Senate dodges Rand Paul's fillibuster, uses procedural trick to bypass Patriot Act...


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
Shit like this should be considered treason IMO...

Snippets from article below, read the full article at the link.

Senate Avoids Debate, Moves Patriot Act Into ‘Small Business Bill’

"Senator Rand Paul (R- KY) stunned everyone yesterday when he announced that he intended to filibuster the planned four year extension of the Patriot Act if the Congress did not agree to debate possible amendments."

"Fortunately for Sen. Feinstein, the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D – NV) sprang into action, and found a way to prevent any such debate from taking place.

Instead of passing the Patriot Act the Senate has now slipped the entire extension into a “small business bill” which cannot be filibustered."
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[ame=]YouTube - ‪Sen. Rand Paul on Freedom Watch - 05/25/11‬‏[/ame]
Granny says, "Dat's right - Obama gonna catch `em and dump some more of dem terrorists inna ocean...
US Congress Extends Patriot Act Surveillance Provisions
Friday, May 27th, 2011 : U.S. lawmakers raced to pass a four-year extension of several provisions of the controversial domestic surveillance law known as the USA Patriot Act just hours before the terrorism-fighting powers were set to expire at midnight.
Both the Senate and House of Representatives approved the measures by a wide margin Thursday evening. The bill must now be signed by President Barack Obama, a matter complicated by the fact the president is in Europe for a G8 summit. The White House says the president has authorized the bill's signing by use of a machine that holds a pen and signs his actual signature.

The three provisions allow authorities to use roving wiretaps , to conduct court-ordered searches of business records, and to conduct surveillance of foreign nationals who may be acting alone in plotting attacks. The Obama administration had urged lawmakers to extend the provisions, saying without them, the U.S. is handicapped in its ability to fight terrorist attacks.

The bill's passage by the Senate was delayed in large part because of the objections of a single senator, Kentucky Republican Rand Paul. He argued the surveillance measures go too far in violating privacy rights. The Patriot Act became law soon after the September 11, 2001 al-Qaida attacks against the United States to enhance the powers of law enforcement agencies to track terrorism suspects.[/url[/url
The procedural issue had to do with timing. There were more than enough votes to overcome the Paul filibuster.
I've been furious with NPR's predictable black-out on this story all week. But this afternoon, they finally acknowledged it with a five-minute puff piece on the novel "Autopen" technology that allowed Obama to sigh the bill while overseas. Not the slightest comment about the hypocrisy of it all. NPR is better news than most, but it's no less biased than Fox.
And I doubt a single fringe progressive liberal on these boards (Rtard/Shaman/TM/RW/Zona) would even blink when voting for Bush, I mean Obama again in 2012.

Obama, he's like every Bush policy only expanded! Obama for 2012!

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