Sen. Jeff Sessions: ethical dwarf, bigot, moron.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
► Sen. Jeff Sessions: ethical dwarf, bigot and moron

Thanks to the walking obscenity known as POTUS TRUMP, we get 4 years of these people--abominations all.

After spending several unproductive and financially unrewarding years as a private lawyer, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions attempted to secure an appointment as a US Federal District Judge. However, when the Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed his credentials, they told Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions to take a hike. Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is one of only a handful of nominees for a Federal District Court judgeship that was found to be unfit. How about a moment of silence in respect of Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions ability to be rejected as unfit to sit on the federal bench. Lord have Mercy, is that like cool or what?

Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions recognizing that it was much easier to snooker the voters in Alabama decided to run for the U.S. Senate in 1996. Unfortunately, he succeeded in being elected and then re-elected twice.
Unbelievably, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions was appointed by his fellow-Republicans to serve as the ranking (I guess rank is an appropriate term) member on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Who in their right mind would vote to appoint this ethical and intellectual flyweight to such an exalted position? Apparently, the Republican side of the aisle in the U.S. Senate is comprised of a bunch of certifiable nutcases. Agreeing to appont Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions as chief arbitrator to determine the qualifications of canidates for the federal bench is akiin to finding it acceptable to appoint Jeffrey Dahmer as the official caterer for the White House. Hear tell that Jeff's rump roast recipe was out of this world!

Now, ol’ Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions has vigorously denied charges that he is a die-in-the-wool bigot and racist. This denial despite his well-documented conduct in calling an African-American “boy,” and stating that the NAACP was an “un-American” and “Communist-inspired” organization because they “forced civil rights down the throats of people.” Is this guy a certified asshole and Dumbass or what? To be fair to Beauregard, this was after all Alabama in the 1960s, which makes his conduct acceptable, right?

Hopefully all of this is brought up and on the record, so future generations can look back in shame.
Very hateful irrational OP. But I bet he or she truly believes they're morally superior to Sessions. Probably time for the OP to hop off their high horse.

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