAC, you'll recall, is the official arm of Israeli interference in, not only US elections, but the whole of US politics. Warner seemed unaware of how sickeningly pharisaical it is for a member of the body that voted 77 - 23 to invade Iraq based on phony intel provided by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, to be dishing indignation at Russia's "foreign meddling".

In his opening statement, the first witness, a professor at Georgetown, said:

"Little evidence has come to the fore of Soviet direct meddling in the actual mechanical election processes of major countries; but they did try to influence the outcomes of the elections and the behavior of foreign leaders in parties, trade unions, the media, and culture."

But then went on to note we do the same thing:

"Yes, from the late 1940s forward the U.S. and other liberal democracies did use overt and covert measures to defend and assist democratic elements abroad—labor, media, intellectuals, and parties—that were under direct attack abroad by well-trained and financed political forces from the Soviet Bloc"

And, in fact, we require foreign actors to meddle in our politics:

"The U.S. National Counterintelligence Strategy of 2016 does call for the collection and analysis of the threats from foreign intelligence"

The professor finished by recommending we counter Russian fake news with fake news of our own:

"Another is to disseminate a positive narrative to refute specific Russian attempts to undermine the democratic narrative."
The swamp gas is already malodorous in this hearing room, but Sen Schumer is on the committee and so look for the atmosphere to turn downright noxious when it's his turn on camera. As for Actual Evidence of the impact of Russia on this election: zero.
So the Russians are controlling MSNBC,CNN,ABC,NBC,CBS? Damnnnnnn! I knew it!
Yep, apparently, the little lambs who run our media are no match for the sinister Russians. They also, apparently, control the check out at our grocery stores, which is why the line you choose always moves slowest.
Sen Warner's opening statement was a rhetorically inflammatory bucket of cynicism and hypocrisy. He alluded darkly to the vast network of Russian secret, almost supernaturally sophisticated, operatives, mysterious powers of coordination, and a nefarious "fake news" operation churning out a "deluge" of misleading disinformation and feeding it to our well-meaning, but naive, media who were duped by the sinister Russkies into passing along the lies.

Of course, how else do you speak about foreign espionage and election tampering? Using positive adjectives and a sun will come out tomorrow attitude?

This description is a predictable as saying a Disney movie was cute with a positive message.
I contemplated not using "alluded darkly" as too trite, but, then, the hearing itself, indeed, the whole "the Russians are coming" hysteria, is an exercise in trite, so I deemed it appropriate.

Yeah but so far the only issue you seem to have is the way someone is giving you the information instead of the information.

It's easy to label responses instead of the information. And the fact is that there is no way to glowing speak about foreign espionage.
Yep, apparently, the little lambs who run our media are no match for the sinister Russians. They also, apparently, control the check out at our grocery stores, which is why the line you choose always moves slowest.
Of course they had an impact , and a huge one.
Not really. Russia's favored candidate socialist Bernie Sanders lost. Sanders' regular appearances on the Russian government's propaganda channel (RT) didn't help because the DNC already had the nomination fixed for Clinton.

I believe he favored Trump but may of been fine with Sanders, he dumped on Hillary is what I really know, and Trump has a lot of ties to the Russian elites. I agree, Hillary was the favorite, but who was the favorite of the RNC, certainty not Trump.
Can you explain why Putin would want the candidate that made rebuilding the military a main theme of his platform?
I'm not saying the Chamber is a villain. I just rhetorically set up my metaphor that way.
AIPAC is feared for the uncivilized and subversive way in which they engage in American politics in the interest of a foreign nation. You saw what happened to Chuck Hagel for once, at the beginning of his time in the Senate, saying that people in Washington fear the Israeli lobby. It is a simple truth, as the Israeli lobby itself demonstrated, when, years later, they mounted a scorched earth campaign to scuttle his nomination as Obama's Sec of Defense as punishment for daring to say that truth about Israel.

They actually didn't care whether Hagel was confirmed or not; he'd always been a pretty good little soldier. What they did there was for disciplinary purposes and meant for the Washington establishment. It is an effective method of wielding power. Ultimately, of course, it is fatal to the democracy--a matter of little concern to AIPAC.
TY for the clarification. I understand what you mean.

That's not to say I agree or don't, only that I now understand you.
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