Senate Republicans paid for Mississippi attack ads painting tea partyers as racist


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Mississippi attack ads that painted conservative Republicans and tea partyers as racists were funded by Senate Republicans, RedState Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson has confirmed.

Advertisements by All Citizens for Mississippi, which attacked state Sen. Chris McDaniel and painted conservatives as racists, were partly funded by Sens. Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Bob Corker and Roy Blunt, RedState senate-republican-leaders-paid-for-attacks-against-conservatives/” target=”_blank”>reported.

According to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission, All Citizens for Mississippi received funding from a Haley Barbour-backed group called Mississippi Conservatives.

“Mississippi Conservatives, in turn, was funded in part by Sally Bradshaw of the RNC’s Growth and Opportunity Project, former RNC Chairman and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the political action committees created for Senators Mitch McConnell ($50,000), John Cornyn ($50,000), Rob Portman ($25,000), Bob Corker ($25,000), and Roy Blunt ($5,000),” the report said.

Mr. McDaniel, who was narrowly defeated by Republican Sen. Thad Cochran after being forced into a runoff, has called on the Mississippi Supreme Court for an emergency order granting him access to original poll books.

Read more: Senate Republicans paid for Mississippi attack ads painting tea partyers as racist: report - Washington Times
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The establishment republicans using democrat tactics. Hey, it works doesn't it?

This country is ripe and ready for another revolution.
Tea party types are far too fearful, too self interested and have too much to lose to ever mount a revolution.
Mississippi attack ads that painted conservative Republicans and tea partyers as racists were funded by Senate Republicans, RedState Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson has confirmed.

Advertisements by All Citizens for Mississippi, which attacked state Sen. Chris McDaniel and painted conservatives as racists, were partly funded by Sens. Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Bob Corker and Roy Blunt, RedState senate-republican-leaders-paid-for-attacks-against-conservatives/” target=”_blank”>reported.

According to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission, All Citizens for Mississippi received funding from a Haley Barbour-backed group called Mississippi Conservatives.

“Mississippi Conservatives, in turn, was funded in part by Sally Bradshaw of the RNC’s Growth and Opportunity Project, former RNC Chairman and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the political action committees created for Senators Mitch McConnell ($50,000), John Cornyn ($50,000), Rob Portman ($25,000), Bob Corker ($25,000), and Roy Blunt ($5,000),” the report said.

Mr. McDaniel, who was narrowly defeated by Republican Sen. Thad Cochran after being forced into a runoff, has called on the Mississippi Supreme Court for an emergency order granting him access to original poll books.

Read more: Senate Republicans paid for Mississippi attack ads painting tea partyers as racist: report - Washington Times
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The establishment republicans using democrat tactics. Hey, it works doesn't it?

This country is ripe and ready for another revolution.

Advocarting armed insurrection is treason, the tactics are deplorable, yet I wonder why these exposes arrive after the election.
All in all the old inside the beltway RINO's have hit a new low this primary season. These old bastards refuse to give up their positions and pass the torch on to the younger generation.

Greedy power tripping ancients. Bi partisan rant. Look at Reid, Rangel, McConnell, Cochrane. Sheesh the list of relics is endless.

No wonder the country is FUBAR'D. People keep electing their great great grandparents who are so far removed from any sense of reality there is no way they should be in charge of a nation.

Well, you do get the government you asked for after all.
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All in all the old inside the beltway RINO's have hit a new low this primary season. These old bastards refuse to give up their positions and pass the torch on to the younger generation.

Greedy power tripping ancients. Bi partisan rant. Look at Reid, Rangel, McConnell, Cochrane. Sheesh the list of relics is endless.

No wonder the country is FUBAR'D. People keep electing their great great grandparents who are so far removed from any sense of reality there is no way they should be in charge of a nation.

Well, you do get the government you asked for after all.

There is nothing reality-based about the tea party and their primary candidates. Just a bunch of political opportunists playing to the fearful ignorant.
Tea party types are far too fearful, too self interested and have too much to lose to ever mount a revolution.
Revolutions are bloody and normally end up with Communistic/Totalitarian results.

What America needs is a Peaceful, Non-Violent Counter-Revolution at the Ballot Box. In number so large they can't be faked or stolen.

But maybe the country is already too far gone? Seems most people are only interested in Gossip and Sports.
All in all the old inside the beltway RINO's have hit a new low this primary season. These old bastards refuse to give up their positions and pass the torch on to the younger generation.

Greedy power tripping ancients. Bi partisan rant. Look at Reid, Rangel, McConnell, Cochrane. Sheesh the list of relics is endless.

No wonder the country is FUBAR'D. People keep electing their great great grandparents who are so far removed from any sense of reality there is no way they should be in charge of a nation.

Well, you do get the government you asked for after all.

There is nothing reality-based about the tea party and their primary candidates. Just a bunch of political opportunists playing to the fearful ignorant.

You have it ass backwards. It was Cochran and the RINO's that played to the fearful ignorant. That's what the OP is about.

True story.
Mississippi attack ads that painted conservative Republicans and tea partyers as racists were funded by Senate Republicans, RedState Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson has confirmed.

Advertisements by All Citizens for Mississippi, which attacked state Sen. Chris McDaniel and painted conservatives as racists, were partly funded by Sens. Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Bob Corker and Roy Blunt, RedState senate-republican-leaders-paid-for-attacks-against-conservatives/” target=”_blank”>reported.

According to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission, All Citizens for Mississippi received funding from a Haley Barbour-backed group called Mississippi Conservatives.

“Mississippi Conservatives, in turn, was funded in part by Sally Bradshaw of the RNC’s Growth and Opportunity Project, former RNC Chairman and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the political action committees created for Senators Mitch McConnell ($50,000), John Cornyn ($50,000), Rob Portman ($25,000), Bob Corker ($25,000), and Roy Blunt ($5,000),” the report said.

Mr. McDaniel, who was narrowly defeated by Republican Sen. Thad Cochran after being forced into a runoff, has called on the Mississippi Supreme Court for an emergency order granting him access to original poll books.

Read more: Senate Republicans paid for Mississippi attack ads painting tea partyers as racist: report - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The establishment republicans using democrat tactics. Hey, it works doesn't it?

This country is ripe and ready for another revolution.

All the usual RINO Establishment suspects.

What a surprise.
Tea party types are far too fearful, too self interested and have too much to lose to ever mount a revolution.
Revolutions are bloody and normally end up with Communistic/Totalitarian results.

What America needs is a Peaceful, Non-Violent Counter-Revolution at the Ballot Box. In number so large they can't be faked or stolen.

But maybe the country is already too far gone? Seems most people are only interested in Gossip and Sports.

Yes, if you wish, vote them out. More Brats isn't a pleasant thought, though he seems to now be learning the ropes, thus more MODERATE.
ah yup....

I was only speculating and having fun on the thread about the IRS, and really upset Rabbi with my speculations that watch the IRS scandal turn out to be the republican establishment, RINOS, being behind the Tea Party Groups getting extra scrutiny at the IRS....It was Learner's Boss that was appointed by Bush, that got the first letter from Camp, Learner's husband is a Republican or Republican leaning, the IRS did not give extra scrutiny to the Republican establishment groups, nor the Democratic establishment groups, so to give cover....the Republican establishment on the committees have not given amnesty to Learner, because they don't want Learner to testify, because if she does, it'll end up pointing to the established Republicans in the congress and Senate that had her put pressure on these groups....? :D

Obama was not running against the Tea Party for President, he didn't have much to gain, but.....but the RHINO Republicans going against all of these Tea Party Conservative Republicans in their primaries DID HAVE SOMETHING TO GAIN by wiping out their competition early on.....

Hey! My theory is as good as any...and maybe I thought I was having some fun getting Rabbi all riled up with this lunacy that I posted, but now I am beginning to think that my feminine intuition must have been guiding me!:eek:

the Rinos here in Maine made the conservative republicans promise not to put up a tea party conservative candidate against the establishment, there was a huge uproar by the conservative republicans and 9 of them on the Maine RNC Commission QUIT.....this was last year going in to this election......

so I think this was what planted the "seed" in my mind about the GOP/RNC being the ones that are trying to wipe out their competition Tea Partiers, early on....
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Apparently the left is very happy with how the government is being run. When was the last time a left winger was even challenged in a primary. When, if ever, did the right wing cross over to help out a Washington insider as did the left? If nothing else at least the Tea Party challenges the status quo that apparently the left loves.
Playing to the fearful ignorant. Democrats excel at it. Cochran and the RINO's used their playbook.

'The worst race-baiting ads I've ever seen': Radio ads in Mississippi senate race accused tea party candidate of Ku Klux Klan links and drove black Democrats to vote against him in a REPUBLICAN primary

Radio ads exclusively obtained by MailOnline show how forces loyal to Sen. Thad Cochran used claims of racism to get black Democrats to cross over and cast primary run-off votes against a tea party Republican

Ads were paid for by a far-left former marketing executive, and sources say the funds were provided by a super PAC created by former Republican Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour

The middle-woman is a preacher and former adviser to Atlanta's mayor who was forced to resign her political post last year after she filed untruthful financial disclosures

The ads, heard for the first time here, claim that if Cochran's tea party challenger, Chris McDaniels, were to win the primary, poor black Mississippians would lose food stamps and other government benefits


Radio ads in Mississippi senate race accused tea party candidate of KKK links | Mail Online
Isn't this radio ad special? They even used a Dem operative. And left wing lunatic assholes are trying to tell us that it is conservatives who play to their fearful and ignorant base?


Kiss my ass.

'Vote against the tea party. Vote Thad Cochran,' one ad said. 'If the tea party, with their racist ideas, win, we will be sent back to the '50s and '60s.'

MailOnline has learned that 'Citizens for Progress' is tied to a longtime Democratic political operative who was paid $44,000 to run racially explosive 'robocalls' in the same race.

A political action committee founded by former Republican National Committee chair and former Republican Gov. Haley Barbour made those payments.

Radio ads in Mississippi senate race accused tea party candidate of KKK links | Mail Online
Well, it is what it is Freewill....we've got a conservative governor here in Maine and he's not liked by a slew of citizens, but in the election for governor, Cutter went in as an Independent, so the race is being cut 3 ways, 2 moderates running, and the the governor is going to win, with only a little more than 1/3 of the state supporting him....and that kind of sucks for us citizens that want him gone...but this is what happens when there are 3 parties seems like the true will of the majority loses whenever there is 3 candidates....and maybe this is how it should be, but I am not certain I like it that way...when the split helps out the competition.....but I bet ya, Tea Partiers all around are rejoicing that my tea party governor is going to win because the other 2 candidates are having to split the Moderate vote....
I think the TPers should teach those Establishment Repubs a lesson and either; 1) Stay home 2) Vote for the Dem


We did that up here and formed a third party. We nuked the Progressive Conservatives and became the Conservative Party of Canada and we now hold a majority.

It works.
ah yup....

I was only speculating and having fun on the thread about the IRS, and really upset Rabbi with my speculations that watch the IRS scandal turn out to be the republican establishment, RINOS, being behind the Tea Party Groups getting extra scrutiny at the IRS....It was Learner's Boss that was appointed by Bush, that got the first letter from Camp, Learner's husband is a Republican or Republican leaning, the IRS did not give extra scrutiny to the Republican establishment groups, nor the Democratic establishment groups, so to give cover....the Republican establishment on the committees have not given amnesty to Learner, because they don't want Learner to testify, because if she does, it'll end up pointing to the established Republicans in the congress and Senate that had her put pressure on these groups....? :D

Obama was not running against the Tea Party for President, he didn't have much to gain, but.....but the RHINO Republicans going against all of these Tea Party Conservative Republicans in their primaries DID HAVE SOMETHING TO GAIN by wiping out their competition early on.....

Hey! My theory is as good as any...and maybe I thought I was having some fun getting Rabbi all riled up with this lunacy that I posted, but now I am beginning to think that my feminine intuition must have been guiding me!:eek:

the Rinos here in Maine made the conservative republicans promise not to put up a tea party conservative candidate against the establishment, there was a huge uproar by the conservative republicans and 9 of them on the Maine RNC Commission QUIT.....this was last year going in to this election......

so I think this was what planted the "seed" in my mind about the GOP/RNC being the ones that are trying to wipe out their competition Tea Partiers, early on....

Oh I have no doubt that Rove et al are targeting the TP as much as liberals.

You have to remember that Schumer and Cummings both wanted the IRS to go after conservative groups.

He doubled down on urging the IRS to investigate the Tea Party, and claimed that he also wanted the IRS to scrutinize liberal groups. But in the wake of little-reported recent events, Schumer's claim about liberal groups does not ring true.

Schumer has been incredibly vocal in his distaste for the Tea Party and has come up with a "scheme" to "poison" the group by pitting the members against each other, as reported earlier this month at the Examiner.

Although the Tea Party will not buy into the class-war strategy, it is disheartening that Senator Schumer's obsession with destroying the conservative group trumps his desire to serve his constituents, who happen to include members of the Tea Party

Sen. Chuck Schumer: Tea party 'abuses' tax exempt status 'more than anyone else' - National Conservative |

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