Senator Cruz Takes Umbrage at Omar's Disparagement of Latino intelligence

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And he was without prejudice in saying so: Cruz Fires Back After Omar Suggests Latinos Would Struggle in ā€˜Merit-Basedā€™ Immigration System

"Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested on Tuesday that individuals from Latin America would not be competitive if the U.S. immigration system was based on merit.

ā€œA ā€˜merit basedā€™ immigration policy is fueled toward the Latinx community,ā€ Omar said in a now-deleted tweet. ā€œOur immigration policies shouldnā€™t be based on discrimination, fear, or bigotry.ā€

ā€œWe should welcome immigrants to our country and offer a simple pathway to citizenship,ā€ she added.

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz fired back at Omar for implying that people immigrating from Central and South America were not as smart or skilled as people immigrating from other countries.

Omarā€™s office did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundationā€™s request for comment in time for publication."​

She is right, and it shows how dumb cruz is.

Penelope sez: "She is right, and it shows how dumb cruz is."
Did anyone ever tell you that your tinfoil hat is on crooked and something bad has gotten itself into your head on account of it?

Omar sideswiped Latinos as being dumb, which they are not. In fact, as far back as history remembers, Latinos have distinguished themselves among some of the best thinkers, and furthermore, they were quite bilingual if not multilingual long before America woke up to teaching its children other languages as a requirement in high school education which needs to get serious about learning Spanish right alongside English if Democrats keep demands up for dual signs, dual instructions on lawn equipment, kitchen accessories, food, and sewing machines. Latinos used to encourage their children in America to go English language and fuggetaboutit Spanish. No more. We need to be less recalcitrant about understanding Spanish, because it's apparently here to stay unless Congress says otherwise. I don't see that happening.

Senator Cruz is for America. I'm proud he's one of my state's senators and one of America's truest upholders of the US Constitution.

Oh please they come here for work.
You can see the hatred Omar has for US in her smug, arrogant smile. She is committed to Fundamental Transformation of America.she is also corrupt. As the spouse of a Mexican woman and father of Latino sons, I find Omarā€™s statements on Latinos not being able to align with a Merit based system to be repugnant. What is more concerning is how the Left, who is supposed to be the ā€œhate speechā€ and ā€œracismā€ police, sits silent while this America-hating bitch spews her hatred continuously.
The Democrats have put something that could be worse than 9/11 at America's doorstep. They have arranged to place anti-Americans in high places, such as a Congressional chair where they will make a lot of noise to get Sharia Laws okayed in every state.

That is a grave mistake and will turn America into another Iraqi HATE THY NEIGHBOR NATION. It shouldn't have to take a bullwhip to notify the Democrat Party they're asking for a revolution they will not ever win.
And he was without prejudice in saying so: Cruz Fires Back After Omar Suggests Latinos Would Struggle in ā€˜Merit-Basedā€™ Immigration System

"Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested on Tuesday that individuals from Latin America would not be competitive if the U.S. immigration system was based on merit.

ā€œA ā€˜merit basedā€™ immigration policy is fueled toward the Latinx community,ā€ Omar said in a now-deleted tweet. ā€œOur immigration policies shouldnā€™t be based on discrimination, fear, or bigotry.ā€

ā€œWe should welcome immigrants to our country and offer a simple pathway to citizenship,ā€ she added.

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz fired back at Omar for implying that people immigrating from Central and South America were not as smart or skilled as people immigrating from other countries.

Omarā€™s office did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundationā€™s request for comment in time for publication."​

She is right, and it shows how dumb cruz is.

Penelope sez: "She is right, and it shows how dumb cruz is."
Did anyone ever tell you that your tinfoil hat is on crooked and something bad has gotten itself into your head on account of it?

Omar sideswiped Latinos as being dumb, which they are not. In fact, as far back as history remembers, Latinos have distinguished themselves among some of the best thinkers, and furthermore, they were quite bilingual if not multilingual long before America woke up to teaching its children other languages as a requirement in high school education which needs to get serious about learning Spanish right alongside English if Democrats keep demands up for dual signs, dual instructions on lawn equipment, kitchen accessories, food, and sewing machines. Latinos used to encourage their children in America to go English language and fuggetaboutit Spanish. No more. We need to be less recalcitrant about understanding Spanish, because it's apparently here to stay unless Congress says otherwise. I don't see that happening.

Senator Cruz is for America. I'm proud he's one of my state's senators and one of America's truest upholders of the US Constitution.

Oh please they come here for work.
LaRaza thinkers do not care for parity with non-Latin English speakers in America.

I perceive a shell game is being played on America. And it will not end well for anyone.

And that's what I think.
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Well I know one thing, the Chinese should not be coming here to go to college and we should quit all H1B visas, Indians coming here and taking stem jobs away from 50 year olds.

The only think worst than tramp is cruz and everyone who voted for tramp wanted cruz.
She should have never been appointed to the committee.
We need a congressperson who is more interested in protecting this nation than nations who want war with America. Instead, she takes their part, and no telling what she passes on to them about us. We con't feel safe with this kind of a person in Congress.

And we need to get the deep state out into the open, so their hatred of American cannot fester.

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