Senate Foreign Relations Committee Holds Hearing On US-India Relations...Dem Sen Chris Murphy: our relationship with India has never been stronger


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
India has made a significant pledge of cutting carbon emissions to net zero by 2060. for some reason, though, India has decided to be neutral in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, something Murphy points out at the start of the hearing

Only 4 countries — Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria — joined Russia today in voting against a non-binding UN resolution that condemned its invasion of Ukraine.
Another 35 abstained, including India and China. 141 countries voted yes

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"3 decades ago, we could not have imagined selling anything to India on the defense side, that amount and the sophistication of what today we are transferring to India is staggering" - Asst State Secy Donald Lu
Sen. Ted Cruz: Under Biden administration, relations with India have worsened significantly, as was manifested by India's abstentions at the UN. India's critical for countering China. Efforts institutionalized through Quad. But focus shifted to climate change and other issues away from China. Why did Biden shift focus of Quad from countering communist China to things like climate change?

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